
My clothes are all tattered and torn

أمست ثيابي وكلها خرق

1. My clothes are all tattered and torn
Resembling a garden of varied hues

١. أَمسَت ثِيابي وَكُلُّها خِرَقُ
تُشبِهُ رَوضاً أَلوانُهُ فِرَقُ

2. With blue like the sky it's adorned
And red like the sunset's bright hues

٢. مِن أَزرَقٍ كَالسَماءِ اوَرَهُ
أَحمَرٌ قانٍ كَأَنَّهُ الشَفَقُ

3. With gleaming white and jet black
That's the dawn and that's dusk's darker hues

٣. وَأَبيَضٍ ناصِعٍ وَأَسوَدٍ فا
حِمٍ فَذاكَ الضُحى وَذا الغَسَقُ

4. Like a rainbow the clouds did drape
My body in a gown, I'm not the horizon's hues

٤. كَأَنَّ قَوسَ السَحابِ باتَ عَلى
جِسمي رِداءً وَما أَنا الأُفُقُ

5. A wondrous cold that elegance did sew
So it's no wonder it gained elegance too

٥. بَردٌ عَجيبٌ قَد خاطَهُ لَبِقٌ
فَلَيسَ بِدعاً إِن حازَهُ لَبِقُ

6. When I masked myself my friends no more
Could tell that I was their friend when they saw my hues

٦. لَمّا تَنَكَّرتُ لَم يَعُد صُحُبي
يَدرونَ أَنّي الصَديقُ إِن رَمَقوا

7. So they did not spare my body
From their shots had they known they'd have been gentle too

٧. لِذاكَ لَم يَشفَقوا عَلى جَسَدي
مِنَ الرمايا وَلَو دَرَوا شَفِقوا

8. I passed foes and they smiled
When they saw me though inside they were glum of hues

٨. مَرَرتُ بِالحانِقينَ فَاِبتَسَموا
لَمّا رَأَوني وَكُلُّهُم قَلِقُ

9. Had they known I was their foe
Soon between us would erupt a feud

٩. لَو عَلِموا أَنَّني عَدُوَّهُمُ
أَوشَكَ يَقضي عَلَيهُمُ الفَرَقُ

10. Night's veil it let down its trail and I started
To drag my tail in wonder, unlike other hues

١٠. أَرخى الدُجى ذَيلَهُ وَرُحتُ أَجُرُّ
الذَيلَ عُجباً وَغَيرِيَ النَزِقُ

11. And the crowd around me roared delighted
Like a flood when it starts to spew

١١. وَالجَمعُ حَولي يَضُجُّ مُبتَهِجاً
كَأَنَّهُ لسَيلُ حينَ يَندَفِقُ

12. They swarmed like clouds and huddled
Sticking to each other like a ring of hues

١٢. تَأَلَّبوا كَالغَمامِ وَاِتَّصَلوا
نَعضٌ بِبَعضٍ كَأَنَّهُم حَلَقُ

13. And they spread out while the paths were spacious
Like stars of flowers when they do spew

١٣. وَاِنتَشَروا وَالدُروبُ واسِعَةٌ
كَالأَنجُمِ الزُهرِ حينَ تَنبَثِقُ

14. I unleashed myself from restrictions
Until I was like an arrow set free from its bow's hues

١٤. أَطلَقتُ نَفسي مِنَ القُيودِ إِلى
أَن صُرتُ كَالسَهمِ حينَ يَنطَلِقُ

15. And I spend the night while the people whenever they gather
I pelt them with seeds and they scatter in hues

١٥. وَبِتُّ وَالقَومُ كُلَّما اِجتَمَعوا
رَمَيتُهُم بِالبُذورِ فَاِفتَرَقوا

16. I mock them because they had mocked
Me though we weren't different in hues

١٦. أَسخَرُ مِنهُم لِأَنَّهُم سَخِروا
مِنّي اِختَلَفنا وَنَحنُ نَتَّفِقُ

17. And war between them and I flared up
A war but its arrows were of paper's hues

١٧. وَالحَربُ بَيني وَبَينَهُم نَشَبَت
حَربٌ وَلَكِن سِهامَها الوَرَقُ

18. No spears were raised there nor swords brandished
Just papers strewn that they all did strew

١٨. فَلا رِماحٌ هُناكَ مُشرَعَةٌ
وَلا سُيوفٌ هُناكَ تُمتَشَقُ

19. I feared none but the gazes of maidens
More potent in action than a doe's gentle hues

١٩. لَم أَخشَ غَيرَ الحِسانِ ناظِرَةً
أَشَدُّ فِعلاً مِنَ الظُبى الحَدَقُ

20. This is carnival, so compete
To it, for it is joy we imbue

٢٠. هَذا هُوَ الكَرنَفالُ فَاِستَبِقوا
إِلَيهِ فَهوَ السُرورُ يُختَلَقُ