1. For so long, the young man took pride
In what his people glorified,
١. مَدى زَمَنٌ كانَ فيهِ الفَتى
يُباهي بِما قَومُهُ أَثَّلوا
2. Raising him in people's eyes,
While his worth, position would belittle and despise.
٢. وَيَرفَعُهُ في عُيونِ الأَنامِ
وَيَخفِضُ مِن قَدرِهِ المَنزِلُ
3. So do not stop seeking the heights,
Neglecting your country when you neglect yourself,
٣. فَلا تَقعُدَن عَن طِلابِ العُلى
وَتعذِل بِلادَكَ إِذ تَعذِلُ
4. For people, even your enemies,
When you surpass them, will cheer and applaud you.
٤. فَإِنَّ الخَلائِقَ حَتّى عِداكِ
مَتى ما سَبَقتُهُمُ هَلَّلوا
5. So persist with determination to attain it,
For those who work are not denied.
٥. فَزابِر بِجِدٍّ عَلى نَيلِها
فَلَيسَ يَخيبُ الَّذي يَعمَلُ
6. And be a rising man who belongs
To himself whenever asked.
٦. وَكُن رَجُلاً ناهِضاً يَنتَمي
إِلى نَفسِهِ عِندَما يُسأَلُ
7. For you are not the clothes you wear,
Nor the names you bear,
٧. فَلَستَ الثِيابَ الَّتي تَرتَدي
وَلَستَ الأَسامي الَّتي تَحمِلُ
8. Nor the lands where you were bred,
But what you do instead.
٨. وَلَستَ البِلادَ الَّتي أَنبَتَتكَ
وَلَكِنَّما أَنتَ ما تَفعَلُ
9. If from a dormant homeland you come,
And excel, you are the best of men.
٩. إِذا كُنتَ مِن وَطَنٍ خامِلٍ
وَفُزتَ فَأَنتَ الفَتى الأَفضَلُ