1. Forty, if only it could speak
It would tell us tales of your greatness
١. الأَربَعونَ لَوَ اِنَّها تَتَكَلَّمُ
لَرَوَت لَنا قِصَصَ العَظائِمِ عَنكُمُ
2. And tell how you took off from your nests
On the wings of desire when you left
٢. وَلَحَدَّثَتنا كَيفَ عَن أَعشاشِكُم
طِرتُمُ بِأَجنِحَةِ المُنى إِذ طُرتُمُ
3. On the day of parting you suppressed your pain
And hell's pain is lighter than parting's pain
٣. يَومُ الفِراقِ كَظَمتُمُ آلامُكُم
وَأَخَفُّ مِن أَلَمِ الفِراقِ جَهَنَّمُ
4. The loved ones cried around you while your eyelids
Disobeyed crying, the grief of giants made them silent
٤. وَبَكى الأَحِبَّةُ حَولَكُم وَجُفُنُكُم
تَعصي البُكا حُزنُ الجَبابِرِ أَبكَمُ
5. Hands bidding farewell to a homeland and clan
And ambitions beyond the seas they handed over
٥. أَيدٍ تُوَدِّعُ مَوطِناً وَعَشيرَةً
وَمَطامِحٌ خَلفَ البِحارِ تُسَلِّمُ
6. Those villages became too narrow for their dreams
So you chose the vast world to dream in
٦. ضاقَت عَلى أَحلامِهِم تِلكَ القُرى
فَاِختَرتُمُ الدُنيا الوِساعَ لِتَحلَموا
7. And you invaded horizons with no provision for you
Except determination that burns and leaps
٧. وَغَزَوتُمُ الآفاقَ لا زادَ لَكُم
إِلّا الصِبا المُتَوَثِّبُ المُتَضَرِّمُ
8. Like a lion that has no weapon in dens
Except its claws that do not break
٨. كَاللَيثِ لَيسَ لَهُ سِلاحٌ في السُرى
إِلّا مَخالِبُهُ الَّتي لا تُثلَمُ
9. You imagined the sea split for you to cross
And receded between the two coasts for you to arrive safely
٩. تَتَخَيَّلونَ البَحرَ شُقَّ لِتَعبُروا
وَاِنداحَ بَينَ الشاطِأَينِ لِتَسلَموا
10. And pearls lay hidden for you on its bed
So you could take them out and gain whatever you wished
١٠. وَالدُرُّ مَخبوءً لَكُم في قاعِهِ
كَي تُخرِجوهُ وَتَغنَموا ما شِئتُمُ
11. And when the waves rose high and roared around you
It sang to dispel your worries
١١. وَالمَوجُ إِذ يَطغى وَيَهدُرُ حَولَكُم
جَوقاً لِطَردِ هُمومِكُم يَتَرَنَّمُ
12. And when the stars shone in the darkness
The stars lit for you alone
١٢. وَإِذا النُجومُ تَأَلَّقَت تَحتَ الدُجى
خِلتُم لِأَجلِكُمُ تُضيءُ الأَنجُمُ
13. And you reckoned the mountains as ladders
Erected for you to climb up so you climbed
١٣. وَحَسِبتُمُ شُمَّ الجِبالِ سَلالِماً
نُصِبَت لَكُم كَي تَصعَدوا فَصَعِدتُمُ
14. And the sun is a bare celestial house
For the ambitious, and you, you, you are they
١٤. وَالشَمسُ مَنجَمُ عَسجَدٍ مُتَكَشِّفٍ
لِذَوي الطُموحِ وَأَنتُمُ أَنتُم أَنتُم هُمُ
15. And how realities were clad in opinions
Like the mirage covers the land and deceives
١٥. وَلَكَم تَلَثَّمَتِ الحَقائِقُ بِالرُأى
كَالأَرضِ يَغشاها السَرابُ الموهَمُ
16. So the longings in our souls could emerge
And we could wander around their homes and protect them
١٦. لِتَطِلَّ مِن أَرواحِنا أَشواقُها
فَنَطوفُ حَولَ خُدورِها وَنَحَوِّمُ
17. You did not settle like the inert whose
Life is but a drink and a meal
١٧. لَم تَقنَعوا كَالخامِلينَ بِأَنَّكُم
لَكُمُ شَرابٌ في الحَياةِ وَمَطعَمُ
18. If your life were like theirs
Dignity would die fruitlessly and be destroyed
١٨. لَو أَن تَكونَ حَياتُكُم كَحَياتِهِم
عَبَثاً يَموتُ بِهِ الوَقارُ وَيُعدَمُ
19. Yawning at night though lit up
Grumbling in the morning though smiling
١٩. وَتَأَفُّفاً في اللَيلِ وَهوَ مُنَوِّرٌ
وَتَبَرُّماً في الصُبحِ وَهوَ تَبَسُّمُ
20. If your heritage were like theirs
A neglected palace or crumbling temple
٢٠. لَو أَن يَكونَ تُراثُكُم كَتُراثِهِم
قَصرٌ عَفا أَو هَيكَلٌ مُتَرَدِّمُ
21. And talk of ancestors who are gone
So they equal in significance and their prestige
٢١. وَحَديثُ أَسلافٍ قَدِ اِلتَحَفوا الفَنا
فَهُمُ سَواءٌ في القِياسِ وَجُرهُمُ
22. Who draws near yesterday distances tomorrow
And lives with the dead and becomes one of them
٢٢. مَن يَقتَرِب مِن أَمسِ يَبعُد عَن غَدٍ
وَيَعِش مَعَ المَوتى وَيُصبِحُ مِنهُمُ
23. You disliked your days passing
As a lament of one who grieves and does not pity
٢٣. وَكَرِهتُمُ أَن تَنقَضي أَيّامُكُم
شَكوى لِمَن يَرثي وَمَن لا يَرحَمُ
24. Or your place lying on the ground
With insects creeping over it and spiders
٢٤. أَو أَن يَبيتَ عَلى الحَضيضِ مُقامُكُم
وَالدودُ يَزحَفُ فَوقَهُ وَالأَرقَمُ
25. So you sprang like bees, no flower
With nectar in it but has profit in it
٢٥. فَنَفَرتُمُ كَالنَحلِ ما مِن زَهرَةٍ
فيها جَنى إِلّا وَفيها مَغنَمُ
26. In every shore a crocodile, in every dune
A lion, in every valley a wolf
٢٦. في كُلِّ شَطٍّ مارِدٌ في كُلِّ طَودٍ
قَشعَمٌ في كُلِّ وادٍ ضَيغَمُ
27. Glory is your pursuit while you are yearning
And glory is your dream while you are sleeping
٢٧. المَجدُ مَطلَبُكُم وَأَنتُم سُهَّدٌ
وَالمَجدُ حِلمَكُمُ وَأَنتُم نُوَّمُ
28. Nothing is difficult for you, even demise
Difficult for your souls is to hesitate
٢٨. لا شَيءَ صَعبٌ عِندَكُم حَتّى الرَدى
الصَعبُ عِندَ نُفوسِكُم أَن تَحجِموا
29. Oh few from a nation, it is a nation
In itself with a known form
٢٩. يا بِضعَةً مِن أُمَّةٍ هِيَ أُمَّةٌ
في ذاتِها وَلَها طَرازٌ مُعلَمُ
30. In you are all its qualities and traits
As the garden contains fragrant, ripe fruits
٣٠. فيكُم جَميعُ صِفاتِها وَخِلالِها
وَالرَوضُ يَحويهِ عُطوراً قَمقَمُ
31. The misguided criticized jihad against you
Chewed their fingers and did not perceive
٣١. إِنَّ الأُلى عابوا الجِهادَ عَلَيكُمُ
عَلَكوا مَدارِكُهُم وَلَم يَستَطعِموا
32. Sought safety in sitting so it escaped them
The gain of wealth, yet even then they were not safe
٣٢. طَلَبوا السَلامَةَ في القُعودِ فَفاتَهُم
دَركُ الثَراءِ وَبَعدَ ذا لَم يَسلَموا
33. They are worms of rottenness, better than them
And higher in life's view and wiser
٣٣. هَأُلاءُ دودُ القَزِّ أَحسَنُ مِنهُمُ
وَأَجَلُّ في نَظَرِ الحَياةِ وَأَفهَمُ
34. They said they are elders whose time has aged
If only the youth learned from the elders
٣٤. قالوا كُهولٌ قَد تَصَرَّمَ عَصرُهُم
لَيتَ الشَبابَ مِنَ الكُهولِ تَعَلَّموا
35. If you do not build like the ancients, you destroy
Or Baalbek, for you have not demolished
٣٥. إِن لَم تَشيدوا كَالأَوائِلِ تَدمُراً
أَو بَعلَبَكَّ فَإِنَّكُم لَم تُهدَموا
36. And how much is the tomorrow with its beauty and brilliance
And how precious the recent glorious past
٣٦. وَلَكَم غَدٌ وَجَمالُهُ وَبَهائُهُ
وَلَكَم مِنَ الأَمسِ النَفيسِ القَيِّمُ
37. I talked to myself as the train sped taking me
Wheels cutting through darkness and speeding
٣٧. حَدَّثتُ نَفسي وَالقِطارُ يَخِبُّ بي
عَجلانَ يَختَرِقُ الدُجى وَيُدَمدِمُ
38. So I asked it wondering, and maybe
The knowledgeable asks what he knows
٣٨. فَسَأَلتُها مُستَفهِماً وَلَرُبَّما
سَأَلَ العَليمُ سِواهُ عَمّا يَعلَمُ
39. What is best of days, it said yours
And people, it paused and said you
٣٩. ما أَحسَنَ الأَيّامَ قالَت يَومُكُم
وَالناسَ فَاِبتَدَرَت وَقالَت أَنتُمُ
40. And homes, it said yours, and money
It said the best of it is what you spent
٤٠. وَالدورَ قالَت دورَكُم وَالمالَ
قالَت إِنَّ أَحسَنَهُ الَّذي أَنفَقتُمُ
41. And beauty, it said all you loved
And earth, it said wherever you settled
٤١. وَالحُسنَ قالَت كُلُّ ما أَحبَبتُمُ
وَالأَرضَ قالَت أَينَما اِستَوطَنتُمُ
42. It was not complete, your day, perfected
Unless there was mourning at Jesus' cradle
٤٢. ما كانَ أَكمَلَ يَومُكُم وَأَتَمَّهُ
لَو لَم يَكُن في مَهدِ عيسى مَأتَمُ
43. And so life, its past and its present
Memories we delight in and memories that pain
٤٣. وَكَذا الحَياةُ قَديمُها وَحَديثُها
ذِكرى نُسَرُّ بِها وَذِكرى تُؤلِمُ