1. I saw her as the sun rose at dawn
And I saw her immersed in fire
١. أَبصَرتُها وَالشَمسُ عِندَ شُروقِها
فَرَأَيتُها مَغمورَةً بِالنارِ
2. And I saw her at sunset drowning
In a sea of silk and blossoms
٢. وَرَأَيتُها عِندَ الغُروبِ غَريقَةً
في لُجَّةٍ مِن سُندُس وَنُضّارِ
3. And I saw her under the darkness so I saw her
In two robes, tranquility and dignity
٣. وَرَأَيتُها تَحتَ الدُجى فَرَأَيتُها
في بُردَتَينِ سَكينَة وَوَقارِ
4. So the dreams of the boy were awakened in myself
And I drowned in a sea of memories
٤. فَتَنَبَّهَت في النَفسِ أَحلامُ الصِبى
وَغَرِقتُ في بَحرٍ مِنَ التَذكارِ
5. My soul has for her from an enchanting paradise
Whose vines were woven by the hand of rain
٥. نَفسي لَها مِن جَنَّةٍ خَلّابَةٍ
نَسَجَت غَلائِلَها يَدُ الأَمطارِ
6. Wherever you walked, musk wafted
In her land you heard the sound of chatter
٦. أَنّى مَشَيتَ نَشَقتَ مِسكاً أَزفَراً
في أَرضِها وَسَمِعتَ صَوتَ هَزارِ
7. O mountain peaks reaching into the sky
I wish my home was at your highest peak
٧. ذاتَ الجِبالِ الشامِخاتِ إِلى العُلا
يا لَيتَ في أَعلى جِبالِكِ داري
8. To see the gazelle before the guards of the sanctuary
And embrace the breeze at dawn
٨. لِأَرى الغَزالَةَ قَبلَ سُكّانِ الحِمى
وَأُعانِقُ النَسَماتِ في الأَسحارِ
9. To see your shepherds in the meadows and on the hills
While winter wanders with the cows
٩. لِأَرى رُعاتَكِ في المُروج وَفي الرُبى
وَالشِتاءَ سارِحَةً مَعَ الأَبقارِ
10. To see the birds fallen on the ground
And the palms hovering over the flowers
١٠. لِأَرى الطُيورَ الواقِعاتِ عَلى الثَرى
وَالنَخلَ حائِمَةً عَلى الأَزهارِ
11. To compete with the swallows in their singing
And my soul stirs to the breath of the flute
١١. لِأُساجِلَ الوَرقاءَ في تَغريدِها
وَتَهُزُّ روحي نَفحَةُ المِزمارِ
12. To chat with the moons in their orbits
Under the darkness when my friend sleeps
١٢. لِأُسامِرَ الأَقمارَ في أَفلاكِها
تَحتَ الظَلامِ إِذا غَفا سُمّاري
13. To observe the water wheel in its flow
And see the image of the moon in the water wheel
١٣. لِأُراقِبَ الدَلوارَ في جَرَيانِهِ
وَأَرى خَيالَ البَدرِ في الالدَلوارِ
14. How wretched is the city, it is truly prison of prohibitions
And for those prohibited and hell for the free
١٤. بِئسَ المَدينَةُ إِنَّها سِجنُ النُهى
وَذَوي النُهى وَجَهَنَّمُ الأَحرارِ
15. One cannot own himself in it
Until the screeching of trains terrifies him
١٥. لا يَملُكُ الإِنسانَ فيها نَفسَهُ
حَتّى يُرَوِّعُهُ ضَجيجُ قِطارِ
16. My soul found in it corruption and harm
In every corner and every wall
١٦. وَجَدَت بِها نَفسي المَفاسِد وَالأَذى
في كُلِّ زاوِيَة وَكُلِّ جِدارِ
17. Its towers do not deceive the onlookers
Those towers are hiding places for shame
١٧. لا يَخدَعَنَّ الناظِرينَ بِروجُها
تِلكَ البُروجُ مَخابِئٌ لِلعارِ
18. If the envious of its people met those
I have met, he would envy only good news
١٨. لَو أَنَّ حاسِدَ أَهلِها لاقى الَّذي
لاقَيتُ لَم يَحسُد سِوى بَشّارِ
19. Forgive me God, I am no unbeliever
Why then do you torture my mind with fire?
١٩. غُفرانَكَ اللَهُمَّ ما أَنا كافِرٌ
فَلِمَ تُعَذِّبُ مُهجَتي بِالنارِ
20. By God, I do not desire cities or love them
For a young man far from thoughts
٢٠. لِلَّهِ ما أَشهى القُرى وَأَحَبَّها
لِفَتىً بَعيدِ مَطارِحِ الأَفكارِ
21. If you want to strip away all your shackles
Then look to the bare chest of the sky
٢١. إِن شِئتَ تَعرى مِن قُيودِكَ كُلَّها
فَاِنظُر إِلى صَدرِ السَماءِ العاري
22. And walk in the light of dawn, and if it wanes
Then walk in the light of the rising crescent
٢٢. وَاِمشِ عَلى ضَوءِ الصَباحِ فَإِن خَبا
فَاِمشِ عَلى ضَوءِ الهِلالِ الساري
23. Live in the wilderness and you will live happy
Like a free bird, like a flowing stream
٢٣. عِش في الخَلاءِ تَعِش خَلِيّاً هانِئً
كَاطَيرِ حُرّاً كَالغَديرِ الجاري
24. Live in the wilderness as its birds live
The free soul refuses to live behind a veil
٢٤. عِش في الخَلاءِ كَما تَعيشُ طُيورُهُ
الحُرُّ يَأبى العَيشَ تَحتَ سِتارِ
25. Like a waterfall whose sparkle is like
The polished sword, and it has the clamor of racing rocks
٢٥. شَلّالُ مِلفِرد لا يَقَرُّ قَرارَهُ
وَأَنا لِشَوقي لا يَقِرُّ قَراري
26. It eternally sprinkles its rocks with its tears
As if to wash them of sins
٢٦. فيهِ مِنَ السَيفِ الصَقيلِ بَريقُهُ
وَلَهُ ضَجيجُ صُخورَهُ الجَرّارِ
27. So that when its groans scatter dispersed
You see around the base something like dust
٢٧. أَبَداً يَرُشُّ صُخورَهُ بِدُموعِهِ
أَتُراهُ يَغسِلُها مِنَ الأَوزارِ
28. Like the sea with current, it pushes its foam
And rages like the roaring beast with claws
٢٨. فَإِذا تَطايَرَ مَأوهُ مُتَناثِراً
أَبصَرتَ حَولَ السَفحِ شِبهَ غُبارِ
29. From a peak like a bosom which youth has seen
A bosom overflowing with streaming brightness?
٢٩. كَالبَحرِ ذي التَيّارِ يَدفَعُ بَحضَهُ
وَيَصولُ كَالضِرغامِ ذي الأَظفارِ
30. It is as though it is a pulpit and he is
A prayer niche between the ranks of revolutionaries
٣٠. مِن قِمَّةٍ كَالنَهدِ أَيُّ فَتىً رَأى
نَهداً يَفيضُ بِعارِضٍ مِدرارِ
31. Whoever has not witnessed it in its moments of outburst
Does not know how the arrogant rage
٣١. فَكَأَنَّما هِيَ مِنبَر وَكَأَنَّهُ
ميرابُ بَينَ عَصائِبِ الثُوّارِ
32. I always assumed every silence wise
Until I saw that blabbermouth
٣٢. مَن لَم يُشاهِد ساعَة وَثَباتِهِ
لَم يَدرِ كَيفَ تَغَطرُسُ الجَبّارِ
33. Before seeing him I prepared a fleeting stand
For an ignoramus, but it became a stand of insolence
٣٣. ما زِلتُ أَحسَبُ كُلَّ صَمتٍ حِكمَةً
حَتّى بَصُرتُ بِذَلِكَ الثَرثارِ
34. O sister of the eternal abode, O mother of villages
O goddess of forests and rivers
٣٤. أَعدَدتُ قَبلَ أَراهُ وَقفَةَ عابِرٍ
لاهٍ فَكانَت وِقفَةَ اِستِعبارِ
35. By God, I have spent a day in you
With the finest group of supporters
٣٥. يا أُختَ دارِ الخُلدِ يا أُمَّ القُرى
يا رَبَّةَ الغابات وَالأَنهارِ
36. We walked on those plateaus while below us
Was a sea of trees and vegetation
٣٦. لِلَّهِ يَومٌ فيكِ قَد قَضَّيتُهُ
مَعَ عُصبَةٍ مِن خيرَةِ الأَنصارِ
37. In it the eye flows between brooks
And creeks, paths and houses
٣٧. نَمشي عَلى تِلكَ الهِضاب وَدونَنا
بَحرٌ مِنَ الأَغراس وَالأَشجارِ
38. Now on an impregnable, firm mountain
Now on a cliff slipping down
٣٨. تَنسابُ فيهِ العَينُ بَينَ جَداوِلٌ
وَخَمائِل وَمَسالِك وَدِيارِ
39. The rocks plummet beneath us by the Creator
And we almost plummet with the rocks
٣٩. آناً عَلى جَبَلٍ مَكينٍ راسِخٍ
راس وَآناً فَوقَ جُرفٍ هارِ
40. Had you seen us plunging from the heights
You would have laughed at us the laughter of ridicule
٤٠. تَهوي الحِجارَةُ تَحتَنا مِن خالِقٍ
وَنَكادُ أَن نَهوي مَعَ الأَحجارِ
41. The wind still and we reckon we are
Plunging ahead with the hurricane
٤١. لَو كُنتَ شاهِدَنا نُهَروِلُ مِن عَلٍ
لَضَحَكتَ مِنّا ضِحكَةَ اِستِهتارِ
42. And the earth fixed and we imagine it
Shuddering with the blow of the passing breeze
٤٢. الريحُ ساكِنَة وَنَحنُ نَظُنُّنا
لِلخَوفِ مُندَفِعينَ مَع إِعصارِ
43. We continued to support each other as
Travelers cling together on journeys
٤٣. وَالأَرضُ ثابِتَة وَنَحنُ نَخالُها
تَهتَزُّ مَع دَفعِ النَسيمِ الساري
44. And this one braces another by his buttons
So the other braces me by my buttons
٤٤. ما زالَ يَسنُدُ بَعضُنا بَعضاً كَما
يَتَماسَكُ الرُوّادُ في الأَسفارِ
45. Until we returned safe and sound, had not
God extended our lifespans
٤٥. وَيَشُدُّ هَذا ذاكَ مِن أَزرارِهِ
فَيَشُدُّني ذَيّاكَ مِن أَزراري
46. And I have stood facing your river at dawn
While the birds were in nests and dens
٤٦. حَتّى رَجَعنا سالِمين وَلَم نَعُد
لَو لَم يَمُدَّ اللَهُ في الأَعمارِ
47. Awed, as though I were in a temple
And it was a scripture of scriptures
٤٧. وَلَقَد وَقَفتُ حَيالَ نَهرِكِ بُكرَةً
وَالطَيرُ في الوَكَنات وَالأَوكارِ
48. I was not one who loves silence, but
My tongue was tied by awe of eras
٤٨. مُتَهَيِّباً فَكَأَنَّني في هَيكَلٍ
وَكَأَنَّهُ سِفرٌ مِنَ الأَسفارِ
49. The breeze passed by it, so my pen passed
Line after line on lines from it
٤٩. ما كُنتُ مَن يَهوى السُكوت وَإِنَّما
عَقَلَت لِساني رَهبَةُ الأَدهارِ
50. So the heart is busy with its memories
And vision hurtling with the current
٥٠. مَرَّ النَسيمُ بِهِ فَمَرَّت مُقلَتي
مِنهُ بِأَسطارٍ عَلى أَسطارِ
51. Until above those hills rose
The sun of dawn gleaming like a gold coin
٥١. فَالقَلبُ مُنشَغِلٌ بِتَذكاراتِهِ
وَالطَرفُ مُندَفِعٌ مَعَ التَيّارِ
52. On its banks is a purple cloak
And on its vanishing point a cloak of springtime
٥٢. حَتّى تَجَلَّت فَوقَ هاتيكَ الرُبى
شَمسُ الصَباحِ تَلوحُ كَالدينارِ
53. Had your eyes seen in it their fantasy
You would have seen a mirror without frame
٥٣. فَعَلى جَوانِبِهِ وِشاحُ زَبَرجَدٍ
وَعَلى غَوارِبِهِ وِشاحِ بَهارِ
54. I confided my secrets to it at dawn
And I retreated into its depths with my secrets
٥٤. لَو أَبصَرَت عَيناكَ فيهِ خَيالَها
لَرَأَيتَ مِرآةً بِغَيرِ إِطارِ
55. I have envied the people of villages for villages
And congratulated even the flute player
٥٥. يَمَّمتُهُ سَحرا وَأَسراري مَعي
وَرَجَعتُ في أَعماقِهِ أَسراري
56. A night and morning between brethren of purity
Was not more beautiful than my night and day
٥٦. إِنّي حَسَدتُ عَلى القُرى أَهلَ القُرى
وَغَبَطتُ حَتّى نافِخَ المِزمارِ
٥٧. لَيل وَصُبحٌ بَينَ إِخوانِ الصَفا
ما كانَ أَجمَلَ لَيلَتي وَنَهار