
The most wretched of creatures is he of high ambitions,

أشقى البرية نفسا صاحب الهمم

1. The most wretched of creatures is he of high ambitions,
And the unhappiest of beings is the wielder of the pen.

١. أَشقى البَرِيَّةِ نَفساً صاحِبُ الهِمَمِ
وَأَتعَسُ الخَلقِ حَذّاً صاحِبُ القَلَمِ

2. Time has bound the sons of this world and restricted them,
While the free-spirited bird is imprisoned from its melodies.

٢. عافَ الزَمانُ بَني الدُنيا وَقَيَّدَهُ
وَالطَيرُ يُحبَسُ مِنها جَيِّدُ النَغَمِ

3. His hand has subjected the pens to shed his blood,
So they did not protect him, nor treat him with justice.

٣. وَحَكَّمَت يَدُهُ الأَقلامَ في دَمِهِ
فَلَم تَصُنهُ وَلَم يَعدِل إِلى حَكَمِ

4. So woe to him who is in love! Cups of wine have agreed with him,
For lovers are madmen, so do not blame them.

٤. فَيا لَهُ عاشِقاً طابَ الحِمامُ لَهُ
إِنَّ المِحِبَّ لَمَجنونٌ فَلا تَلُمِ

5. Every person of ambition has hope in this world,
And everyone who has hope endures pain.

٥. لِكُلِّ ذي هِمَّةٍ في دَهرِهِ أَمَلٌ
وَكُلُّ ذي أَمَلٍ في الدَهرِ ذو أَلَمِ

6. Woe to the nights! For they have burdened me with wakefulness,
Drawing my grief closer than the grief of my rival.

٦. وَيلُ اللَيالي لَقَد قَلَّدنَني ذَرِباً
أَدنى إِلى مُهجَتي مِن مُهجَةِ الخَصِمِ

7. My soul did not tell me to break it
Except for fear of regret on my soul.

٧. ما حَدَّثَتنِيَ نَفسي أَن أُحَطِّمَهُ
إِلّا خَشيتُ عَلى نَفسي مِنَ النَدَمِ

8. Whenever I say my asceticism drives away my burden,
I return while the passion in it drives away my boredom.

٨. فَكُلَّما قُلتُ زُهدي طارِدٌ كَلَفي
رَجَعتُ وَالوَجدُ فيهِ طارِدٌ سَأَمي

9. Misery, which they call discipline, refuses
That poetry smile except when I shed my blood.

٩. يَأبى الشَقاءُ الَّذي يَدعونَهُ أَدَباً
أَن يَضحَكَ الطِرسُ إِلّا إِن سَفَكتُ دَمي

10. I accompanied my youth while aware
My youth has passed, so should I leave my pen?

١٠. لَقَد صَحِبتُ شَبابي وَاليَراعَ مَعاً
أَودى شَبابي فَهَل أُبقي عَلى قَلَمي

11. It is as though the grey hairs appearing
On my temples are stars shining in the darkness.

١١. كَأَنَّما الشَعَراتُ البيضُ طالِعَةً
في مِفرَقي أَنجُمٌ أَشرَقنَ في الظُلَمِ

12. Old age laughs at the hair on my head and accuses me -
The grey-haired are suspect to the tender ones.

١٢. تَضاحَكَ الشَيبُ في رَأسي فَعَرَّضَ بي
ذو الشَيبِ عِندَ الغَواني مَوضِعُ التُهَمِ

13. But to me every grey hair is a smiling mouth,
And every grey hair is condemned as suspicious.

١٣. فَكُلُّ بَيضاءَ عِندَ الغيدِ فاحِمَةً
وَكُلُّ بَيضاءَ عِندي ثَغرُ مُبتَسِمِ

14. Say to her who laughed in wonder at my infatuation:
Has there ever been a youth that did not fade?

١٤. قُل لِلَّتي ضَحِكَت مِن لِمَّتي عَجَباً
هَل كانَ ثَمَّ شَبابٌ غَيرَ مُنصَرِمِ

15. I have become more confused than a specter, more perplexed
Than a guest, and more wakeful than a shepherd guarding his flock,

١٥. أَصبَحتُ أَنحَلَ مِن طَيفٍ وَأَحيَرَ مِن
ضَيفٍ وَأَسهَرَ مِن راعٍ عَلى غَنَمِ

16. And [I spend] nights depicting constellations,
As if I could grasp shooting stars in my fists.

١٦. وَلَيلَةٍ بِتُّ أَجني مِن كَواكِبَها
عِقداً كَأَنّي أَنالُ الشُهبَ مِن أَمَمِ

17. My eyelids do not taste sleep until my hands obtain
What none can win but me, through my dreams.

١٧. لا ذاقَ جَفني الكَرى حَتّى تَنالَ يَدي
ما لا يَفوزُ بِهِ غَيري مِنَ الحُلُمِ

18. It is not in my nature to dwell on ruins
Or mourn what has passed - that is not my way.

١٨. لَيسَ الوُقوفُ عَلى الأَطلالِ مِن خُلُقي
وَلا البُكاءُ عَلى ما فاتَ مِن شِيَمي

19. But I am stubborn, though my soul forgets not
The queen of the East, with the Nile and pyramids.

١٩. لَكِنَّ مِصراً وَما نَفسي بِناسِيَةٍ
مَليكَةَ الشَرقِ ذاتَ النيلِ وَالهَرَمِ

20. I spent half my youth with her and feared not
Disgrace for my soul, nor blemish upon it.

٢٠. صَرَفتُ شَطرَ الصِبا فيها فَما خَشِيَت
نَفسي العِثارَ وَلا نَفسي مِنَ الوَصَمِ

21. Among young men like brilliant stars, their faces
Glowing - none but the generous are their ilk.

٢١. في فِتيَةٍ كَالنُجومِ الزُهرِ أَوجُهُهُم
ما فيهِمُ غَيرَ مَطبوعٍ عَلى الكَرَمِ

22. In hardship, they do not close their hands,
Rarely does one with plenty give in times of crisis.

٢٢. لا يَقبِضونَ مَعَ اللَأواءِ أَيدِيَهُم
وَقَلَّما جادَ ذو وَفرٍ مَعَ الأَزَمِ

23. It satisfies me, the passion that stirs within me,
Illuminating me with the cold spring rains.

٢٣. حَسبي مِنَ الوَجدِ هَمٌّ ما يُخامِرُني
إِلّا وَأَشرَقَني بِالبارِدخِ الشَبِمِ

24. Yearning westward, competed with yearning
For the place where verses and wisdom descend.

٢٤. في ذِمَّةِ الغَربِ مُشتاقٌ يُنازِعُهُ
شَوقٌ إِلى مَهبِطِ الآياتِ وَالحِكَمِ

25. The sun never sets except my tears become its dusk -
Eyes forget the redness of sleep before it.

٢٥. ما تَغرُبُ الشَمسُ إِلّا أَدمُعي شَفَقٌ
تَنسى العُيونُ لَدَيهِ حُمرَةَ العَنَمِ

26. No morning breeze blows toward it
Except I wish I were the breeze.

٢٦. وَما سَرَت نَسَماتٌ نَحوَها سَحَراً
إِلّا وَدِدتُ لَو أَنّي كُنتُ في النَسَمِ

27. What is the state of those melodies after their lover?
For after them I am sick with anxiety and frailty.

٢٧. ما حالُ تِلكَ المَغاني بَعدَ عاشِقِها
فَإِنَّني بَعدَها لِلهَمِّ وَالسَقَمِ

28. The clouds rained heavily upon me while the Nile
Suffices my people without bloodshed.

٢٨. جادَ الكِنانَةَ عَنّي وابِلٌ غَدِقٌ
وَإِن يَكُ النَيلُ يُغنيها عَنِ الدِيَمِ

29. The East is a crown and Egypt is its jewel,
The East an army and Egypt bearing the flag.

٢٩. الشَرقُ تاجٌ وَمِصرٌ مِنهُ دَرَّتُهُ
وَالشَرقُ جَيشٌ وَمِصرٌ حامِلُ العَلَمِ

30. Alas! The eye of its visitor is not sated
Except by one of etiquette or worthy pedigree.

٣٠. هَيهاتَ تَطرُفُ فيها عَينُ زائِرِها
بِغَيرِ ذي أَدَبِ أَو غَيرِ ذي شَمَمِ

31. It bows over the freeman like a mother over her child -
So the freeman in Egypt is like the holy in Mecca.

٣١. أَحنى عَلى الحُرِّ مِن أَمٍّ عَلى وَلَدٍ
فَالحُرُّ في مِصرَ كَالوَرقاءِ في الحَرَمِ

32. I continued while time stretched its hand away from me
Until I stepped away, lost from its soil.

٣٢. ما زِلتُ وَالدَهرُ تَنبو عَن يَدي يَدُهُ
حَتّى نَبَت ضِلَّةً عَن أَرضِها قَدَمي

33. I wake to find myself among a people whose eyes
Are kept awake by evil, worse than disease in the bowels.

٣٣. أَصبَحتُ في مَعشَرٍ تَقظى العُيونُ بِهِم
شَرٍّ مِنَ الداءِ في الأَحشاءِ وَالتُخَمِ

34. The worth of the noble, educated poet is not great among them -
Rather, like the worth of the lively among the rubble.

٣٤. وَما عَزَّ قَدرُ الأَديبِ الحُرِّ بَينَهُمُ
إِلّا كَما عَزَّ قَدرُ الحَيِّ في الرِمَمِ

35. I showed the ape to be more modest than every boor,
Yet the ape laughs at him, no humility in its gaze.

٣٥. مِن كُلِّ فَظٍّيُريكَ القِردَ مُحتَشِماً
وَيَضحَكُ القِردُ مِنهُ غَيرَ مُحتَشِمِ

36. When you look at it, no flaw escapes you -
You see the ugliest of God's creations altogether.

٣٦. إِذا بَصُرتَ بِهِ لا فاتَهُ كَدَرٌ
رَأَيتَ أَسمَجَ خَلقِ اللَهِ كُلِّهِمِ

37. Though one of the bedouins - but when I recite to him
The gems of poetry, he tosses them like some foreign gibberish.

٣٧. مِنَ الأَعارِبِ لَكِن حينَ أُنشِدُهُ
جَواهِرَ الشِعرِ أَلقاهُ مِنَ العَجَمِ

38. It stirs him no fervor or joy,
As though I recite them to an idol.

٣٨. ما إِن تُحَرِّكُهُ هَمّاً وَلا طَرَباً
كَأَنَّما أَنا أَتلوها عَلى صَنَمِ

39. No fault in my words, but deafness in him -
Eloquence is mute to one who is deaf.

٣٩. لا عَيبَ في مَنطِقي لَكِن بِهِ صَمَمٌ
إِنَّ الصَوادِحَ خُرسٌ عِندَ ذي الصَمَمِ

40. I have withheld my gems from those unworthy of them,
For I am stingy in blessing the ungrateful.

٤٠. حَجَبتُ عَن كُلِّ مَعدومِ النُهى دُرَري
إِنّي أَضِنُّ عَلى الأَنعامِ بِالنِعَمِ

41. I see ignorance in them remain ever youthful
While knowledge seems as aged as decrepitude.

٤١. قَومٌ أَرى الجَهلَ فيهِم لا يَزالُ فَتىً
في عُنفُوانِ الصِبا وَالعِلمُ كَالهَرَمِ