1. If only I could write with flames
For I am weary of you and my clarity fails me
١. لَو أَستَطيعُ كَتَبتُ بِالنيرانِ
فَلَقَد عَيِّتُ بِكُم وَعَيَّ بَياني
2. I almost shy from the darkness and fear
It may doubt my mind and my sanity
٢. وَلَكِدتُ أَستَحيِ القَئيضَ وَأَتَّقي
أَن يَستَريبَ يَراعَتي وَجَناني
3. It has turned disobedient since I infused in it
Love for you, though it was once obedient to me
٣. أَمسى يُعاصيني لَمّا جَشَّمتُهُ
فيكُم وَكُنتُ وَكانَ طَوعَ بَناني
4. It complains to me and I complain of your aloofness
My God! A confidant turns to another confidant
٤. يَشكو إِلَيَّ وَأَشتَكي إِعراضُكُم
اللَهَ في عانٍ يَلوذُ بِعانِ
5. I vowed I would not stir its sorrows
Or provoke the dormant agonies
٥. عاهَدتُهُ أَن لا أُثيرَ شُجونُهُ
أَو يَستَثيرَ كَوامِنَ الأَشجانِ
6. Oh how often I cried over it, so it wept for you
If not for hope, I would have wept it and my weeping
٦. يا طالَما اِستَبكَيتُهُ فَبَكى لَكُم
لَولا الرَجاءُ بَكَيتُهُ وَبَكاني
7. How many nights did I spend writhing in agony
My eyes meeting the eyes of the stars
٧. كَم لَيلَةً أَحيَيتُها مُتَمَلمِلاً
طَرفي وَطَرفُ النَجمِ مُلتَقِيانِ
8. My right hand leans on my pen, the darkness descends
Yearning for the youths and the maidens
٨. تَحنو عَلى قَلَمي يَميني وَالدُجى
حانٍ عَلى الفَتَياتِ وَالفِتيانِ
9. I prepare its brides for you and send them to you
Among the chaste, the wanton, and the compliant
٩. أَجلو عَرائِسَهُ لَكُم وَأَزُفُّها
ما بَينَ بِكرٍ كاعِبٍ وَعَوانِ
10. Suffering because of you and your children
While they and you sleep, oblivious to sorrows
١٠. مُتَأَلِّماً فيكُم وَفي أَبنائِكُم
وَهُمُ وَأَنتُمُ نائِمو الأَحزانِ
11. My love of the sweet nectar of union does not let me sleep
Though it is forbidden, the love of homelands keeps me awake
١١. ما غالَ نَومي حُبُّ مَعسولِ اللِمى
مَمنوعِهِ لَكِن هَوى الأَوطانِ
12. I spent the days of my youth on you
Now youth is gone, lost to the past
١٢. أَنفَقتُ أَيّامَ الشَبابِ عَلَيكُمُ
في ذِمَّةِ الماضي الشَبابُ الفاني
13. How you ask me to bring back its time
Oh people! Its time has passed, as has mine
١٣. كَم تَسأَلوني أَن أُعيدَ زَمانَهُ
يا قَومُ مَرَّ زَمانُهُ وَزَماني
14. Reason is powerless against the seas and spears
What can pens do against practice?
١٤. هانَ اليوَراعُ عَلى البَواتِرِ وَالقَنا
ما تَصنَعُ الأَقلامُ بِالمُرّانِ
15. Talk is not beneficial, nor does it bring you food
The zebras behind every tongue grow thin
١٥. لَيسَ الكَلامُ بِنافِعٍ أَو تَغتَدي
حُمرُ المَضارِبِ خَلفَ كُلِّ لِسانِ
16. And the people will not achieve their hopes
Until they walk the path of righteousness
١٦. وَالشَعبُ لَيسَ بِمُدرِكٍ آمالَهُ
حَتّى يَسيرَ عَلى النَجيعِ القاني
17. The steeds have bared their legs and rolled up their sleeves
And brothers have become strangers to brothers
١٧. صَلَّ الحَديدُ وَشَمَّرَت عَن ساقِها
وَتَنَكَّرَ الإِخوانُ لِلإِخوانِ
18. So the horses are angry in their stables
And the whites of the eyes are angry at the pupils
١٨. فَالخَيلُ غاضِبَةٌ عَلى أَرسانِها
وَالبيضُ غاضِبَةٌ عَلى الأَجفانِ
19. And death is before them and behind them
And horror lurks around every corner and place
١٩. وَالمَوتُ مِن قُدّامِهِم وَوَرائِهِم
وَالهَولُ كُلَّ ثَنِيَّةٍ وَمَكانِ
20. It has spread its wings and extended its shadow
Yet its wings are like the clipped wings of a vulture
٢٠. بَسَطَت جَناحَيها وَمَدَّت ظِلَّها
فَإِذا جَناحا السِلمِ مَقصوصانِ
21. Its processions are covered by three obscurities
Of shields, armor, and smoke
٢١. تَغشى مَواكِبُها ثَلاثَ غَياهِبٍ
مِن قَسطَلٍ وَدُجُنَّةٍ وَدُخانِ
22. And it repels all who dare to cross it
With floods of water and floods of fire
٢٢. وَيَرُدُّ عَنها كُلَّ خائِضٍ لُجَّةٍ
سَيلانِ مِن ماءٍ وَمِن نيرانِ
23. Wherever I look, I see a flying head
Or a pierced brain on a spear
٢٣. أَنّى اِلتَفَتُّ رَأَيتَ رَأساً طائِراً
أَو مُهجَةً مَطعونَةَن بِسِنانِ
24. Destruction follows in the wake of every projectile
As if it leads it on a leash
٢٤. يَمشي الرَدى في إِثرِ كُلِّ قَذيفَةٍ
فَكَأَنَّما تَقتادُهُ بِعَنانِ
25. The air is so filled with their spirits
You cannot discern the stars with your eyes
٢٥. فَالجَوُّ مِمّا فاضَ مِن أَرواحِهِم
لا تَستَبينُ نُجومُهُ عَينانِ
26. And the river flows, because of their brains
Over a land of pearls and coral
٢٦. وَالنَهرُ مِمّا سالَ مِن مُهَجاتِهِم
يَجري عَلى أَرضٍ مِنَ المُرجانِ
27. And the earth is red, like leather
Or like the cheek of a snake, or the red dye of palms
٢٧. وَالأَرضُ حَمراءُ الأَديمِ كَأَنَّها
خَدُّ الحَيِّيَةِ أَو خَضيبُ بَنانِ
28. How many generous hosts, their food gone
Have become food for worms and locusts
٢٨. كَم مِن مُبيحٍ لِلضُيوفِ طَعامَهُ
أَمسى طَعامَ الأَجدَلِ الغَرثانِ
29. And how many fighters, who led the battalions,
Have become prey for hawks and lions
٢٩. وَمُقاتِلٍ ناشَ الكَتيبَةَ ناشَهُ
ظُفرُ العُقابِ وَمِخلَبُ السَرجانِ
30. And how many builders, for whom time stood still
So it could marvel at their breathtaking beauty
٣٠. وَمُحَلِّقٍ بَينَ المَجَرَّةِ وَالسُها
صَعَدَ الحِمامُ إِلَيهِ في الطَيَرانِ
31. Their memory has faded at the mention of the pyramids
And flown above the red sands and the clay
٣١. وَمُشَيِّدٍ وَقَفَ الزَمانُ حَيالَهُ
مُتَخَيِّراً بِجَمالِهِ الفَتّانِ
32. And generations of people spent their lives building them
Only to be demolished in an instant by a catapult or trebuchet
٣٢. أَخنى عَلى ذِكرِ الخَوَرنَقِ ذِكرُهُ
وَسَما عَلى الحَمراءِ وَالإِيانِ
33. And a flourishing, safe city,
Its homes destroyed over its inhabitants
٣٣. وَقَضى العُصورَ الناسُ في تَشِيّدِهِ
أَودَت بِهِ مَقذَفَةٌ وَثَوانِ
34. Its warbling birds fell silent at dawn
And the hooting of owls and cawing of crows grew loud
٣٤. وَمَدينَةٍ زَهراءَ آمِنَةِ الحِمى
هُدِمَت مَنازِلُها عَلى السُكّانِ
35. Its gardens and palaces shut down
Though they could be the epitome of joy and safety
٣٥. خُرِسَت بَلابِلُها الشَوادي في الضُحى
وَعَلا صِياحُ البومُ وَالغِربانِ
36. A war that humiliated its civilized people
And the old reaped its spoils over the youth
٣٦. وَتَعَطَّلَت جَنّاتُها وَقُصورُها
وَلَقَد تَكونُ بِغَبطَةٍ وَأَمانِ
37. The strong used it to crush the weak and trample them
And walked over a land of spineless corpses
٣٧. حَربٌ أَذَلَّ بِها التَمدُّنُ أَهلُهُ
وَجَنى الشُيوخُ بِها عَلى الشُبّانِ
38. How ugly is the discord where soldiers reap their skulls
And pride belongs only to the tyrants
٣٨. سَحَقَ القَوِيُّ بِها الضَعيفَ وَداسَهُ
وَمَشى عَلى أَرضٍ مِنَ الأَبدانِ
39. How ugly is man killing his neighbor
And calling it the way of civilization
٣٩. بِئسَ الوَغى يَجني الجُنودُ حُتوفَهُم
في ساحِها وَالفَخرُ لِلتيجانِ
40. Time may have deteriorated and you deteriorate with it
O system established by the ancestors
٤٠. ما أَقبَحَ الإِنسانَ يَقتُلُ جارَهُ
وَيَقولُ هَذي سُنَّهُ العِمرانِ
41. So the killer of thousands is a noble conqueror
While the murderous criminal is a sinner
٤١. بَلِيَ الزَمانُ وَأَنتَ مِثلَكَ قَبلَهُ
يا شِرعَةً قَد سَنَّها الجِدّانِ
42. No truth but that backed by wolves
As long as the love of injustice lives in man
٤٢. فَالقاتِلُ الآلافِ غازٍ فاتِحٌ
وَالقاتِلُ الجاني أَثيمٌ جانِ
43. If the weak could choose, they would choose mayhem
But the lives of the majority are wishes
٤٣. لا حَقَّ إِلّا ما تُؤَيِّدُهُ الظُبى
ما دامَ حُبُّ الظُلمِ في الإِنسانِ
44. What is wrong with my people, asleep to dignity?
Yet the two heaviest have awoken to dignity
٤٤. لَو خُيِّرَ الضُعَفاءُ لَاِختاروا الرَدى
لَكِنَّ عَيشَ الأَكثَرينَ أَماني
45. Ahmad and Jesus are being sold cheaply
Unexpected from two brothers
٤٥. ما بالُ قَومي نائِمينَ عَنِ العُلى
وَلَقَد تَنَبَّهَ لِلعُلى الثَقَلانِ
46. God is the Lord of both your nations and yours
So how long will you dispute religions?
٤٦. تُبّاعُ أَحمَدَ وَالمَسيحَ هَوادَةً
ما العَهدُ أَن يَتَنَكَّرَ الأَخَوانِ
47. No matter how different you are
You both belong to Qahtan or Joktan
٤٧. اللَهُ رَبُّ الشَرعَتَينِ وَرَبُّكُم
فَإِلى مَتى في الدينِ تَختَصِمانِ
48. Take the means to agree and cleanse
Your hearts of the filth of grudges
٤٨. مَهما يَكُن مِن فارِقٍ فَكِلاكُما
يُنمى إِلى قَحطانِ أَو غَسّانِ
49. You have enough to worry about in your lands and lives
To busy one seeking truth from religions
٤٩. فَخُذوا بِأَسبابِ الوِفاقِ وَطَهِّروا
أَكبادَكُم مِن لَوثَةِ الأَضغانِ
50. You slept while your enemies kept watch around you
And you lived in peace while the earth quaked
٥٠. في ما يُحيقُ بِأَرضِكُم وَنُفوسِكُم
شُغلٌ لِمُشتَغِلٍ عَنِ الأَديانِ
51. No view unites you when spears collide
And horsemen meet with horsemen
٥١. نِمتُمُ وَقَد سَهَر الأَعادي حَولَكُم
وَسَكَنتُمُ وَالأَرضُ في جَيشانِ
52. You have no banner to defend
Against the vagaries of time and the scampering of fate
٥٢. لا رَأيَ يَجمَعُكُم إِذا اِختَلَفَ القَنا
وَتَلاقَتِ الفُرسانُ بِافُرسانِ
53. Do not blame fate for your disgrace
This is the recompense of the negligent procrastinator
٥٣. لا رايَةٌ لَكُم يُدافِعُ دونَها
مُردُ العَوارِضِ وَالحُتوفُ دَواني
54. If ignorance did not prevail in your lands
Your group would not be humiliated by the upstarts
٥٤. لا ذَنبَ لِلأَقدارِ في إِذلالِكُم
هَذا جَزاءُ الغافِلِ المُتَواني
55. A man's worth is in knowledge and morals
What use is a discerning eye without a human?
٥٥. لَو لَم يَعِزَّ الجَهلُ بَينَ رُبوعِكُم
ما هانَ جَمعُكُمُ عَلى الحَدَثانِ
56. Why do you not rage for your glory
With the rage of the humiliated, browbeaten weakling?
٥٦. المَرءُ قيمَتُهُ المَعارِفُ وَالنُهى
ما نَفعُ باصِرَةٍ بِلا إِنسانِ
57. Or are you not people of honor
Or have you no shred of humanity?
٥٧. ما بالُكُم لا تَغضَبونَ لِمَجدِكُم
غَضَباتِ مَلطومِ الجَبينِ مُهانِ
58. Are your children not covetous of their children?
While Genghis Khan's children toy with them
٥٨. أَوَ لَستُمُ كَالناسِ أَهلَ حَفائِظٍ
أَم أَنتُمُ لَستُم مِنَ الحَيانِ
59. Those who take the rule from your hands
And play havoc with you and the Quran
٥٩. أَبناأُكُم لَهَفي عَلى أَبنائِكُم
يَلهو بِهِم أَبناءُ جِنكيز خانِ
60. Do they not stir your grudges whenever a crisis emerges
Against the crosses?
٦٠. النازِعونَ المُلكَ مِن أَيديكُمُ
العابِثونَ بِكُم وَبِالقُرآنِ
61. Let not politics deceive you, it is
Of diverse faces and myriad colors
٦١. أَو كُلَّما طَلَعَت عَلَيهِم أَزمَةٌ
هاجوا ضَغائِنَكُم عَلى الصُلبانِ
62. If you were reasonable you would work for your salvation
From the rule of monks and priests
٦٢. لا تَخدَعَنَّكُمُ السِياسَةُ إِنَّها
شَتّى الوُجوهِ كَثيرَةُ الأَلوانِ
63. It is shameful for the descendants of kings, people of dignity
To be humiliated by the sons of peasants
٦٣. لَو تَعقِلونَ عَمِلتُمُ لِخَلاصِكُم
مِن دَولَةِ القَيناتِ وَالخِصيانِ
64. Rise against them and seek your independence
And emulate the Serbs and the Greeks
٦٤. عارٌ عَلى نَسلِ المُلوكِ بَني العُلى
أَن يَستَذِلَّهُم بَنو الرُعيانِ
65. What makes your souls tremble? There is nothing in you
And nothing in the Turks except cowardice
٦٥. ثوروا عَلَيهِم وَاِطلُبوا اِستِقلالَكُم
وَتَشَبَّهوا بِالصِربِ وَاليونانِ
66. And did they not overwhelm the Romans in their heyday?
So have you not overcome the nation of Rome?
٦٦. ماذا يَروعُ نُفوسَكُم ما فيكُمُ
وَكُلٌّ وَلا في التُركِ غَيرُ جَبانِ
67. Death is not what the diver fears, nor does it deter him
The death of the disgraced and his life are the same
٦٧. وَهَبوهُمُ الرومانَ في غَلوائِهِم
أَفَما غَلَبتُم أُمَّةَ الرومانِ
68. If you do not understand, do nothing for your freedom
From the rule of monks and priests
٦٨. ما المَوتُ ما أَعيا النُطاسي رَدَّهُ
مَوتُ الذَليلِ وَعَيشُهُ سِيّانِ