1. The sultan commanded the poet one day, so he came to him
In a robe of faded color, with sides falling apart
١. أَمَرَ السُلطانُ بِالشاعِرِ يَوماً فَأَتاهُ
في كِساءٍ حائِلِ الصُبغَةِ واهٍ جنِباهُ
2. And shoes about to slip off his feet
He said, describe my glory, for in your description, poetry finds glory
٢. وَحِذاءٍ أَوشَكَت تَفلَتُ مِنهُ قَدَماهُ
قالَ صِف جاهي فَفي وَصفِكَ لي لِلشِعرِ جاهُ
3. I have the palace that no bird can reach its height
And I have the garden that is fragrant with musk in its soil
٣. إِنَّ لِيَ القَصرُ الَّذي لا تَبلُغُ الطَيرُ ذُراهُ
وَلِيَ الرَوضُ الَّذي يَعبَقُ بِالمِسكِ ثَراهُ
4. And I have the army from which death drips from its spears
And I have the forests and the high summits and the waters
٤. وَلِيَ الجَيشُ الَّذي تَرشُحُ بِالمَوتِ ظِباهُ
وَلِيَ الغاباتُ وَالشُمُّ الرَواسي وَالمِياهُ
5. And I have joy and people's misery comes from me and their comfort
Indeed this universe is my kingdom, I am its god in the universe
٥. وَلِيَ النسُ وَبُؤسُ الناسِ مِنّي وَالرَفاهُ
إِنَّ هَذا الكَونَ مُلكي أَنا في الكَونِ إِلَهُ
6. The poet laughed at what his ears had heard
And wished to talk back but his lips disobeyed him
٦. ضَحِكَ الشعِرُ مِمّا سَمِعَتهُ أُذُناهُ
وَتَمَنّى أَن يُداجي فَعَصَتهُ شَفَتاهُ
7. He said, I don't see things as you do
My kingdom has folded over your kingdom and erased it
٧. قالَ إِنّي لا أَرى الأَمرَ كَما أَنتَ تَراهُ
إِنَّ مُلكِيَ قَد طَوى مُلكَكَ عَنِّيَ وَمَحاهُ
8. The palace tells of a refined and eloquent poet's skill
And informs about your distance from it
٨. القَصرُ يُنبِئُ عَن مَهارَةِ شاعِرٍ
لَبِقٍ وَيُخبِرُ بَعدَهُ عَنكا
9. It is for the elite who frequent it and circle around its beauty
So when they pass, it is as if it never existed
٩. هُوَ لِلأُلى يَدورونَ كُنهَ جَمالِهِ
فَإِذا مَضَوا فَكَأَنَهُ دُكّا
10. You will perish while its majesty remains
Like a ship, if it becomes empty of sailors
١٠. سَتَزولُ أَنتَ وَلا يَزولُ جَلالُهُ
كَالفُلكِ إِن خَلَت فُلكا
11. The garden, the garden is of a generous poet
Of pleasant composition and exquisite sensibility
١١. وَالرَوضُ إِنَّ الرَوضَ شاعِرٍ
سَمحٍ طَروبٍ رائِقٍ جَزلِ
12. He lined its edges and adorned its soil
With the wonders of color and shade
١٢. وَشى حَواشِيَهُ وَزَيَّنَ أَرضَهُ
بِرَوائِعِ الأَلوانِ وَالظِلِّ
13. For a butterfly that lives for it and a bee
That lives by it and a poet like me
١٣. لِفراشَةٍ تَحي لَهُ وَلِنَحلَةٍ
تَحيا بِهِ وَلِشاعِرٍ مِثلي
14. And a doe that sheds her tears over it
As showers protect its buds
١٤. وَلِديمَةٍ تَذري عَلَيهِ دُموعَها
كَما تَقيهِ غَوائِلَ المَحلِ
15. And a nightingale singing, conversing with nightingales
With song, and for the light breezes
١٥. وَلِبُلبُلٍ غَرِدٍ يُساجِلُ بُلبُلاً
غَرداً وَلِلنَسَماتِ
16. So when the spring season passes, you neglect it
While it remains in my heart and my mind
١٦. فَإِذا مَضى زَمَنُ الرَبيعِ أَضَعتَهُ
وَأَقامَ في قَلبي وَفي عَقلي
17. The army is devoted to you for what you clothe it and feed it
Its obedience is for bread and its loyalty is its leash
١٧. وَالجَيشُ مَعقودٌ لِواأُكَ فَوقَهُ
ما دُمتَ تَكسوهُ وَتُطعِمُهُ
18. It is your greatest tool and your strike force
But if it starves in the shade of your throne one night
١٨. لِلخُبزِ طاعَتُهُ وَحُسنُ وَلائِهِ
هُوَ لاتُهُ الكُبرى وَبَرهَمُهُ
19. It is the one with its swords that will shatter you
You have its swords from it but tomorrow
١٩. فَإِذا يَجوعُ بِظِلِّ عَرشِكَ لَيلَةً
فَهُوَ الَّذي بِيَدَيهِ يُحَطِّمُهُ
20. Its swords and arrows will be for your toothbrush
Do you think it marched to battle exultant
٢٠. لَكَ مِنهُ أَسيُفُهُ وَلَكِن في غَدٍ
لِسِواكَ أَسيُفُهُ وَأَسهُمُهُ
21. If not for what poets compose about it
And if it hums is it not but a poem
٢١. أَتُراهُ سارَ إِلى الوَغى مُتَهَلِّلاً
لَولا الَّذي الشُعَراءُ تَنظِمُهُ
22. From a poet like me that makes it hum
You grasped the sea by its pearl
٢٢. وَإِذا تَرَنَّمَ هَل بِغَيرِ قَصيدَةٍ
مِن شاعِرٍ مِثلي تَرَنُّمُهُ
23. But did you possess its roar?
It belongs to the night pouring over it its devotion
٢٣. وَالبَحرُ قَد ظَفِرَت يَداكَ بِدُرِّهِ
وَحَصاهُ لَكِن هَل مَلَكتَ هَديرُهُ
24. And morning spilling its light while it laughs
Did you mix its waters? Did you dye
٢٤. هُوَ لِلدُجى يُلقي عَلَيهِ خُشوعَهُ
وَالصُبحُ يَسكُبُ وَهوَ يَضحَكُ نورُهُ
25. Its sands? Did you shape its rocks?
It belongs to the winds that shake it and stir it
٢٥. أَمَرَجتَ أَنتَ مِياهَهُ أَصَبَغتَ أَن
تَ رِمالَهُ أَجَبَلتَ أَنتَ صُخورَهُ
26. And the comets hear its growl in the darkness
It belongs to the birds enchanted with it
٢٦. هُوَ لِلرِياحِ تَهُزُّهُ وَتُثيرُهُ
وَالشُهبُ تَسمَعُ في الظَلامِ زَئيرَهُ
27. Not those who frighten its birds
It belongs to the enchanted poetry it whimsically creates
٢٧. لِلطَيرِ هائِمَةً بِهِ مَفتونَةً
لا لِلَّذين يُرَوِّعونَ طُيورَهُ
28. Maidens from its waves that it falls in love with their maidens
And those who see in it a symbol of their existence
٢٨. لِلشعِرِ المَفتونِ يُخلَقُ لاهِياً
مِن مَوجِهِ حوراً وَيَعشَقُ حورَهُ
29. And those who know how to portray it for others
O you who fishes pearls from its depths
٢٩. وَلِمَن يُشاهِدُ فيهِ رَمزَ كَيانِهِ
وَلِمَن يُجيدُ لِغَيرِهِ تَصويرَهُ
30. Your hands took its trivial part from the momentous
Do not claim it for it cannot be possessed, it is
٣٠. يا مَن يَصيدُ الدُرَّ مِن أَعمقِهِ
أَخَذَت يَداكَ مِنَ الجَليلِ حَقيرَهُ
31. Like the garden, your effort is to smell its fragrance
And I passed the high mountain but its beauty
٣١. لا تَدَّعيهِ فَلَيسَ يُملَكُ إِنَّهُ
كَالرَوضِ جَهدُكَ أَن تَشِمَّ عَبيرَهُ
32. Did not conceal itself from me and I am no prince
And you passed but did not see its rocks
٣٢. وَمَرَرتُ بِالجَبَلِ الأَشَمِّ فَما زَوى
عَنّي مَحاسِنَهُ وَلَستُ أَميرا
33. Laughing for you or its does dancing for you
And I relayed to its ants what you claim
٣٣. وَمَرَرتَ أَنتَ فَما رَأَيتَ صُخورَهُ
ضَحِكَت وَلا رَقَصَت لَدَيكَ حُبورا
34. They were astonished at how much you prattled
Your friend said, can he be more stubborn
٣٤. وَلَقَد نَقَلتُ لِنَملِهِ ما تَدَّعي
فَتَعَجَّبَت مِمّا حَكَيتَ كَثيرا
35. Or tattooed or a babbler, a fabricator
Does he spin for you like the spider its webs
٣٥. قالَت صَديقُكَ ما يَكونُ أَقَشعَماً
أَم أَرقَماً أَم ضَيغَماً هَيصورا
36. Spinning, and build like eagles their nests
Does he fill the valleys with muddy flows like dawn
٣٦. أَيَحوكُ مِثلَ العَنكَبوتِ بُيوتَهُ
حَوكاً وَيَبني كَالنُسورِ وُكورا
37. And make barren places lush like rain
Does he roll up like the night the plains and hills
٣٧. هَل يَملَءُ الأَغوارَ تِبراً كَالضُحى
وَيَرُدُّ كَالغَيثِ المَواتَ نَضيرا
38. The inhabited dwellings and the abandoned
So I told it no, and it said to name it
٣٨. أَيَلُفُّ كَاللَيلِ الأَباطِحِ وَالرُبى
وَالمَنزِلَ المَعمورَ وَالمهجورا
39. Without fear, an arrogant fabricator
The sultan boiled with rage, what a boil
٣٩. فَأَجَبتُها كَلّا فَقالَت سَمِّهِ
في غَيرِ خَوفٍ كائِناً مَغرورا
40. And the love of tyranny shone in his pupils
He called to the executioner, bring the sword
٤٠. فَاِحتَدَمَ السُلطانُ أَيَّ اِحتِدام
وَلاحَ حُبُّ البَطشِ في مُقلَتَيه
41. The executioner rushed to him
He said, sever the head of this boy
٤١. وَصاحَ بِالجَلّادِ هاتِ الحُسام
فَأَسرَعَ الجَلّادُ يَسعى إِلَيه
42. For his head is a burden on his shoulders
The sword is forged for harvesting necks
٤٢. فَقالَ دَحرِج رَأسَ هَذا الغُلام
فَرَأسُهُ عِبءٌ عَلى مَنكِبَيه
43. And this is the neck of a blabbermouth
I will kill him and toss his body to the dogs
٤٣. قَد طُبِعَ السَيفُ لِحَزِّ الرِقاب
وَهَذِهِ رَقبَةُ ثَرثارِ
44. And let his soul go to hell
Hearing and obeying, my lord, and the anger
٤٤. أُقتُلهُ وَاِطَرَح جِسمَهُ لِلكِلاب
وَلتَذهَبِ الروحُ إِلى النارِ
45. Surged like death in his blade
And it was but a blink before the head flew off his shoulders
٤٥. سَمعاً وَطَوعاً سَيِّدي وَاِنتَضى
عَضباً يَموجُ المَوتُ في شَفرَتَيه
46. The poet fell prostrate, scratching the ground with both hands
As if searching for his head
٤٦. وَلَم يَكُن إِلّا كَبَرقٍ أَضا
حَتّى أَطارَ الرَأسَ عَن مَنكِبَيه
47. The sultan laughed at his bowing
Then stood whispering to himself
٤٧. فَسَقَطَ الشاعِرُ مُعرَورِضا
يُخَدِّشُ الأَرضَ بِكِلتا يَدَيه
48. One with a paradise became without his paradise
Yes, thus the poet perished
٤٨. كَأَنَما يَبحَثُ عَن رَأسِهِ
فَاِستَضحَكَ السُلطانُ مِن سَجدَتِه
49. As the sinner wrongdoer perishes
So no bird was disturbed in a garden
٤٩. ثُمَّ اِستَوى يَهمُسُ في نَفسِهِ
ذو جَنَّةٍ أَمسى بِلا جَنَّتِه
50. Nor a star extinguished in the sky
Nor the lush trees grieved
٥٠. أَجَل هَكَذا هَلَكَ الشاعِرُ
كَما يَهلِكُ الآثِمُ المُذنِبُ
51. Nor the murmuring stream saddened
And the killer was compensated for his murder
٥١. فَما غَصَّ في رَوضَةٍ طائِرٌ
وَلَم يَنطَفِئ في السَما كَوكَبُ
52. With abundant wealth and smooth cheeks
So his despicable nature said to him
٥٢. وَلا جَزِعَ الشَجَرُ الناضِرُ
وَلا اِكتَأَبَ الجَدوَلُ المُطرَبُ
53. Would that I had a victim each day
On an obscure night with no stars
٥٣. وَكوفِئَ عَن قَتلِهِ القاتِلُ
بِمالٍ جَزيلٍ وَخَدٍّ أَسيل
54. Death crept into the palace
Between the guards' swords and arrows
٥٤. فَقالَ لَهُ خُلقُهُ السافِلِ
أَلا لَيتَ لي كُلَّ يَومٍ قَتيل
55. And the Indian iron swords
To the bed of the greatest king
٥٥. في لَيلَةٍ طامِسَةِ الأَنجُمِ
تَسَلَّلَ المَوتُ إِلى القَصرِ
56. To the prince of land and sea
So he left the world while in it still
٥٦. بَينَ حِرابِ الجُندِ وَالأَسهُمِ
وَالأَسيُفِ الهِندِيَّةِ الحُمرِ
57. Were wines and songs
The mountain did not extend its grief over him
٥٧. إِلى سَريرِ المُلكِ الأَعظَمِ
إِلى أَميرِ البَرِّ وَالبَحرِ
58. Nor did the lute waste away in the garden
In the oblivion of death and wear of time
٥٨. فَفارَقَ الدُنيا وَلَمّا تَزَل
فيها خُمورٌ وَأَغاريدُ
59. The sultan and poet meet
One without glory and one without
٥٩. فَلَم يَمِد حُزناً عَلَيهِ الجَبَل
وَلا ذَوى في الرَوضِ أُملودُ
60. Humiliation, so neither victor nor defeated
The fates embraced those destinies
٦٠. في حَومَةِ المَوتِ وَظِلِّ البِلى
قَدِ يلتَقى السُلطانُ وَالشاعِرُ
61. And the oppressed and oppressor kept company
The poet does not mind being killed
٦١. هَذا بِلا مَجدٍ وَهَذا بِلا
ذُلٍّ فَلا باغٍ وَلا ثائِرُ
62. Beyond the grave there are no swords or spears
And the king does not care to be disgraced
٦٢. عانَقَتِ الأَسمالُ تِلكَ الحِلى
وَاِصطَحَبَ المَقهورُ وَالقاهِرُ
63. Blame and praise are the same to the dead
And generations passed in succession
٦٣. لا يَجزَعُ الشاعِرُ أَن يُقتَلا
لَيسَ وَراءَ القَبرِ سَيفٌ وَرُمح
64. One disappearing, another emerging
I decayed upon the lofty palace yet
٦٤. وَلا يُبالي ذاكَ أَن يُعذَلا
سِيّانِ عِندَ المَيتِ ذَمٌّ وَمَدح
65. Neither the walls stand nor the pillars
And I walked upon the dense army yet
٦٥. وَتَوالَتِ الأَجيالُ تَطَّرِدُ
جيلٌ يَغيبُ وَآخَرٌ يَفِدُ
66. No branded horses or armor remain
They took those who did right and those who did wrong
٦٦. أَخَنتُ عَلى القَصرِ المَنيفِ فَلا
الجُدرانُ قائِمَةٌ وَلا العُمُدُ
67. And carried those who suffered and those who prospered
And those whose being was melted by love
٦٧. وَمَشَت عَلى الجيشِ الكَثيفِ فَلا
خَيلٌ مُسَوَّمَةٌ وَلا زُردُ
68. And those whose hearts were corroded by envy
And they folded kings without number
٦٨. ذَهَبَت بِمَن صَلُحوا وَمَن فَسَدوا
وَمَضَت بِمَن تَعيسوا وَمَن سَعِدوا
69. As if they never existed on earth
And the murdered poet remains
٦٩. وَبِمَن أَذابَ الحُبَّ مُهجَتَهُ
وَبِمَن تَأَكَّلَ قَلبَهُ الحَسَدُ
70. His words as if they are eternity
The old man touches in its aspects
٧٠. وَطَوَت مُلوكاً ما لَهُم عَدَدٌ
فَكَأَنَّهُم في الأَرضِ ما وُجِدوا
71. Images of passion and nascent wisdom
٧١. وَالشاعِرُ المَقتولُ باقِيَةٌ
أَقوالُهُ فَكَأَنَّها الأَبَدُ
٧٢. الشَيخُ يَلمُسُ في جَوانِبِها
صُوَرَ الهَوى وَالحِكَمَةَ الوَلدُ