
You were silent out of fear and said forbearance is my nature

سكت خوفا وقلت الصفح من خلقي

1. You were silent out of fear and said forbearance is my nature
You slept out of cowardice and said patience is my trait

١. سَكَتَّ خَوفاً وَقُلتَ الصَفحَ مِن خُلُقي
وَنِمتَ جُبناً وَقُلتَ الحِلمُ مِن شِيَمي

2. But you and the people already know
Had you not been lethargic, you would not have been silent or slept

٢. وَإِنَّما أَنتَ وَالأَقوامُ قَد عَلِموا
لَولا خُمولُكَ لَم تَسكُت وَلَم تَنَمِ

3. You did not refrain out of self-respect, but you refrained
From the likes of what my pen had forged

٣. لَم تَمتَنِع أَنفَةً لَكِن قَدِ اِمتَنَعَت
عَلَيكَ أَشباهُ ما قَد صاغَهُ قَلَمي

4. You tried to find fault in me, so you were like one
Who tries to find water in an active volcano

٤. حاوَلتَ وُجدانَ عَيبٍ لي فَكُنتُ كَمَن
يُحاوِلُ الماءَ في البُركانِ ذي الضَرَمِ

5. So you told the people in what you said, deceiving them
Indeed he has lampooned me, and some lampoon is like a brand

٥. فَقُلتَ لِلقَومِ فيما قُلتَ تَخدَعُهُم
لَقَد هَجاني وَبَعضُ الهَجوِ كَالوَصَمِ

6. Censure is dishonor, but to censure one of nobility
Thanks be to God, we do not censure a noble brother

٦. الذَمُّ عارٌ وَلَكِن ذَمُّ ذي كَرَمٍ
وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ لَم نَذمَم أَخا كَرَمِ

7. I will restrain my tongue from you, from smelling
And sanctity of the ties of love and covenant

٧. سَأَحبِسَنَّ لِساني عَنكَ عَن شَمَمٍ
وَحُرمَةً لِءُهَيلِ الوُدِّ وَالذِمَمِ

8. A people, by the life of my father, if my blood was spilt
And without exaggeration, spilling my blood would satisfy them

٨. قَومٌ لَعَمرِ أَبي لَو كانَ سَفكُ دَمي
وَلا مُغالاةً يُرضيهُمُ سَفَكتُ دَمي

9. I hold them back from being changed
By the words of one envious or an accusation of a blamer

٩. إِنّي أُجِلُّهُمُ عَن أَن يُغَيِّرُهُم
كَلامُ ذي حَسَدٍ أَو قَولُ مُتَّهِمِ

10. It is not weakness that made me sit back from restraining my hand
But for their sake I refrained from my words

١٠. ما العَجزُ أَقعَدَني لَمّا كَفَفتُ يَدي
لَكِن لِأَجلِهِمِ نَهنَهتُ مِن كَلِمي

11. If I wished, I would have filled the whole earth
With rhymed prose and the open spaces with wisdom

١١. وَلَو أَشاءُ مَلَأتُ الأَرضَ قاطِبَةً
قَوافِياً وَأَفضاءَ الرَحبِ بِالحَكَمِ

12. And I am not surprised that you did not complain of pain
Indeed inanimate things do not complain of pain

١٢. وَلَستُ أَعجَبُ أَن لَم تَشتَكِ أَلَماً
إِنَّ الجَماداتِ لا تَشكو مِنَ الأَلَمِ