
Nights have passed while my heart bewildered, anxious

مرت ليال وقلبي حائر قلق

1. Nights have passed while my heart bewildered, anxious
Like a boat in the river, the stars trouble its course

١. مَرَّت لَيالٍ وَقَلبِيَ حائِرٌ قَلِقٌ
كَالفُلكِ في النَهرِ هاجَ النَوءُ مَجراهُ

2. Or a traveler in a desert, thirsty
The journey made the camels tired and made him tired

٢. أَو كَالمُسافِرِ في قَفرٍ عَلى ظَمَإٍ
أَضنى المَسيرُ مَطاياهُ وَأَضناهُ

3. I cannot attain what I love and seek
And I attain what my soul does not desire

٣. لا أُدرِكُ الأَمرَ أَهواهُ وَأَطلُبُهُ
وَأَبلُغُ الأَمرَ نَفسي لَيسَ تَهواهُ

4. I am surprised by one who said I forgot you
Who was in the heart, how could the heart forget them

٤. عَجِبتُ مِن قائِلٍ إِنّني نَسَيتُكُمُ
مَن كانَ في القَلبِ كَيفَ القَلبُ يَنساهُ

5. If yesterday I did not descend to your dwellings
Then a bird perches with its wings folded

٥. إِن كُنتُ بَِلأَمسِ لَم أَهبِط مَربَعَكُم
فَالطَيرُ يَقعُدُ مَوثوقاً جَناحاهُ

6. So no yearning brings it near to a river
Nor do its eyes roam in the meadow

٦. فَل يُقَرِّبُهُ شَوقٌ إِلى نَهرٍ
وَلَيسَ تنقُلُهُ في الرَوضِ عَيناهُ

7. It does not complain or cry fearing that
Its lamentations would hurt the one it loves

٧. وَلَيسَ يَشكو وَلا يَبكي مَخافَةَ أَن
تُؤذي مَسامِعَ مَن يَهوى شَكاواهُ

8. I wonder how we are deceived
By parables and metaphors from the truth

٨. إِنّي لَأَعجَبُ مِنّا كَيفَ تَخدَعُنا
عَنِ الحَقائِقِ أَمثالٌ وَأَشباهُ

9. And if a man builds a palace and decorates it
We congratulate him and praise him

٩. وَإِذا بَنى رَجُلٌ قَصراً وَزَخرَفَهُ
سُقنا إِلَيهِ التَهاني وَاِمتَدَحناهُ

10. Yet he only built his palace to veil from
Our sights within its corners his sins

١٠. وَما بَنى قَصرَهُ إِلّا لِيُحجَبَ عَن
أَبصارُنا في زَواياهُ خَطاياهُ

11. We praise a man for the quality of his clothes
Yet those clothes his hands did not weave

١١. وَنَمدَحُ المَرءَ مِن خَزِّ مَلابِسِهِ
وَذَلِكَ الخَزُّ لَم تَنسُجُهُ كَفّاهُ

12. And if a brother of wealth rivals us
With scraps we hope for him and fear him

١٢. وَإِن أَتانا أَخو مالٍ يُكاثِرُنا
بَِلتِبرِ تيهاً رَجَوناهُ وَخِفناهُ

13. Yet gore may be fresh within his treasures
Blood we spilled or effort we spent

١٣. وَقَد يَكونُ نُضارٌ في خَزائِنِهِ
دَماً سَفَكناهُ أَو جَهداً بَذَلناهُ

14. Think not glory what your eyes have seen
Or what you possessed, it is not might and fame

١٤. لا تَحسَبِ المَجدَ ما عَيناكَ أَبصَرَتا
أَو ما مَلَكتَ هُوَ السُلطانُ وَالجاهُ

15. Wealth makes you owner of what you grasped in greed
So spend it in good and you will be its master

١٥. المالُ مَولكَ ما أَمسَكتُهُ طَمَعاً
فَأَنفِقهُ في الخَيرِ تُصبِح أَنتَ مَولاهُ

16. As long as your heart holds mercy for a brother
In need, then you are a man, in your heart is God

١٦. ما دامَ قَلبُكَ فيهِ رَحمَةٌ لِأَخٍ
عانٍ فَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ في قَلبِكَ اللَهُ