1. What is it to me, what is it to the graceful gazelle,
My hands are empty of love, and of it.
١. مالي وَما لِلرَشَءِ الأَغيَدِ
خَلَت مِنَ الحُب وَمِنهُ يَدي
2. It kept its distance, so I have no hopes of closeness,
The palm cannot reach the Pleiades.
٢. نَأى فَما في قُربِهِ مَطمَعٌ
لا تَصِلُ الكَفُّ إِلى الفَرقَدِ
3. I cut, with despair, the ropes of wishes,
And said to yearning: “Do not wander!”
٣. قَطَعتُ بِاليَأسِ حِوطَ المُنى
وَقُلتُ لِلسَلوانِ لا تَبعُدِ
4. So I became - no singer delights me,
Nor do I incline towards any singer.
٤. وَصِرتُ لا يُطريني مُنشِدٌ
وَلا أَنا أَصبو إِلى مُنشِدِ
5. I roam in the meadow at dawn,
Perplexed, like one lost in the wilderness.
٥. أَسيرُ في الرَوضَةِ عِندَ الضُحى
حَيرانَ كَالمُدلِجِ في فَدفَدِ
6. Before me is water, and I am not sated,
And around me is light, and I am not guided.
٦. أَمامِيَ الماء وَلا أَرتَوي
وَحَولِيَ النور وَلا أَهتَدي
7. Oh, would that I knew where is the era of youth,
And where are the dreams of the eternal youth!
٧. يا لَيتَ شِعرتي أَينَ عَهدُ الصِبا
وَأَينَ أَحلامُ الفَتى الأَمرَدِ
8. It passed like a mirage that appears and disappears,
Glimpsed in the mind, but not found.
٨. وَلّى وَوَلَّت كَخَيالِ الكَرى
يَلوحُ في الذُهن وَلَم يوجَدِ
9. So calm down, you riled hearts!
And sleep, you envious eyes!
٩. فَيا قُلوبَ الكاشِحينَ اِسكُني
وَيا عُيونَ الحاسِدينَ اِرقُدي
10. And you who fear my power,
I have trimmed my claws, so be at ease!
١٠. وَيا شِياهاً تَتَّقي صَولَتي
قَلَّمتُ أَظفارِيَ فَاِستَأسِدي
11. O you who ask about yesterday, how it passed,
Leave it be, and ask me, my brother, about tomorrow!
١١. يا سائِلي عَن أَمسِ كَيفَ اِنقَضى
دَعه وَسَلني يا أَخي عَن غَدِ
12. I comfort my soul, and gently tell it,
To consider the past as if never born.
١٢. أَروَحُ لِلنَفس وَأَهنا لَها
أَن تَحسُبَ الماضِيَ لَم يولَدِ