
The light of the two eyes has dimmed,

أودى فنور الفرقدين ضئيل

1. The light of the two eyes has dimmed,
And dread and panic is upon the dwellings,

١. أَودى فَنورُ الفَرقَدَينِ ضَئيلُ
وَعَلى المَنازِلِ رَهبَةٌ وَذُهولُ

2. Sorrow was created in the heart of him who was ignorant of sorrow,
The words of the informant - Rafa'il has died,

٢. خَلَقَ الأَسى في قَلبِ مَن جَهِلَ الأَسى
قَولُ المُخَبِّرِ ماتَ رافائِلُ

3. So from the insides among the ribs - thunderbolts,
And from the tears - streams flowing down the cheeks,

٣. فَمِنَ الجَوى بَينَ الضُلُعِ صَوَعِقٌ
وَعَعَلى الخُدودِ مِنَ الدُموعِ سُيولُ

4. The one who found sorrow said more than crying,
And the one who cannot speak - cried,

٤. قالَ الَّذي وَجَدَ الأَسى فَوقَ البُكا
وَبَكى الَّذي لايَستَطيعُ يَقولُ

5. O companion of the dead in their burial places,
After you - the land is desolate and still,

٥. يا مُؤنِسَ الأَمواتِ في أَرماسِها
في الأَرضِ بَعدَكَ وَحشَةٌ وَخُمولُ

6. Neither does the traveling sun have a state,
Nor the face of the earth a shade, nor the shade of life is dim,

٦. لا الشَمسُ سافِرَةٌ وَلا وَجهُ الثَرى
حالٍ وَلا ظِلُّ الحَياةِ ظَليلُ

7. This universe after you is still the same,
But the light of insights is little,

٧. ما زالَ هَذا الكَونُ بَعدَكَ مِثلَهُ
لَكِنَّ نورَ الباصِراتِ كَليلُ

8. Our torch in the night of every adversity,
The night after you is dark and long,

٨. نِبراسُنا في لَيلِ كُلِّ مُلِمَّةٍ
اللَيلُ بَعدَكَ حالِكٌ وَطَويلُ

9. Inspire me with your eloquence, my mind is heedless,
My vigilance is diminished and the knitting of my poetry is undone,

٩. هَبني بَيانَكَ إِنَّ عَقلِيَ ذاهِلٌ
ساهٍ وَغَربُ بَراعَتي مَفلولُ

10. Despair has enervated the shoulder of poetry and destroyed it,
The horror of affliction - so its knot is untied,

١٠. قَد فَتَّ في عَضُدِ القَريضِ وَهَدَّهُ
هَولُ المُصابِ فَعِقدُهُ مَحلولُ

11. Why do I see the world as if I see no one,
As if both worlds are redundant?

١١. ما لي أَرى الدُنيا كَأَنّي لا أَرى
أَحداً كَأَنَّ العالَمينَ فُضولُ

12. I weep when melody passes my hearing,
So the wailing of the bereaved is a shriek,

١٢. أَبكي إِذا مَرَّ الغِناءُ بِمَسمَعي
فَكَأَنَّ شَدوَ الشاضِياتِ عَويلُ

13. My soul that blamed me for meeting him,
Today there is no hope or reasoning,

١٣. نَفسي الَّتي عَلَّلَتني بِلِقائِهِ
اليَومَ لا أَمَلٌ وَلا تَعليلُ

14. Melt away! For knowledge - its pillars have collapsed,
And religion - its drawn sword is sheathed,

١٤. ذوبي فَإِنَّ العِلمَ مادَ عِمادُهُ
وَالدينَ أُغمِدَ سَيفُهُ المَسلولُ

15. This is a position - neither is wailing seemly in it,
Nor is graceful patience - graceful,

١٥. هَذا مَقامٌ لا التَفَجُّعُ سُبَّةُ
فيهِ وَلا الصَبرُ الجَميلُ جَميلُ

16. I did not know before the news of his death flew,
That souls flow from eyes,

١٦. ما كُنتُ أَدري قَبلَ طارَ نَعِيُّهُ
أَنَّ النُفوسَ مِنَ العُيونِ تَسيلُ

17. How foolish is man residing resigned to fate,
And death wanders around him and roams,

١٧. ما أَحمَقَ الإِنسانَ يَسكُنُ لِلمُنى
وَالمَوتُ يَخطُرُ حَولَهُ وَيَجولُ

18. He loves life as if he will live forever,
And he knows he will perish,

١٨. يَهوى الحَياةَ كَأَنَّما هُوَ خالِدٌ
أَبَداً وَيَعلَمُ أَنَّهُ سَيَزولُ

19. And of the wonders is that he longs for tomorrow,
While tomorrow and what it brings is unknown,

١٩. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَن يَحِنَّ إِلى غَدٍ
وَغَدٌ وَما يَأتي بِهِ مَجهولُ

20. Do not incline towards life, for it is,
A vanishing world that kills men,

٢٠. لا تَركُنَنَّ إِلى الحَياةِ فَإِنَّها
دُنيا هُلوكٌ لِلرِجالِ قَتولُ

21. The one who was satisfied with speech and led it,
Fell silent - as if his tongue is tied,

٢١. سَكَتَ الَّذي راضَ الكَلامَ وَقادَهُ
حَتّى كَأَنَّ لِسانَهُ مَكبولُ

22. O speaker of the excellent sermons, as if
they are by divine inspiration and revelation!

٢٢. يا قائِلَ الخُطَبِ الحِسانِ كَأَنَّها
لِجَمالِها الإِلهامُ وَالتَنزيلُ

23. If that face has been veiled by earth,
For the star in the liver of heaven there is a setting,

٢٣. إِنَ كانَ ذاكَ الوَجهُ حَجَّبَهُ الثَرى
لِلنَجمِ في كَبِدِ السَماءِ أُفولُ

24. The dove is no critic, but verily,
The worth of the great on the great is proof,

٢٤. لَيسَ الحِمامُ بِناقِدٍ لَكِنَّما
قَدَرُ العَظيمِ عَلى العَظيمِ دَليلُ

25. Do the angels guard your grave? It has in it,
Dignity, and around it - veneration,

٢٥. نَم تَحرُسِ الأَملاكُ قَبرَكَ إِنَّهُ
فيهِ الوَقارُ وَحَولَهُ التَبجيلُ

26. How often you spent the night, its star apprehensive,
Exerting yourself - while the awake were few,

٢٦. فَلَكَم قَطَعتَ اللَيلَ خافٍ نَجمُهُ
مُتَجَهِّداً وَالساهِرونَ قَليلُ

27. Seeking the forgiveness of God for mankind,
As if you alone are the questioned,

٢٧. مُستَنزِلاً عَفوَ الإِلَهِ عَنِ الوَرى
حَتّى كَأَنَّكَ وَحدَكَ المَسؤولُ

28. Souls desire pleasures and crave them,
Yet God does not desire them, nor the Bible,

٢٨. تَبغي اللَذاذاتِ النُفوسُ وَتَشتَهي
وَاللَهُ ما تَبغيهِ وَالإِنجيلُ

29. Were it not for schools whose discipline is harsh,
and churches - there would only be ignorance and paralysis,

٢٩. لَولا مَدارِسُ شُدتَها وَكَنائِسٌ
ما كانَ إِلّا الجَهلُ وَالتَعطيلُ

30. You spent your life struggling in God,
The reward of one who struggles in God is plentiful.

٣٠. أَنفَقتَ عُمرَكَ في الإِلَهِ مُجاهِداً
أَجرُ المُجاهِدِ في الإِلَهِ جَزيلُ