1. Live for beauty, you will find it sparkling
In stars of the night or flowers of gardens,
١. عِش لِلجَمالِ تَراهُ العَينُ مُؤتَلَقاً
في أَنجُمِ اللَيلِ أَو زَهرِ البَساتينِ
2. And palms have erected with it as a roof
A pavilion of vitality for the winds.
٢. وَفي الرُبى نَصَبَت كَفُّ الأَصيلِ بِها
سُرادِقاً مِن نُضارٍ لِلرَياحينِ
3. And in mountains, when evening circulates around them
Draping them in robes of awe,
٣. وَفي الجِبالِ إِذا طافَ المَساءُ بِها
وَلَفَّها بِسَرابيلِ الرَهابينِ
4. And in streams it has a child’s chatter
And in lightnings, the laughter of the ecstatic.
٤. وَفي السَواقي لَها كَالطِفلِ ثَرثَرَةٌ
وَفي البُروقِ لَها ضِحكُ المَجانينِ
5. And in the smiles of a moon, and her glory
And if she turns away, it is in the eyelids of September.
٥. وَفي اِبتِساماتِ أَيّارٍ وَرَوعَتِها
فَإِن تَوَلّى فَفي أَجفانِ تِشرينِ
6. There is no time for beauty, no limit by which it's measured,
But we are the people of limit and time.
٦. لا حينَ لِلحُسنِ لا حَدَّ يُقاسُ بِهِ
وَإِنَّما نَحنُ أَهلُ الحَدِّ وَالحينِ
7. So how it has throbbed in the dress of a singing girl,
And how it has shone in the clothes of a pauper!
٧. فَكَم تَماوَجَ في سِربالِ غانِيَةٍ
وَكَم تَأَلَّقَ في أَسمالِ مِسكينِ
8. And how a blind man has felt it and raved,
While all around him scoffed and were not enthralled.
٨. وَكَم أَحَسَّ بِهِ أَعمى فَجُنَّ لَهُ
وَحَولَهُ أَلفُ راءٍ غَيرِ مَفتونِ
9. Live for beauty, you will find it here and there,
Live for it, it is genuinely a secret treasure.
٩. عِش لِلجَمالِ تَراهُ هَهُنا وَهُنا
وَعِش لَهُ وَهوَ سِرٌّ جِدُّ مَكنونِ
10. Better and superior than those who feel no yearning
For beauty - merely idols of clay.
١٠. خَيرٌ وَأَفضَلُ مِمَّن لا حَنينَ لَهُم
إِلى الجَمالِ تَماثيلٌ مِنَ الطينِ