
Alas, after you, patience is futile

هيهات بعدك ما يفيد تصبر

1. Alas, after you, patience is futile
And if it helps, which heart can have patience?

١. هَيهاتِ بَعدَكَ ما يُفيدُ تَصَبُّرُ
وَلَئِن أَفادَ فَأَيُّ قَلبٍ يَصبِرُ

2. Tears are denounced in men
Except for you, withholding them brings no thanks

٢. إِنَّ البُكاءَ مِنَ الرِجالِ مُذَمَّمٌ
إِلّا عَلَيكَ فَتَركُهُ لا يُشكَرُ

3. If I had a heart I would have told it, comfort me
For I have no heart, and so I suffer

٣. لَو كانَ لي قَلبٌ لَقُلتُ لَهُ اِرعَوي
إِنّي بِلا قَلبٍ فَإِنّي أَزجُرُ

4. I kept to your grave, and crying kept to me
The night was dark, and the stars remained awake

٤. لازَمتُ قَبرَك وَالبُكاءُ مُلازِمي
وَاللَيلُ داج وَالكَواكِبُ سُهَّرُ

5. I cry for you with copious tears
And the red ochre would tell you little

٥. أَبكي عَلَيكَ بِأَدمُعٍ هَطّالَةٍ
وَلَقَد يَقلُ لَكَ النَجيعُ الأَحمَرُ

6. I wished from my longing for you and my sorrow
If only your tomb was carved into my heart

٦. وَوَدِدتُ مِن شَجوي عَلَيك وَحَسرَتي
لَو اِنَّ لَحدَكَ في فُؤادي يُحفَرُ

7. I wonder how the earth can contain you
Where did the clear dust settle?

٧. إِنّي لَأَعجَبُ كَيفَ يَعلوكَ الثَرى
أَنّى ثَوى تَحتَ الرُغامِ النَيِّرُ

8. I spent the night veiled by it, but
The traces of your generosity cannot be concealed

٨. أَمسَيتُ مُستَتِراً بِهِ لَكِنَّما
آثارُ جودِكَ فَوقَهُ لا تُستَرُ

9. The dew fell ill when you fell ill, and nearly
Died of the crushing, dire despair

٩. مَرِضَ النَدى لَمّا مَرِضت وَكادَ أَن
يَقضي مِنَ اليَأسِ المُلِمُّ المُعسِرُ

10. It hoped you would heal its fracture
For if you go, its break cannot be healed

١٠. يَرجوكَ أَنَّكَ جابِرٌ كَسرَهُ
فَإِذا فُقِدتَ فَكَسرُهُ لا يُجبَرُ

11. And clouds gathered over those faces
Murky, unclarified, yielding no rain

١١. وَعَلَت عَلى تِلكَ الوُجوهِ سَحابَةٌ
كَدراءُ لا تَصفو وَلا تُستَمطَرُ

12. How they tried to suppress the grief, but it
Would penetrate the bodies to appear

١٢. كَم حاوَلوا كَتمَ الأَسى لَكِنَّهُ
قَد كانَ يَختَرِقُ الجُسومَ فَيَظهَرُ

13. The crowds gathered around you as though
Seeking the east's protection from what is feared

١٣. حامَت حَوالَيكَ الجُموعُ كَأَنَّما
تَبغي وَقاءَ الشَرقِ مِمّا يُحذَرُ

14. And all asked how our leader fared
What did our wise men see, what did they tell?

١٤. وَالكُلُّ يَسأَلُ كَيفَ حالُ إِمامِنا
ماذا رَأى حُكَماأُنا ما أَخبَروا

15. The illness strengthens, then weakens at times
As though testing hearts and probing

١٥. وَالداءُ يَقوى ثُمَّ يَضعُفُ تارَةً
فَكَأَنَّهُ يَبلو القُلوب وَيَسبِرُ

16. Fate made you drink the sweet and gave you bitterness
May its hands perish, its sin is unforgiven

١٦. أَورَدَتهُ عَذباً فَأَورَدَكَ الرَدى
تَبَّت يَداهُ فَذَنبُهُ لا يُغفَرُ

17. Alas, no army deters fate
From whom it is determined, no troops avail

١٧. هَيهاتِ ما يَثني المَنِيَّةَ جَحفَلٌ
عَمَّن تَأُم وَلا يُفيدُ العَسكَرُ

18. Fate ambushed our souls until we
Nearly consoled the man before he was shrouded

١٨. رَصَدَ الرَدى أَرواحَنا حَتّى لَقَد
كِدنا نُعَزّي المَرءَ قَبلُ يُصَوِّرُ

19. We loathe life as though it were a blessing
And beyond the calamities, loving it bears no fruit

١٩. نَهوى الحَياةَ كَأَنَّما هِيَ نِعمَةٌ
وَسِوى افَواجِعِ حُبُّها لا يُثمِرُ

20. We think the days' laughter is pleasing
While days mock people and ridicule

٢٠. وَنَظَنُّ ضِحكَ الدَهرِ فاتِحَةَ الرِضى
وَالدَهرُ يَهزَءُ بِالأَنام وَيَسخَرُ

21. If the Nile valley only knew the disaster
Its waters would nearly dry up

٢١. أَفَقيدَ أَرضِ النيلِ أُقسِمُ لَو دَرى
بِالخَطبِ أَوشَكَ مائُهُ يَتَعَسَرُ

22. They placed you in the earth's belly though you were unaccustomed
To seas concealing you in its valleys

٢٢. وَضَعوكَ في بَطنِ التُراب وَما عَهِد
تُ البَحرَ قَلبَكَ في الصَفائِحِ يَذخَرُ

23. They saw your majesty in the tomb, and all
Fell desiring that in your place they be buried

٢٣. وَرَأَوا جَلالَكَ في الضَريحِ فَكُلُّهُم
يَهوى وَيَرجو لَو مَكانَكَ يُقبَرُ

24. No courtyard was ever devoid of sorrow for you
So that no chamber would lack tears

٢٤. لَم تَخلُ مِن أَسَفٍ عَلَيكَ حَشاشَةٌ
أَبَداً فَيَخلو مِن دُموعٍ مِحجَرُ

25. They came to offer condolences but no consolation came to them
Grief was woven and tears were strewn

٢٥. آبو وَما آبَ العَزاءُ إِلَيهِمُ
وَالحُزنُ يُنظَم وَالمَدامِعُ يَنشُرُ

26. And all asked how their country would be
After the leader died, reflecting

٢٦. وَالكُلُّ كَيفَ يَكونُ حالُ بِلادِهِم
مِن بَعدِ ما ماتَ الإِمامُ يُفَكِّرُ

27. This loss did not afflict us in his time
Had he felt the calamity, he would have sensed it

٢٧. لَم يَبلِنا هَذا الزَمانُ بِفَقدِهِ
لَو كانَ مِمَن بِالرَزِيَّةِ يَشعُرُ