1. This raging storm, its fires are blazing,
Its causes and peers stretched taut.
١. هَذي الوَغى مَشبوبَةُ النيرانِ
مَشدودَةُ الأَسبابِ وَالأَقرانِ
2. Its youth has grayed, though it was but an infant,
A maiden, mere moments and hours ago.
٢. شابَت مَفارِقُها وَكانَت طِفلَةً
عَذراءَ مُنذُ دَقائِقٍ وَثَوانِ
3. Peace is shrouded, never to be unfurled,
Or the interred exhumed from their shrouds.
٣. طُوِيَ السَلامُ فَلَيسَ يُنشَرُ بَعدَها
أَو يُبعَثُ المَلحودُ في الأَكفانِ
4. Break the lutes and smash your pens,
Today is a day for the clash of blades.
٤. شُقّوا الطُروسَ وَحَطِّموا أَقلامَكُم
اليَومَ يَومُ شَواجِرِ المُرّانِ
5. All chivalry is worthless against swords,
Chivalry has no place in wars.
٥. هانَت عَلى الصَمصامِ كُلُّ يَراعَةٍ
ما لِليَراعَةِ في الحُروبِ يَدانِ
6. My friend, this storm is not of my making,
These are the devil's evil whisperings.
٦. يا صاحِبي لَيسَ الوَغى مِن مَذهَبي
هاتيكَ وَسوَسَةٌ مِنَ الشَيطانِ
7. For people are brothers, it is not right
That brothers should destroy each other.
٧. فَالناسُ إِخوانٌ وَلَيسَ مِنَ النُهى
أَن يَفتِكَ الإِخوانُ بِالإِخوانِ
8. If armies understood their kings
Are their enemies, thrones would tumble.
٨. لَو تَعقِلُ الأَجنادُ أَنَّ مُلوكَها
أَعدائُها اِنقَلَبَت عَلى التيجانِ
9. A people, when seeking to ascend,
Take their steps upon religions.
٩. قَومٌ إِذا شاؤوا الصُعودَ لِمَطلَبٍ
تَخِذوا مَراقِيَهُم مِنَ الأَديانِ
10. If you abhor war, you are craven,
Yet when you kill your brother, no coward.
١٠. أَو إِن كَرِهتَ الحَربَ كُنتَ يَراعَةً
وَإِذا قَتَلتَ أَخاكَ غَيرَ جَبانِ
11. If taking a soul is not forbidden,
What distinguishes man from beast?
١١. إِن كانَ قَتلُ النَفسِ غَيرَ مُحَرَّمٍ
ما الفَرقُ بَينَ المَرءِ وَالحَيَوانِ
12. War brings misery unto the earth,
Yet man loves war.
١٢. الحَربُ مَجلَبَةُ الشَقاوَةِ لِلوَرى
وَالحَربُ يَعشَقُه بَنو الإِنسانِ
13. Whose is the army on Thursday, its banners
United as one building?
١٣. لِمَنِ الخَميسُ خَوافِقٌ راياتُهُ
مُتَماسِكُ الأَجزاءِ كَالبُنيانِ
14. As dark as night in its mass,
Seething like a boiling cauldron.
١٤. مُتَأَلِّبٌ كَاللَيلِ جَنَّ سَوادُهُ
مُستَوفِزٌ كَالقَدَرِ في الغَلَيانِ
15. Coursing like a torrent in floods,
Thrusting like a howling gale.
١٥. مُتَدَفِّقٌ كَالسَيلِ في الغُدرانِ
مُتَدَفِّعٌ كَالعاصِفِ المِرنانِ
16. The battalions shake from its blows
And the earth quakes in terror.
١٦. تَتَزَلزَلُ الأَطوادُ مِن صَدَماتِهِ
وَتَظَلُّ مِنهُ الأَرضُ في رَجَفانِ
17. A raging beast that ravages the land and its people,
Wretched is the weak and hesitant man.
١٧. عَجلانُ يَكتَسِحُ البِلادَ وَأَهلَها
إِنَّ الشَقِيَّ العاجِزُ المُتَواني
18. In every saddle, an enraged lion
In his grip, a sword that flashes like lightning.
١٨. في كُلِّ سَرجٍ ضَيغَمٌ مُتحَفِّزٌ
في كَفِّهِ ماضي الشَباةِ يَمانِ
19. Open-handed, though the coward hoards his soul,
As if he had two souls in his body.
١٩. سَمحٌ إِذا ضَنَّ الجَبانُ بِروحِهِ
فَكَأَنَّما في جِسمِهِ روحانِ
20. Nothing protected his brain, ensconced in his chest,
Except to expend it on a day of stabbing.
٢٠. ما صانَ مُهجَتَهُ الَّتي في صَدرِهِ
إِلّا لِيَبذُلَها بِيَومِ طِعانِ
21. On the day of battle, nothing is more beautiful to him
Than to be seen plunging his spear.
٢١. لا شَيءَ يَومَ الرَوعِ أَجمَلُ عِندَهُ
مِن أَن يُرى وَالقِرنَ يَصطَرِعانِ
22. O Lord of a battle, its carnage so deep
The two armies disappeared into its shadow.
٢٢. يا رُبَّ مَعرَكَةٍ تَرَكَمَ نَقعُها
حَتّى اِختَفى في ظِلِّها الجَيشانِ
23. Indian swords gleamed through its smoke
Like lightning in the midst of thick clouds.
٢٣. باتَت صِقالُ الهِندِ في أَفيائِها
كَالبَرقِ يَسطَعُ مِن خِلالِ دُخانِ
24. The horses flew atop their saddles
As if yearning to be freed of their saddles.
٢٤. وَالخَيلُ طائِرَةً عَلى أَرسانِها
تَهوى لَوِ اِنعَتَقَت مِنَ الأَرسانِ
25. The cannons roared like thunder, speaking out,
Every tongue fell silent.
٢٥. دَوَتِ المَدافِعُ كَالرُعودِ قَواصِفاً
نَطَقَ الحَديدُ فَعِيَّ كُلُّ لِسانِ
26. They cast forth projectiles that seemed like comets,
Red, as if molded from coral.
٢٦. تَرمي بِأَشباهِ الرُجومِ تَخالُها
حَمراءَ قَد صيغَت مِنَ المُرجانِ
27. They swerve not from their targets,
Though volcanic bombs swerve often.
٢٧. ما إِن تَطيشُ وَإِن نَأَت أَغراضُها
وَلَكَم تَطيشُ قَذائِفُ البُركانِ
28. Showering destruction, reducing forts to ruins
And pounding them into rubble and debris.
٢٨. صَخّابَةً تَذَرُ الحُصونَ بَلاقِعاً
وَتَدُكُّها دَكّاً إِلى الأَركانِ
29. Swooping down as the eagles do
Upon their prey.
٢٩. تَنقَضُّ وَالفُرسانُ في آثارِها
تَنقَضُّ مِثلَ كَواسِرِ العُقبانِ
30. A clash that shook the world as it did
And people shook in Saydan.
٣٠. هِيَ وَقعَةٌ ضَجَّت لَها الدُنيا كَما
ضَجَّت وَضَجَّ الناسُ في سيدانِ
31. Death marched destructive, taking lives
Seeking souls in bodies.
٣١. مَشَتِ المَنايا حاسِراتٍ عِندَها
تَتَطَلَّبُ الأَرواحَ في الأَبدانِ
32. Upon the sky's surface, a black robe,
Upon the earth's surface, a robe of blood.
٣٢. فَعَلى أَديمِ الجَوِّ ثَوبٌ أَسوَدُ
وَعَلى أَديمِ الأَرضِ ثَوبٌ قانِ
33. And if you looked at the bodies on the ground,
You saw dunes upon dunes.
٣٣. وَإِذا نَظَرتَ إِلى الجُسومِ عَلى الثَرى
أَبصَرتَ كُثباناً عَلى كُثبانِ
34. When they saw Burgas bristling like a porcupine,
They charged upon it with the fierceness of Japan.
٣٤. لَمّا رَأَوا بورغاسَ ضَرَّةَ مَكدَنٍ
حَمَلوا عَلَيها حَملَةَ اليابانِ
35. When the crescent cleared, it was inverted,
A banner twisted, the cross's banner.
٣٥. وَقَدِ اِنجَلَت فَإِذا الهِلالُ مُنَكَّسَ
عَلَمٌ طَوَتهُ رايَةُ الصُلبانِ
36. Their strength prevailed decidedly,
And the Turks tilted in the scales.
٣٦. رَجَحَت قِواهُم أَيَّما رُجحانِ
فيها وَشالَ التُركُ في الميزانِ
37. They fled like the red horses frightened
By the scowling, wrathful son of lu'ayy.
٣٧. نَفَروا لَكَالحُمرِ الَّتي رَوَّعتَها
بِاِبنِ الشَرى المُتَجَهِّمِ الغَضبانِ
38. Their hearts raced in their chests
And their arrogance ceased its beating.
٣٨. وَقُلوبُهُم قَد أَسرَعَت ضَرَباتُها
وَطَظُنُّها وَقَفَت عَنِ الخَفَقانِ
39. Looking behind with eyes that saw
Enemies in their eyelids.
٣٩. مُتَلَفِّتينَ إِلى الوَراءِ بِأَعيُنٍ
تَتَخَيَّلُ الأَعداءَ في الأَجفانِ
40. Seeking escape from death's blow,
Alas, death is everywhere.
٤٠. يَتَلَمَّسونَ مِنَ المَنِيَّةِ مَهرَباً
هَيهاتَ إِنَّ المَوتَ كُلَّ مَكانِ
41. By God, they will not be saved from its traps,
Not even if lent the legs of gazelles.
٤١. وَاللَهِ ما يَنجونَ مِن أَشراكِهِ
وَلَوِ اِستَعاروا أَرجُلَ الغُزلانِ
42. Their corpses are spoils for the victors
And their bodies food for the scavenging hyenas.
٤٢. أَسلابُهُم لِلظافِرينَ غَنيمَةٌ
وَجُسُمُهُم لِلحاجِلِ الغَرثانِ
43. Whether saved from the swords and the lances,
Terror pierced them with its sharp teeth.
٤٣. إِن يَأمَنو وَقعَ الأَسِنَّةِ وَالظُبى
فَالذُعرُ طاعِنُهُم بِشَرِّ سِنانِ
44. Unforgettable are the wretches
In God's grace was their endeavor and care.
٤٤. ما أَنسَ لا أَنسى عِصابَةَ خُرَّدٍ
في اللَهِ مَسعاهُنَّ وَالإِحسانِ
45. Who left their soft beds for harsh bedrolls
And their homelands and families behind.
٤٥. عِفنَ الوَثيرَ إِلى وَسائِدَ قَضَّةٍ
وَنَزَحنَ عَن أَهلٍ وَعَن أَوطانِ
46. And stood themselves in this world upon
Providing aid and supporting the helpless.
٤٦. وَوَقفنَ أَنفُسَهُنَّ في الدُنيا عَلى
تَأمينِ مُلتاعٍ وَنُصرَةِ عانِ
47. Bearing the flags of peace to the ravaged,
While they carried the flags of evil and injustice.
٤٧. يَحمِلن أَلوِيَةَ السَلامِ إِلى الأُلى
حَمَلوا لِواءَ الشَرِّ وَالعُدوانِ
48. How many lie bloodied and moaning,
With none to care upon them.
٤٨. كَم مِن جَريحٍ بِالنَجيعِ مُخَضَّبٍ
في الأَرضِ لا يَحنو عَلَيهِ حانِ
49. Not wary of death like wary
Of their comrades in villainy.
٤٩. ما راعَهُ طَيفُ المَنِيَّةِ مِثلَما
راعَت حَشاهُ فُرقَةُ الخِلّانِ
50. For him, when remembering his home and family,
The stranger's sigh and the bereft man's lament.
٥٠. فَلَهُ إِذا ذَكَرَ الدِيارَ وَأَهلَهُ
آهُ الغَريبِ وَأَبَّةُ الثَكَلانِ
51. They breathed life into his hopes and consoled him,
And secured him from his fears.
٥١. نَفَّسنَ مِن بُرَجائِهِ وَأَسَونَهُ
وَأَعَضنَهُ مِن خَوفِهِ بِأَمانِ
52. The gardens' allure for me is not
That they are the abode of lasting peace and beauty.
٥٢. ما حَبَّبَ الجَنّاتِ عِندِيَ أَنَّها
مَثوى سَلامٍ مُستَقَرُّ حِسانِ
53. Were it not for the affection of the gentle ladies,
The world would be naught but sorrows.
٥٣. لَولا حَنانُ الغانِياتِ وَعَطفُها
ما كانَتِ الدُنيا سِوى أَحزانِ
54. Let the days not hear any news from me
That would alarm every person of conscience.
٥٤. مَن مُسمِعُ الأَيّامَ عَنّي نَبأَةً
يَرتاعُ مِنها كُلُّ ذي وُجدانِ
55. The ravaged showed cowardice before their enemies,
Showed courage against children and women.
٥٥. إِنَّ الأُلى جَبُنوا أَمامَ عُداتِهِم
شَجُعوا عَلى الأَطفالِ وَالنُسوانِ
56. And swords sheathed during the fury,
Were brandished upon guests and cotton farmers.
٥٦. وَصَوارِماً قَد أُغمِدَت يَومَ الوَغى
شُهِرَت عَلى الأَضيافِ وَالقُطّانِ
57. Is this how the trusted reward their towns?
Or does the Quran thus decree?
٥٧. أَكَذا يُجازي الآمِنونَ بُدورِهِم
أَو هَكَذا قَد جاءَ في القُرآنِ
58. Time has betrayed the Ottomans,
Betrayed the Greeks and the Romans.
٥٨. أَخنى عَلى الأَتراكِ دَهرٌ حُوَّلٌ
أَخنى عَلى اليونانِ وَالرومانِ
59. And time has erased the virtues of Yildiz,
The palace of springs and the hall of fountains.
٥٩. وَطَوى مَحاسِنَ يَلدِزٍ قَدَرٌ طَوى
رَبَّ السَديرِ وَصاحِبَ الإيوانِ
60. Today no sublime capital remains sublime,
Nor does the Sultan rule a sultanate.
٦٠. فَاليَومَ لا أَستانَةُ أَستانَةٌ
تَزهو وَلا السُلطانُ بَِلسُلطانِ
61. Its cycles turned against it as they did
Against Tehran.
٦١. دارَت دَوائِرُهُ عَلَيها مِثلَما
دارَت دَوائِرُهُ عَلى طَهرانِ
62. Why, my slumbering people, as I cried out,
Did you plug your ears as the sleeping awoke?
٦٢. أَمُنَبِّهي الأَضغانَ كَيفَ هَجَعتُمُ
لَمّا تَنَبَّهَ نائِمُ الأَضغانِ
63. The rule of elders - speak! What has it contravened
Of the league of youths?
٦٣. وَحُكومَةَ الأَشياخِ وَيحَكِ ما الَّذي
خالَفتِ فيهِ عُصبَةَ الفِتيانِ
64. They told us the extensive kingdom and its grandeur,
They lied! For the kingdom belongs to the Merciful.
٦٤. قالوا لَنا المُلكُ العَريضُ وَجاهُهُ
كَذَبوا فَإِنَّ المُلكَ لِلرَحمَنِ
65. Why, my people, do you plug your ears
Whenever I cry out?
٦٥. ما بالُ قَومي كُلَّما اِستَصرَختُم
وَضَعوا أَصابِعَهُمُ عَلى الآذانِ
66. Syria's children united,
And took your example from the Balkans.
٦٦. أَبناءَ سورِيّا الفَتاةِ تَضافَروا
وَخُذوا مَثالَتُكُم عَنِ البَلقانِ
67. The Turks do not deserve to rule you,
Or for their lions to make your bed their den.
٦٧. ما التُركُ أَهلٌ أَن يَسودوا فيكُمُ
أَو رُحكَمُ الآسادُ بِالظُلمانِ
68. They dressed the East in the garb of humiliation,
And gave it the cup of disgrace and lowliness to drink.
٦٨. هُم أُلبِسوا الشَرقِيَّ ثَوبَ غَضاضَةٍ
وَسَقوهُ كَأسَي ذِلَّةٍ وَهَوانِ
69. So when the people are mentioned in any place,
The Ottoman stands tall while the Eastern bows his head.
٦٩. فَإِذا جَرى ذِكرُ الشُعوبِ بِمَوضِعٍ
شَمَخَت وَطَأطَأَ رَأسَهُ العُثماني