1. The gardens of poetry have regained their vitality,
The flowers and grass flourishing once again.
١. عادَت رِياضُ القَوافي وَهيَ حالِيَةٌ
وَكانَ صَوَّحَ فيها الزَهرُ وَالعُشُبُ
2. The inkwells have renewed their vigor,
After languishing in exhaustion and toil-
٢. وَاِستَرجَعَت دَولَةُ الأَقلامِ نَخوَتَها
وَكانَ أَدرَكَها الإِعياءُ وَالتَعَبُ
3. Thanks to a master poet whose verses
Are fragrant, intoxicating, beautifully enchanting.
٣. بِشاعِرٍ عَبقَرِيٍّ في قَصائِدِهِ
عِطرٌ وَخَمرٌ وَسِحرٌ رائِقٌ عَجَبُ
4. Savor with your soul wine wholly aromatic,
Inhale with your soul a scent wholly delightful.
٤. فَاِشرَب بِروحِكَ خَمراً كُلُّها أَرَجٌ
وَاِنشُق بِروحِكَ عِطراً كُلُّهُ طَرَبُ
5. Revel in a world of beauty from his imagination-
It is sorcery, though of literary refinement.
٥. وَاِمرَح بِدُنيا جَمالٍ مِن تَصَوُّرِهِ
فَإِنَّها السِحرُ إِلّا أَنَّهُ أَدَبُ
6. Don his well-tailored garments and they will remain,
While silk and satin fray and tear away.
٦. وَاِلبِس مَطارِفَ حاكَتها يَراعَتُهُ
تَبقى عَلَيكَ وَيَبلى الخَزُّ وَالقَصَبُ
7. How many gems the sea wishes were ascribed
To it - they belong to Mas'ud, that cannot be denied.
٧. كَم دُرَّةٍ يَتَمَنّى البَحرُ لَو نُسِبَت
إِلَيهِ باتَت إِلى مَسعودَ تَنتَسِبُ
8. Were they to adorn its depths, waves would not roar,
But belonging to another, angrily they stir and pour.
٨. لَو أَنَّها فيهِ لَم تَهتَج غَوارِبُهُ
لَكِنَّها لِسِواهُ فَهوَ يَصطَخِبُ
9. No offense if our poet says to the sea:
“O sea, the finest pearls are not yours to keep!”
٩. فَلا جَناحٌ إِذا ما قالَ شاعِرُنا
لِلبَحرِ يا بَحرُ أَغلى الدُرِّ ما أَهَبُ
10. O poet of the monastery, how you have revived meter,
Singers chant it, books are enlivened with its spirit.
١٠. يا شاعِرَ اَلدَيرِ كَم هَلهَلتَ قافِيَةً
غَنّى الرُواةُ بِها وَاِختالَتِ الكُتُبُ
11. The fluidity of dawn as it emerges,
The softness of water as it spills and surges,
١١. طَلاقَةُ الفَجرِ فيها وَهوَ مُنبَثِقٌ
وَرِقَّةُ الماءِ فيها وَهوَ مُنسَكِبُ
12. Have coursed over the monastery's plateaus,
Nearly bringing to bloom its stone and timber.
١٢. مَرَّت عَلى هَضَباتِ الدَيرِ هائِمَةً
فَكادَ يورِقُ فيها الصَخرُ وَالحَطَبُ
13. When boon companions imbibe wine pure and clear,
Your rhymes are in the drink they sip and they cheer.
١٣. إِذا تَساقى النُدامى الراحَ صافِيَةً
كانَت قَوافيكَ في الراحِ الَّتي شَرِبوا
14. You are on the tongues of the elders when they speak,
You are in the hearts of youth when they leap.
١٤. فَأَنتَ في أَلسُنِ الأَشياخِ إِن نَطَقوا
وَأَنتَ في هِمَمِ الشُبّانِ إِن وَثَبوا
15. Mas'ud, your feast day and this beautiful month arrive,
As I remain far, restless, and deprived.
١٥. مَسعودُ عيدُكَ وَالشَهرُ الجَميلُ مَعاً
قَد أَقبَلا وَأَنا في الأَرضِ أَضطَرِبُ
16. It grieves me that today I am distanced,
While your supporters and friends are around you.
١٦. يَحُزُّ نَفسِيَ أَنّي اليَومَ مُبتَعِدٌ
وَأَنتَ مِن حَولِكَ الأَنصارُ وَالصُحُبُ
17. The expanse and people separate you and I -
Would that this vast space for me could be defied,
١٧. البيدُ وَالناسُ ما بَيني وَبَينَكُمُ
لَيتَ المَهامِهَ تُطوى لي فَأَقتَرِبُ
18. That I could draw near and fulfill in part
What one should say and do on your behalf.
١٨. ما كانَ أَسعَدَني لَو كُنتُ بَينَكُمُ
كَيما يُؤَدّي لِساني بَعضَ ما يَجِبُ
19. For a companion I ache in his absence,
A poet with whom the Arabs have always been enthralled.
١٩. لِصاحِبٍ أَنا تَيّاهٌ بِصُحبَتِهِ
وَشاعِرٍ طالَما تاهَت بِهِ العَرَبُ