1. I have wondrous and fascinating news for you
I will recount it, and it is for you to interpret
١. عِندي لَكُم نَبَأٌ عَجيبٌ شَيِّقٌ
سَأَقُصُّه وَعَلَيكُمُ تَفسيرُهُ
2. I saw the sea silent and pensive
Like an old man, lost in thought of the past
٢. إِنّي رَأَيتُ البَحرَ أَخرَسَ ساهِياً
كَالشَيخِ طالَ بِما مَضى تَفكيرُهُ
3. So I asked myself, confused and restless
Oh how I wish I knew, where has its roar gone?
٣. فَسَأَلتُ نَفسي حائِراً مُتَلَجلِجاً
يا لَيتَ شِعري أَينَ ضاعَ هَديرُهُ
4. Yesterday, a babbling wave said
As it passed by, completing the speech of its rocks
٤. بَِلأَمسِ قالَت مَوجَةٌ ثَرثارَةٌ
وَمَضَت فَأَكمَلَتِ الحَديثَ صُخورُهُ
5. Yesterday, one of your tribe passed us by
His features were delicate, and his feelings were tender
٥. بِالأَمسِ مَرَّ بِنا فَتىً مِن قَومِكُم
رَقَّت شَمائِلُه وَدَقَّ شُعورُهُ
6. Swaying as if drunk on holy wine
In it desire, charm, and languor
٦. مُتَرَنِّحٌ مِن خَمرَةٍ قُدسِيَّةٍ
فيها الهَوى وَفُتونِه وَفُتورُهُ
7. Walking gently, barely touching the ground
As if his path were among the stars
٧. مُتَرَفِّقٌ في مَشيِهِ يَطَءُ الثَرى
وَكَأَنَّما بَينَ النُجومِ مَسيرُهُ
8. Toying with the strings of the lute and the dusk
His curtain billowing over the mist
٨. يَلهو بِأَوتارِ الكَمَنجَة وَالدُجى
مَرخِيَّةٌ فَوقَ العُبابِ سُتورُهُ
9. Conveying greetings to the ancient homeland
And singing of the land he will soon visit
٩. يَهدي إِلى الوَطَنِ القَديمِ سَلامَهُ
وَيُناشِدُ الوَطَنَ الَّذي سَيَزورُهُ
10. His fervent song and cheers inspired awe
So it wandered and its roar and growl were lost
١٠. فَشَجا الخِضَمَّ نَشيدُه وَهُتافُهُ
فَسَها فَضاعَ هَديرُه وَزَئيرُهُ
11. You know him, this is that youth
He whose passing charmed the rocks
١١. أَعَرفتُموهُ إِنَّهُ هَذا الفَتى
هَذا الَّذي سَحَرَ الخِضَمَّ مُرورُهُ
12. David and his psalms in his melodies
Al-Mawsili, Ma'bad and his bed
١٢. داوُد وَالمِزمارُ في نَغَماتِهِ
وَالموصِلِي وَمَعبَد وَسَريرُهُ
13. Oh our guest, you are the messenger of companionship
Its harbinger, and art is your commander
١٣. يا ضَيفَنا وَالأُنسُ أَنتَ رَسولُهُ
وَبَشيرُه وَالفَنُّ أَنتَ أَميرُهُ
14. If it were known in Paradise that you are among us
Virgin houris would come to us in caravans
١٤. لَو شاعَ في الفِردَوسِ أَنَّكَ بَينَنا
لَمَشَت إِلَينا سافِراتٍ حَورُهُ
15. Spring left, and you came, so it is as if
Spring returned with its flowers and birds
١٥. ذَهَبَ الرَبيع وَجِئتَنا فَكَأَنَّما
جاءَ الرَبيعُ زُهورُه وَطُيورُهُ
16. Art rushed to you with its princes
And its houses and palaces opened for you
١٦. الفَنُّ هَشَّ إِلَيكَ في أُمَرائِهِ
وَتَفَتَّحَت لَكَ دورُه وَقُصورُهُ
17. Jewels are comforted by jewels
As for dust, dust is its comfort
١٧. إِنَّ الجَواهِرَ بِالجَواهِرِ أُنسُها
أَمّا التُرابُ فَبِالتُرابِ حُبورُهُ
18. Oh minstrel of melodies, I am a poet
Whose light is dim next to your light
١٨. يا شاعِرَ الأَلحانِ إِنّي شاعِرٌ
أَمسى ضَئيلاً عِندَ نورِكِ نورُهُ
19. Poetry is the highest speech, except
That which the youth's portrayal made higher
١٩. أَسمى الكَلامِ الشِعرُ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
أَسماهُ ما أَعيا الفَتى تَصويرُهُ
20. And I love the roses of gardens, their scent
Is what I love most of the garden's roses
٢٠. وَأُحِبُّ أَزهارِ الحَدائِقِ وَردَها
وَأُحِبُّ مِن وَردِ الرِياضِ عَبيرُهُ
21. You are the youth, the breeze whispers for you
The stream's clarity and murmur are for you
٢١. أَنتَ الفَتى لَكَ في النَسيمِ حَفيفُهُ
وَلَكَ الغَديرُ صَفائُه وَخَريرُهُ
22. The people's hearts are moldable by you
And the night listens to you in its homes
٢٢. القَومُ صاغِيَةٌ إِلَيكَ قُلُبَهُم
وَاللَيلُ مُنصِتَةٌ إِلَيكَ بُدورُهُ
23. With these strings there is irresistible magic
Undulating like revelation at its appearance
٢٣. وَبِهَذِهِ الأَوتارِ سِحرٌ جائِلٌ
مُتَمَلمِلٌ كَالوَحيِ حانَ ظُهورُهُ
24. If you do not inspire and arouse it
Then who can inspire and arouse it?
٢٤. إِن كُنتَ لا تَهتاجَه وَتُثيرُهُ
فَمَنِ الَّذي يَهتاجَه وَيُثيرُهُ
25. Strum your lute, and it bursts forth
Flowing into our souls with its influence
٢٥. دَغدِغ بِريشَتِكَ الكَمَنجَةَ يَنطَلِق
وَيَدُبُّ في أَرواحِنا تَأثيرُهُ
26. Walk with us in every charming melody
Like water flowing through branches, pure
٢٦. وَاِمشِ بِنا في كُلِّ لَحنٍ فاتِنٍ
كَالماءِ يَجري في الغُصونِ طُهورُهُ
27. Pass around to those seated cups of passion
In your hands its drink and its juice
٢٧. وَأَدرِ عَلى الجَلّاسِ أَكوابَ الهَوى
في راحَتَيكَ سُلافُه وَعَصيرُهُ
28. So the dignified man's composure slips away
And the old man reconsiders his pride
٢٨. فَيَخُفُّ في الرَجُلِ الحَليمِ وَقارُهُ
وَيُراجِعُ الشَيخَ المُسِنَّ غُرورُهُ
29. The anxious man's worries fall asleep
And joy awakens in the heart of the sad one
٢٩. وَتَنامُ في صَدرِ الشَجِيِّ هُمومُهُ
وَيُفيقُ في قَلبِ الحَزينِ سُرورُهُ
30. These crowds are now one person
Yours to command, and however you wish is their fate
٣٠. هَذي الجُموعُ الآنَ شَخصٌ واحِدٌ
لَكَ حُكمُه وَكَما تَشاءُ مَصيرُهُ
31. If you want, their cheers and singing last
Or you want, their wailing and growling persist
٣١. إِن شِئتَ طالَ هُتافُه وَنَشيدُهُ
أَو شِئتَ دامَ نُواحُه وَزَفيرُهُ
32. We have given you our hearts and taken nothing
Except what was yours before we arranged it
٣٢. إِنّا وَهَبناكَ القُلوب وَلَم نَهَب
إِلّا الَّذي لَكَ قَبلَنا تَدبيرُهُ