
O Damascus, the inspired and bookish,

حي الشآم مهندا وكتابا

1. O Damascus, the inspired and bookish,
And the green Ghouta, and the prayer niche,

١. حَيِّ الشَآمَ مُهَنَّدا وَكِتابا
وَالغوطَةَ الخَضراء وَالمِحرابا

2. It is not domes that I saw, but rather,
A will that rebelled, so domes rose high.

٢. لَيسَت قِباباً ما رَأَيت وَإِنَّما
عَزمٌ تَمَرَّدَ فَاِستَطالَ قِبابا

3. With your spirit, kiss its land through the ages,
For the sublime resided in pebbles and dust.

٣. فَاِلثُم بِروحِكَ أَرضَها تَلثُم عُصوراً
لِلعُلى سَكَنَت حَصى وَتُرابا

4. And descend upon Barada clapping and laughing joyfully,
Begging saplings and grass to forgive it.

٤. وَاِهبِط عَلى بَرَدى يُصَفِّقُ ضاحِكاً
يَستَعطِفُ التَلعات وَالأَعشابا

5. A spirit peered from the sky one evening,
And saw the beauty here, so it yearned and faded away,

٥. روحٌ أَطَلَّ مِنَ السَماءِ عَشِيَّةً
فَرَأى الجَمالَ هُنا فَحَنَّ فَذايا

6. It described and healed, until its rivulets
Were about to pour from ecstasy overwhelming it.

٦. وَصَفا وَشَفَّ فَأَوشَكَت ضِفّاتُهُ
تَنسابُ مِن وَجدٍ بِهِ مُنسابا

7. Nay, but tears the maidens of heaven shed
Yearningly, unable to hold them back.

٧. بَل أَدمُعٌ حورُ الجِنانِ ذَرَفنَها
شَوقا وَلَم تَملِك لَهُنَّ إِيابا

8. O Barada, I remembered you to the thirsty, so they drank their fill,
And the pious drank you in willingly.

٨. بَرَدى ذَكَرتُكَ لِلعَطاشى فَاِرتَوَوا
وَبَني النُهى فَتَرَشَّفوكَ رِضابا

9. The ages passed you by without corrupting you,
While how many times did time decay and fade.

٩. مَرَّت بِكَ الأَدهارُ لَم تَخبِث وَلَم
تَفسُد وَكَم خَبَثَ الزَمان وَطابا

10. With my father and mother as pillows in the wilderness,
It awakened ambitions and desires.

١٠. بِأَبي وَأُمّي في العَراءِ مُوَسَّدٌ
بَعَثَ الحَياةَ مَطامِعا وَرِغابا

11. When it lodged in Maysaloon, its plateaus sighed
And its fragrances breathed out perfumes.

١١. لَمّا ثَوى في مَيسَلونَ تَرَنَّحَت
هَضَباتُها وَتَنَفَّسَت أَطيابا

12. And tales of it came to the stars, so they scrambled
To stand guard over it as veiled watchwomen.

١٢. وَأَتى النُجومَ حَديثُهُ فَتَهافَتَت
لِتَقومَ حُرّاساً لَهُ حُجّابا

13. Joseph was not one, but a procession,
For light, cascading into the suns until hidden.

١٣. ما كانَ يوسُفُ واحِداً بَل مَوكِباً
لِلنورِ غَلغَلَ في الشُموسِ فَغابا

14. This one whom the soil yearned for beneath the sod,
Lest he see the faces of strangers in death.

١٤. هَذا الَّذي اِشتاقَ الكَرى تَحتَ الثَرى
كَي لا يَرى في جُلَّقِ الأَغرابا

15. And if life's fertility comes through glorious deeds,
He sees noble death as the right course.

١٥. وَإِذا نَبا العَيشُ الكَريمُ بِماجِدٍ
حُرٍّ رَأى المَوتَ الكَريمَ صَوابا

16. I take pride in the lad, loving him,
Who craves life with hardship and tribulation,

١٦. إِنّي لِأَزهى بِالفَتى وَأُحِبُّهُ
يَهوى الحَياةَ مَشَقَّة وَصِعابا

17. And gives off scent whenever grief tightens
Its hands to wrench at his tossing heart,

١٧. وَيُضَوِّعُ عِطراً كُلَّما شَدَّ الأَسى
بِيَدَيهِ يَعرُكُ قَلبَهُ الوَثّابا

18. And pours forth water - if he inclines toward it, a flood,
And if night wraps it, a shooting star bursts forth.

١٨. وَيَسيلُ ماءً إِنحَواهُ فَدفَدٌ
وَإِذا طَواهُ اللَيلُ شَعَّ شَهابا

19. And when storms veil the face of the sky,
He disputes with storms, supplying reasons for the sky.

١٩. وَإِذا العَواصِفُ حَجَّبَت وَجهَ السَما
جَدَلَ العَواصِفَ لِلسَما أَسبابا

20. And if the castle of hopes is shattered,
He builds a new hope from hopes dashed.

٢٠. وَإِذا تَقَوَّضَ صَرحُ آمالٍ بَنى
أَمَلاً جَديداً مِن رَجاءٍ خابا

21. So the son of stars - every horizon is his horizon,
And the son of afflictions - he does not lack for tests.

٢١. فَاِبنُ الكَواكِبِ كُلُّ أُفقٍ أُفقُهُ
وَاِبنُ الضَراغِمِ لَيسَ يَعدِمُ غابا

22. How strange are my people, with the enemy at their gate,
Content with diversion and frivolity!

٢٢. عَجَباً لِقَومي وَالعَدُوِّ بِبابِهِم
كَيفَ اِستَطابوا اللَهو وَالأَلعابا

23. Their swords shirked from crushing him
At a time when victory was near for them.

٢٣. وَتَخاذَلَت أَسيافُهُم عَن سَحقِهِ
في حينِ كانَ النَصرُ مِنهُم قابا

24. They left the sword for rhetoric, on the pretext
"O sword, would that you had not found a sheath!"

٢٤. تَرَكوا الحُسامَ إِلى الكَلامِ تَعَلُّلاً
يا سَيفُ لَيتَكَ ما وَجَدتَ قِرابا

25. O homeland of Arabism, your world is a jungle
Crammed with wild beasts and creatures of prey.

٢٥. دُنياكَ يا وَطَنَ العُروبَةِ غابَةٌ
حَشَدَت عَلَيكَ أَراقِما وَذِئابا

26. So don them the water of iron as pummeling hammers,
And make your tongue a claw or fang.

٢٦. فَاِلبِس لَها ماءَ الحَديدِ مَطارِقاً
وَاِجعَل لِسانَكَ مَخلِباً أَو نابا

27. The law of the jungle prevails in jungles -
Leave off complaining and rebuke.

٢٧. لا شَرعَ في الغاباتِ إِلّا شَرعَها
فَدَعِ الكَلامَ شِكايَة وَعِتابا

28. This is the life you loved,
And made others drink its love in cups.

٢٨. هَذي هِيَ الدُنيا الَّتي أَحبَبتَها
وَسَقَيتَ غَيرَكَ حُبَّها أَكوابا

29. You laughed with its dreams and cried in
Its sorrows, and drank the treacherous wine with it.

٢٩. وَضَحِكتَ مَعَ أَحلامِها وَبَكَيتَ في
آلامِها وَجَرَعتَ مَعَها الصابا

30. Your soul went astray in the mirages, and misled them -
What you thought was water turned out a mirage.

٣٠. وَأَضَلَّ روحُكَ في السُرى وَأَضَلَّها
ما خِلتَهُ ماءً فَكانَ سَرابا

31. And you looked on as the predators tore its heart,
So you saw every sweetness turn bitter.

٣١. وَنَظَرت وَالأَوصابُ تَنهَشُ قَلبَها
فَرَأَيتَ كُلَّ لَذاذَةٍ أَوصابا

32. The oppressor willed its ruin - and so people
See only desolation at its end.

٣٢. شاءَ الظَلومُ خَرابَها فَإِذا الوَرى
لا يُبصِرونَ سِوى نُهاهُ خَرابا

33. A world whose yesterday shone in its time,
Bringing lineages and accounts together.

٣٣. دُنيا تَأَلَّقَ أَمسُها في يَومِها
فَاِستَجمَعَ الأَنساب وَالأَحسابا

34. The luster of revelation spread from its horizons
Enveloping eras and inundating epochs.

٣٤. وَسَرى سَناءُ الوَحيِ مِن آفاقِها
يَغشى العُصور وَيَغمِرُ الأَحقابا

35. True is what its walls elevated,
And good what adorned its gates.

٣٥. الحَقُّ ما رَفَعَت بِهِ جُدرانُها
وَالخَيرُ ما زانَت بِهِ الأَبوابا

36. Question history - is there in its book
Glory equal to its most wondrous glory?

٣٦. فَاِستِنطِقِ التاريخَ هَل في سِفرِهِ
مَجدٌ يُضاهي مَجدَها الخَلّابا

37. Civilizations have withered and nations vanished,
Yet the glory of Umayyah remains unblemished.

٣٧. شابَت حَضارات وَدالَت وَاِنطَوَت
أُمَم وَمَجدُ أُمَيَّةٍ ما شابا

38. Yesterday was its, and tomorrow will still be its -
The world turns to it full of admiration.

٣٨. الأَمسُ كانَ لَها وَإِنَّ لَها غَدا
تَتَلَفَّتُ الدُنيا لَهُ إِعجابا

39. You sang of migration and the barren valley before -
Will you not sing of the flowering garden?

٣٩. غَنَّيتَ مِن قَبلُ المَحولَة وَالعَرى
أَفَلا تُغَنّي الرَوضَةَ المِخصابا

40. Its nights have shown you kindness,
So forget the nights of alienation and torment.

٤٠. عَطَفَت لَيالِيَها عَلَيكَ بَشاشَةً
فَاِنسَ اللَيالي غُربَة وَعَذابا

41. Spread your wings - for the sky is luminous,
And fill your cup - for you have found your drink.

٤١. وَاِنشُر جَناحَكَ فَالفَضاءُ مُنَوِّرٌ
وَاِملَء كوأُسَكَ قَد وَجَدتَ شَرابا

42. For the rapture of one like you the nightingales were created,
And for the like of it God created the singing bulboul.

٤٢. فَلِشَدوِ مِثلَكَ كُوِّنَت وَلِمِثلِها
خَلَقَ الإِلَهُ البُلبُلَ المِطرابا

43. Would that the gardens lend me their colors
That I may fashion from them a speech for the president.

٤٣. لَيتَ الرِياضَ تُعيرُني أَلوانَها
لِأَصوغَ مِنها لِلرَئيسِ خِطابا

44. And say that I cannot thank him enough -
As the eloquence of fingers cannot gather clouds.

٤٤. وَأَقولُ إِنّي عاجِزٌ عَن شُكرِهِ
عَجزَ الأَنامِلِ أَن تَلُم عُبابا

45. I complain to myself of incapacity, and it complains
Like me, then falls silent, perplexed for an answer.

٤٥. أَشكو إِلى نَفسي العَياءَ فَتَشتَكي
مِثلي وَتَصمُتُ لا تَحيرُ جَوابا

46. For I saw the sea when I saw it,
And I stood there, my sight troubled and in awe.

٤٦. فَلَقَد رَأَيتُ البَحرَ حينَ رَأَيتُهُ
فَوَقَفتُ مُضطَرِبَ الرُأى هَيّابا

47. The pillar of Syria and rescuer of its harm -
your hands created youth out of old men.

٤٧. أَعَميدَ سُرِيّا وَكاشِفَ ضَرِّها
خَلَقَت يَداكَ مِنَ الشُيوخِ شَبابا

48. And nightingales that once lamented captive
You set free over their nests in droves.

٤٨. وَبَلابِلٌ كانَت تَإِنُّ سَجينَةً
أَطلَقَتها عَلى أَطَرتَها أَسرابا

49. O you of immaculate nature, like dew,
Had you not been human, you would have been a cloud.

٤٩. يا صاحِبَ الخَلقِ المُصَفّى كَالنَدى
لَو لَم تَكُن بَشَراً لَكُنتَ سَحابا

50. The hope of the youth lies in your hands as a trust -
So teach them good morals and etiquette.

٥٠. أَمَلُ الشَبيبَةِ في يَدَيكَ وَديعَةٌ
فَاِرفَع لَها الأَخلاق وَالآدابا

51. For ignorance, wherever it is found, is a punishment,
And knowledge, wherever it is found, is a reward.

٥١. فَالجَهلُ أَنّى كانَ فَهوَ عُقوبَةٌ
وَالعِلمُ أَنّى كانَ كانَ ثَوابا

52. Oh woe to my soul, how the pangs pursue me
And shake my heart and nerves.

٥٢. يا وَيحَ نَفسي كَم تُطارِدُني النَوى
وَتَهُدُّ مِنّي القَلب وَالأَعصابا

53. I left loved ones beyond the sea yesterday,
And tomorrow I will bid farewell to loved ones here.

٥٣. وَدَّعتُ خَلفَ البَحرِ أَمسُ أَحِبَّةً
وَغَداً أُوَدِّعُ هاهُنا أَحبابا