
When you fell silent, you thought you had confided in me

لما سكت حسبت أنك ناج

1. When you fell silent, you thought you had confided in me
Alas! Like unexpected events, I surprise

١. لَمّا سَكَتَ حَسِبتَ أَنَّكَ ناجِ
هَيهاتِ إِنّي كَالمَنونِ أُفاجي

2. By Allah! You aspire for safety after
Your ignorance cast you amidst the waves

٢. تَاللَهِ تَطمَعُ بِالسَلامَةِ بَعدَما
أَلقاكَ جَهلَكَ في يَدِ الأَمواجِ

3. If arrogance lies within you, it surely
Did not cease amongst the naïve and simpletons

٣. إِن كانَ داخَلَكَ الغُرورُ فَإِنَّهُ
ما اِنفَكَّ في البُسَطاء وَالسُذّاج

4. I am the ferocious lion, valiant in courage
Woe to those who attempted to embarrass me

٤. إِنّي أَنا الأَسَدُ الهَصورُ بَسالَةً
وَيلٌ لِقَومٍ حاوَلوا إِحراجي

5. You tried to distract me from my lair
To gain renown, you failed o aspirant

٥. حاوَلتَ أَن تَهتاجَني عَن مَربَضي
لِتَنالَ ذِكراً خِبتَ يا ذا الراجي

6. It would be shameful if I sank my claws in you
For it is not in my nature to prey on lambs

٦. عارٌ إِذا أَنشَبتُ فيكَ مَخالِبي
إِذ لَيسَ مِن خُلُقي اِفتِراسُ نِعاجِ

7. And you assumed you had reached my stature
When you composed verse, but gained nothing o pilgrim

٧. وَظَنَنتَ أَنَّكَ بالِغٌ شَأوي إِذا
رُمتَ القَريضَ فَما ظَفِرتَ بِحاجِ

8. Rhymes are like fortified citadels
And excel in repelling all intruders

٨. إِنَّ القَوافي كَالخَرائِدِ مِنعَةً
وَتَفوقُها في نَبذِ كُلِّ مُداجِ

9. Poetry is a crown, if only you knew and were
Worthy of bearing such a crown

٩. وَالشِعرُ تاجٌ لَو عَلِمت وَلَم تَكُن
مِمَّن يَليقُ بِحَملِ هَذا التاجِ

10. Grasp it cultured, if it falls on
A mountain, it would shake and disturb

١٠. خُذها مُثَقَّفَةً إِذا وَقَعَت عَلى
جَبَلٍ لَأُزعِجَ أَيَّما إِزعاجِ

11. I am the best composer of rhymes in praise
I am the best composer of rhymes in censure

١١. أَنا خَيرُ مَن قالَ القَوافِيَ مادِحاً
أَنا خَيرُ من قالَ القَوافِيَ هاجي

12. I would have avoided censure had it not been
For you, o vain fool, it is the best remedy

١٢. قَد كُنتُ أَزهُدُ في الهِجا لَو لَم يَكُن
لَكَ يا مَريضَ العُجبِ خَيرُ عِلاجِ