1. How we have lowered our wings for the ignorant
And excused them, yet they did not excuse us
١. كَم خَفَضنا الجَناحَ لِلجاهِلينا
وَعَذَرناهُمُ فَما عَذَرونا
2. Tell them, O wise ones
We are the community of poets
٢. خَبِّروهُم يا أَيُّها العاقِلونا
إِنَّما نَحنُ مَعشَرُ الشُعَراءِ
3. The secret of prophecy manifests within us
Remind them, for great goodness
٣. يَتَجَلّى سِرُّ النُبُوَّةِ فينا
ذَكِروهُم فَرُبَّ خَيرٍ كَبيرِ
4. Was done by the guides through reminding
Humans are but of dust and light
٤. فَعَلتهُ الهُداةُ بِالتَذكيرِ
إِنَما الناسُ مِن تُرابٍ وَنورِ
5. Thus the people of light worship the light
And the people of clay worship the clay
٥. فَبَنو النورِ يَعبَدونَ النورا
وَبَنو الطينِ يَعبُدونَ الطينا
6. It was said our mansions are of illusion
Vanishing in the morning and evening glow
٦. قيلَ عَنّا قُصورُنا مِن هَباءِ
تَتَلاشى في ضَحوَةٍ وَمَساءِ
7. Or lines in water upon the water
Had you resided in our mansions but an hour
٧. أَو سُطورٌ بِالماءِ فَوقَ الماءِ
لَو سَكَنتُم قُصورَنا بَعضَ ساعَه
8. You'd forget your months and years
Had you entered the sanctuaries of inspiration
٨. لَنَسَيتُم شُهورَكُم وَالسِنينا
لَو دَخَلتُم هَياكِلَ الإِلهامِ
9. And roamed the world of dreams
And grasped the noble secret of imagination
٩. وَسَرَحتُم في عالَِ الأَحلامِ
وَاِجتَلَيتُم سِرَّ الخَيالِ السامي
10. And known God as we have known God
You would have fallen before us, prostrate
١٠. وَعَرَفتُم كَما عَرَفنا اللَهَ
لَخَرَرتُم أَمامَنا ساجِدينا
11. Life has given us a bitter cup to drink
Of pleasant taste and flavor
١١. قَد سَقَتنا الحَياةُ كاساً دُهاقاً
حَسُنَت نَكهَةً وَطابَت مَذاقا
12. And we have given our companions to drink
We have found them confused and drunk
١٢. وَسَقَينا مِمّا شَرِبنا الرِفاقا
فَتَرَناهُمُ حَيارى سُكارى
13. Wishing they did not comprehend us
Your concern is with cups and goblets
١٣. يَتَمَنّونَ أَنَّهُم لا يَعونا
هَمُّكُم في الكُؤوسِ وَالأَكوابِ
14. Oh, if only your concern were with the drink
You'd shed the shackles of dust from yourselves
١٤. آهِ لَو كانَ هَمُّكُم في الشَرابِ
لَطَرَحتُم عَنكُمُ قُيودَ التُرابِ
15. And feel the pleasure or torment
This wine, if only you would drink it
١٥. وَشَعَرتُم بِلَذَّةٍ أَو عَذابِ
هَذِهِ الخَمرُ لَيتَكُم تَشرَبونا
16. You say he is mad
You say he is possessed
١٦. أَتَقولونَ إِنَّهُ مَجنونُ
أَتَقولونَ إِنَّهُ مَفتونُ
17. You say he is a wretched poet
How many kings, leaders and ministers
١٧. أَتَقولونَ شاعِرٌ مِسكينُ
كَم مَليكٍ كَم قائِدٍ كَم وَزيرِ
18. Would have wished to be that wretched poet
Who lived forgotten so let him not be mentioned
١٨. وَدَّلو كانَ شاعِراً مِسكينا
عاشَ مِلتِن فَلَ يَكُن مَذكورا
19. And Homer like an old blind man
And ibn Burd indeed died poor
١٩. وَهوميروسُ كَالشَيخِ كانَ ضَريرا
وَلَقَد ماتَ اِبنُ بُردٍ فَقيرا
20. Have you seen what the blind have seen
Are you not by their light guided
٢٠. أَرَأَيتُم كَما رَأى العُميانُ
أَفَلَستُم بِنورِهِم تَهتَدونا