
The sky said gloomy and frowning

قال السماء كئيبة وتجهما

1. The sky said gloomy and frowning
I said smile, frowning is enough in the sky

١. قالَ السَماءُ كَئيبَةٌ وَتَجَهَّما
قُلتُ اِبتَسِم يَكفي التَجَهّمُ في السَما

2. The morning breeze turned away so I told it smile
Sorrow will not bring back the fleeing morning breeze

٢. قالَ الصِبا وَلّى فَقُلتُ لَهُ اِبتَسِم
لَن يُرجِعَ الأَسَفُ الصِبا المُتَصَرِّما

3. She who was my sky in love
Became hell for my soul in passion

٣. قالَ الَّتي كانَت سَمائِيَ في الهَوى
صارَت لِنَفسِيَ في الغَرامِ جَهَنَّما

4. She betrayed my vows after I gave her
My heart so how can I bear to smile

٤. خانَت عُهودي بَعدَما مَلَّكتُها
قَلبي فَكَيفَ أُطيقُ أَن أَتَبَسَّما

5. I said smile and take joy for if you compared her
You'd spend your whole life suffering

٥. قُلتُ اِبتَسِم وَاِطرَب فَلَو قارَنتَها
قَضَّيتَ عُمرَكَ كُلَّهُ مُتَأَلِّما

6. Commerce said in tremendous conflict
Like a traveler, it almost killed him thirst

٦. قالَ التِجارَةُ في صِراعٍ هائِلٍ
مِثلُ المُسافِرِ كادَ يَقتُلَهُ الظَما

7. Or an injured she-camel needing
Blood and snorting blood whenever she pants

٧. أَو غادَةٍ مَسلولَةٍ مُحتاجَةٍ
لِدَمٍ وَتَنفُثُ كُلَما لَهَثَت دَما

8. I said smile, you're not the one who caused her affliction
And cure so if you smile maybe

٨. قُلتُ اِبتَسِم ما أَنتَ جالِبَ دائِها
وَشِفائِها فَإِذا اِبتَسَمتَ فَرُبَّما

9. Another is the criminal and you spend the night in
Dread as if you had become the criminal

٩. أَيَكونُ غَيرُكَ مُجرِماً وَتَبيتُ في
وَجَلٍ كَأَنَّكَ أَنتَ صِرتَ المُجرِما

10. The enemies said their screams around me grew
Shall I be happy and the foes around me ablaze?

١٠. قالَ العِدى حَولي عَلَت صَيحاتُهُم
أَأُسَرُّ وَالأَعداءُ حَولِيَ الحِمى

11. I said smile, they did not seek you with their blame
If you were not from them loftier and greater

١١. قُلتُ اِبتَسِم لَم يَطلُبوكَ بِذَمِّهِم
لَو لَم تَكُن مِنهُم أَجَلَّ وَأَعظَما

12. The seasons said their signs appeared
And they flaunted themselves to me in clothes and finery

١٢. قالَ المَواسِمُ قَد بَدَت أَعلامُها
وَتَعَرَّضَت لي في المَلابِسِ وَالدُمى

13. And I have an obligation to friends
But my hand cannot afford a single coin

١٣. وَعَلَيَّ لِلأَحبابِ فَرضٌ لازِمٌ
لَكِنَّ كَفّي لَيسَ تَملُكُ دِرهَما

14. I said smile, it's enough you have not yet
Become bereft of loved ones

١٤. قُلتُ اِبتَسِم يَكفيكَ أَنَّكَ لَم تَزَل
حَيّاً وَلَستَ مِنَ الأَحِبَّةِ مُعدَما

15. The nights made me swallow bitterness
I said smile, and if you swallowed bitterness

١٥. قالَ اللَيالي جَرَّعَتني عَلقَماً
قُلتُ اِبتَسِم وَلَئِن جَرَعتَ العَلقَما

16. Perhaps someone else, seeing you singing,
Would cast aside gloom and sing

١٦. فَلَعَلَّ غَيرَكَ إِن رَآكَ مُرَنَّماً
طَرَحَ الكَآبَةَ جانِباً وَتَرَنَّما

17. Do you think frowning earns a coin
While smiling results in losing a profit?

١٧. أَتُراكَ تَغنَمُ بِالتَبَرُّمِ دِرهَماً
أَم أَنتَ تَخسَرُ بِالبَشاشَةِ مَغنَما

18. O my friend, no harm if your lips
Mumble and your face crumples

١٨. يا صاحِ لا خَطَرٌ عَلى شَفَتَيكَ أَن
تَتَلَثَّما وَالوَجهِ أَن يَتَحَطَّما

19. So laugh for the stars laugh and the darkness
Is tumbling so we love the stars

١٩. فَاِضحَك فَإِنَّ الشُهبَ تَضحَكُ وَالدُجى
مُتَلاطِمٌ وَلِذا نُحِبُّ الأَنجُما

20. Joy said it does not make happy one
Who comes to the world and leaves compelled

٢٠. قالَ البَشاشَةُ لَيسَ تُسعِدُ كائِناً
يَأتي إِلى الدُنيا وَيَذهَبُ مُرغَما

21. I said smile, as long as between you and demise
Lies a handspan for then you'll smile no more

٢١. قُلتُ اِبتَسِم ما دامَ بَينَكَ وَالرَدى
شِبرٌ فَإِنَّكَ بَعدُ لَن تَتَبَسَّما