1. The time of parting has drawn near, it is time for us to separate
Farewell my companion, until we meet again
١. أَزَفَّ الرَحيلُ وَحانَ أَن نَتَفَرَّقا
فَإِلى اللِقا يا صاحِبَيَّ إِلى اللِقا
2. If you weep, I have wept profusely from sorrow
I almost drowned in my tears and flooded
٢. إِن تَبكِيا فَلَقَد بَكَيتُ مِنَ الأَسى
حَتّى لَكِدتُ بِأَدمُعي أَن أَغرَقا
3. My ribs burned at the farewell, fearing their heat would ignite me
I've always dreaded separation before it happened
٣. وَتَسَعَّرَت عِندَ الوَداعِ أَضالِعي
ناراً خَشيتُ بِحَرّها أَن أَحرَقا
4. Until I resigned myself with no choice but to part
The day of parting, how harsh is parting
٤. ما زِلتُ أَخشى البَينَ قَبلَ وُقوعِهِ
حَتّى غَدَوتُ وَلَيسَ لي أَن أُفرَقَ
5. If not for parting I would not have hated remaining alive
We left confused and silent as if
٥. يَومَ النَوى لِلَّهِ ما أَقسى النَوى
لَولا النَوى ما أَبغَضَت نَفسي البَقا
6. Fearing speaking in our devastation
Our hearts palpitating, our eyes cannot see from crying
٦. رُحنا حَيارى صامِتينَ كَأَنَّما
لِلهَولِ نَحذُرُ عِندَهُ أَن نَنطِقا
7. Our glances pulling, though they are weak
We restrain our breaths lest they vanish
٧. أَكبادُنا خَفّاقَةٌ وَعُيونُنا
لا تَستَطيعُ مِنَ البُكا أَن تَرمُقا
8. If we did not comfort ourselves with the hope of meeting again
Our tears would have nearly gushed out
٨. تَتَجاذَبُ النَظَراتِ وَهيَ ضَعيفَةٌ
وَنُغالِبُ الأَنفاسَ كَيلا تُزهَقا
9. My friend, be patient, perhaps
We will return and reunite beautifully
٩. لَو لَم نُعَلِّل بِاللِقاءِ نُفوسَنا
كادَت مَعَ العَبَراتِ أَن تَتَدَفَّقا
10. If the days have not been kind to us
It is wrong for our souls not to be kind
١٠. يا صَحِبَيَّ تَصَبَّرا فَلَرُبَّما
عُدنا وَعادَ الشَملُ أَبهى رَونَقا
11. He who decreed the separation and parting
Can unite those separated
١١. إِن كانَتِ الأَيّامُ لَم تَرفُق بِنا
فَمِنَ النُهى بِنُفوسِنا أَن ترَفُقا
12. I rode the raging sea howling
Like a lion separated from its cubs, distraught
١٢. إِنَّ الَّذي قَدَرَ القَطيعَةَ وَالنَوى
في وُسعِهِ أَن يَجمَعَ المُتَفَرِّقا
13. My soul is anxious, yet I do not blame it
The sea is the most frightening and avoided
١٣. وَلَقَد رَكِبتُ البَحرَ يَزأَرُ هائِجاً
كَاللَيثِ فارَقَ شِبلَهُ بَل أَحنَقا
14. I have seen it act wisely and rationally
And I have seen it act ignorantly and fractured
١٤. وَالنَفسُ جازِعَةٌ وَلَستُ أَلومُها
فَالبَحرُ أَعظَمُ ما يُخافُ وَيُتَّقى
15. Provoking whatever it wished to toy with us
Gentle whenever it wished to be gentle
١٥. فَلَقَد شَهِدتُ بِهِ حَكيماً عاقِلاً
وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ بِهِ جَهولاً أَخرَقا
16. Its waves battling each other
Arguing over ignorance just as we argue over remaining alive
١٦. مُستَوفِزٌ ما شاءَ أَن يَلهو بِنا
مُتَرفِّقٌ ما شاءَ أَن يَتَرَفَّقا
17. While the eye sees it as erect walls
It transforms into trenches
١٧. تَتَنازَعُ الأَمواجُ فيهِ بَعضَها
بَعضاً عَلى جَهلٍ تُنازِعُنا البَقا
18. The ship flowing, splitting its foam
As if tearing a loose robe
١٨. بَينا يَراها الطَرفُ سوراً قائِماً
فَإِذا بِها حالَت فَصارَت خَندَقا
19. It rises and we reckon it intends good upon us
And thinks we are flying aloft
١٩. وَالفُلكُ جارِيَةٌ تَشُقُّ عُبابَهُ
شَقّاً كَما تَفري رِداءً أَخلَقا
20. Until when it lowers us into an abyss
I was certain death stared upon us
٢٠. تَعلو فَنَحسَبُحا تَأُمُّ بِنا السَما
وَتَظَنُّ أَنّا راكِبونَ مُحَلَّقا
21. The horizon has covered its leather curtain
As if obscured ink has flooded
٢١. حَتّى إِذا هَبَطَت بِنا في لُجَّةٍ
أَيقَنتُ أَنَّ المَوتَ فينا أَحدَقا
22. Neither does the sun shine in the morning nor do we see
Either the night has been prolonged or a shining full moon
٢٢. وَالأُفقُ قَد غَطّى الَبابُ أَديمَهُ
فَكَأَنَّما غَشِيَ المِدادَ امُهرَقا
23. I spent twenty days or more
How strange were the sights I saw, an abundance of water
٢٣. لا الشَمسُ تَسطُعُ في الصَباحِ وَلا نَرى
إِمّا اِستَطالَ اللَيلَ بَدراً مُشرِقا
24. New York, daughter of steam, we intend to come to you
Perhaps in the West we may forget the East
٢٤. عِشرونَ يَوماً أَو تَزيدُ قَضَيتُها
كَيفَ اِتَفَتُّ رَأَيتُ ماءً مُغدِقا
25. A homeland we wanted out of love for the sublime
Yet it refused except withdrawal into seclusion
٢٥. نيويوركُ يا بِنتَ البُخارِ بِنا اِقصُدي
فَلَعَلَّنا بِالغَربِ نَنسى المَشرِقا
26. Like a slave who fears after wasting his youth
That his masters would set him free
٢٦. وَطَنٌ أَرَدناهُ عَلى حُبِّ العُلى
فَأَبى سِوى أَن يَستَكينَ إِلى الشَقا
27. Or whenever the times bring a reformer
To its people, they say he transgressed and apostatized
٢٧. كَالعَبدِ يَخشى بَعدَ ما أَفنى الصِبى
يَلهو بِهِ ساداتُهُ أَن يُعتَقا
28. As if the injustices they committed were not enough
And as if it were not enough that we have failed
٢٨. أَو كُلَّما جاءَ الزَمانُ بِمُصلِحٍ
في أَهلِهِ قالوا طَغى وَتَزَندَقا
29. This is the reward of rigidity, the people of refusal in a nation
Rigidity has taken its children hostage
٢٩. فَكَأَنَّما لَم يَكفِهِ ما قَد جَنوا
وَكَأَنَّما لَم يَكفِهِم أَن أَخفَقا
30. A homeland where the free feel cramped
And you see it even narrower than the free
٣٠. هَذا جَزاءُ الجُمودِ ذَوي النُهى في أُمَّةٍ
أَخَذَ الجُمودُ عَلى بَنيها مَوثِقا
31. I did not see in it a prosperous intellectual
Nor an ignorant sycophant
٣١. وَطَنٌ يَضيقُ الحُرُّ ذَرعاً عِندَهُ
وَتَراهُ بِالأَحرارِ ذَرعاً أَضيَقا
32. Ignorance has spread in it dragging its tail
Aimlessly, while knowledge walks dejected
٣٢. ما إِن رَأَيتُ بِهِ أَديباً موسَراً
فيما رَأَيتُ وَلا جَهولاً مُملِقا
33. Its people have become in a condition
That if it exposed the inanimate, they would have pitied
٣٣. مَشَتِ الجَهالَةُ فيهِ تَسحَبُ ذَيلَها
تيهاً وَراحَ العِلمُ يَمشي مُطرِقا
34. A people as fragmented as abandonment and whims desired
Nearly torn apart and about to be shredded
٣٤. أَمسى وَأَمسى أَهلُهُ في حالَةٍ
لَو أَنَّها تَعرو الجَمادَ لَأَشفَقا
35. It does not accept the united religion of God
Yet it accepts the fragmented religion of God
٣٥. شَعبٌ كَما شاءَ التَخاذُلُ وَالهَوى
مُتَفَرِّقٌ وَيَكادُ أَن يَتَمَزَّقا
36. Annoyed with the devout and the pious
While evil is between devotion and piety
٣٦. لا يَرتَضي دينَ الإِلَهُ مُوَفَّقاً
بَينَ القُلوبِ وَيَرتَضيهِ مُفَرَّقا
37. Weakened unless it flatters one day
Hoping to see a flatterer
٣٧. كَلِفٌ بِأَصحابِ التَعَبُّدِ وَالتُقى
وَالشَرُّ ما بَينَ التَعَبُّدِ وَالتُقى
38. It does not believe in science which is truth
Rather, it believes in talismans and folk remedies
٣٨. مُستَضعَفٌ إِن لَم يُصَب مُتَمَلِّقا
يَوماً تَمَلَّقَ أَن يَرى مُتَمَلِّقا
39. Perhaps it dislikes rigidity, but it is difficult
For a human to change his nature
٣٩. لَم يَعتَقِد بِالعِلمِ وَهوَ حَقائِقٌ
لَكِنَّهُ اِعتَقَدَ التَمائِمَ وَالرُقى
40. A government no sooner deposes a fool
Than it installs a fool
٤٠. وَلَرُبَّما كَرِهَ الجُمودَ وَإِنَّما
صَعبٌ عَلى الإِنسانِ أَن يَتَخَلَّقا
41. It has antagonized us as if
We have come to betray or committed some grave iniquity
٤١. وَحُكومَةٌ ما إِن تُزَحزِحُ أَحمَقاً
عَن رَأسِها حَتّى تُوَلِّيَ أَحمَقا
42. And it has refused except to exhaust us as if
All justice to it is that we be exhausted
٤٢. راحَت تُناصِبُنا العِداءَ كَأَنَّما
جِئنا فَرِيّاً أَو رَكِبنا موبِقا
43. While foreigners roam it as if
The morning breeze played with the branches of saplings
٤٣. وَأَبَتَ سِوى إِرهاقِنا فَكَأَنَّما
كُلُّ العَدالَةِ عِندَها أَن نُرهَقا
44. Baghdad is in danger and Egypt a captive
Tomorrow the hands of greed will snatch them
٤٤. بَينا الأَجانِبُ يَعبَزونَ بِها كَما
عَبِثَ الصَبا سَحَراً بِأَغصانِ النَقا
45. Its pillars have weakened, it does not realize
Its plight until it passes away and perishes
٤٥. بَغدادُ في خَطَرٍ وَمِصرُ رَهينَةٌ
وَغَداً تَنالُ يَدُ المَطامِعِ جِلَّقا
46. It was said love it, I said nothing remains for us
With which to love and become impassioned
٤٦. ضَعُفَت قَوائِمُها وَلَمّا تَرعَوي
عَن غَيِّها حَتّى تَزولَ وَتُمحَقا
47. If the motherland is not affectionate
Alas, it will not find affection from its children
٤٧. قيلَ اِعشَقوها قُلتُ لَم يَبقَ لَنا
مَعَها قُلوبٌ كَي نُحِبَّ وَنَعشَقا
48. I have come where the soul does not fear harm
Ever, and where the mind roams freely every morning
٤٨. إِن لَم تَكُن ذاتُ البَنينِ شَفيقَةً
هَيهاتَ تَلقى مِن بَنيها مُشفِقا
49. My soul, eternalize yourself and leave yearning behind
For it is ignorance today for you to long
٤٩. أَصبَحتُ حَيثُ النَفسُ لا تَخشى أَذىً
أَبَداً وَحَيثُ الفِكرُ يَغدو مُطلَقا
50. How the light of knowledge radiates in it
I have guaranteed you a delightful life
٥٠. نَفسي اِخلُدي وَدَعي الحَنينَ فَإِنَّما
جَهلٌ بُعَيدَ اليَومِ أَن تَتَشَوَّقا
51. Among its people, and the most beautifully blossoming living
٥١. هَذي هِيَ الدُنيا الجَديدَةُ فَاِنظُري
فيها ضِياءَ العِلمِ كَيفَ تَأَلَّقا
٥٢. إِنّي ضَمِنتُ لَكِ الحَياةَ شَهِيَّةً
في أَهلِها وَالعَيشَ أَزهَرَ مونِقا