1. How many a generation before this faded away,
Alas, there is no way to immortality!
١. كَم قَبلَ هَذا الجِلِ وَلّى جيلُ
هَيهاتَ لَيسَ إِلى البَقاءِ سَبيلُ
2. The youth laughed at the elders and drowned,
Then they awoke to find that they had become the elders.
٢. ضَحِكَ الشَبابُ مِنَ الكُهولِ فَأَغرَقوا
وَاِستَيقَظوا فَإِذا الشَبابُ كُهولُ
3. We come and go while time endures,
The morn is a morn, and evening is evening.
٣. نَأتي وَنَمضي وَالزَمانُ مُخَلَّدٌ
الصُبحُ صُبحٌ وَالأَصيلُ أَصيلُ
4. Heat and cold erode our bodies,
Would that time changed as we change!
٤. حَرٌّ وَقَرُّن يُبلِيانِ جُسومَنا
لَيتَ الزَمانَ كَما نَحولُ يَحولُ
5. Change means withering for vegetation,
Death for the living, and shriveling for inanimate things.
٥. إِنَّ التَحَوُّلَ في الجَمادِ تَقَلُّصٌ
في الحَيِّ مَوتٌ في النَباتِ ذُبولُ
6. Stand silently at the cemeteries, contemplating
As though you were a silent dead man asking questions.
٦. قِف بِالمَقابِرِ صامِتاً مُتَأَمِّلاً
كَ غابَ فيها صامِتٌ وَسَأولُ
7. Ask the planets how many peoples they saw before us,
And how many generations the stars have witnessed.
٧. وَسَلِ الكَواكِبَ كَم رَأَت مِن قَبلِنا
أُمَماً وَكَم شَهِدَ النُجومَ قَبيلُ
8. The world keeps changing and so do its people,
But God's command does not change.
٨. تَتَبَدَّلُ الدُنيا رَبَدُّلَ أَهلِها
وَاللَهُ لَيسَ لِأَمرِهِ تَبديلُ
9. O rising sun whose rising has dazzled eyes,
You too will set after rising, though now you know it not.
٩. يا طالِعاً لَفَتَ العُيونَ طُلوعُهُ
بَعدَ الطُلوعِ وَإِن جَهِلتَ أُفولُ
10. Be gentle and kindly to people's hearts,
For rancor in hearts against your brother is prolonged.
١٠. عَطفاً وَرِفقاً بِالقُلوبِ فَإِنَّما
حِقدُ القُلوبِ عَلى أَخيكَ طَويلُ
11. Look, the face of the earth is dusty and wan,
And listen, the winds are wailing.
١١. أُنظُر فَوَجهُ الأَرضِ أَغبَرُ شاحِبٌ
وَاِسمَع فَأَصواتُ الرِياحِ عَويلُ
12. Lightning comes from iron, from clouds rain,
And from blood, floods.
١٢. وَمِنَ الحَديدِ صَواعِقٌ وَمِنَ العَجا
جِ غَمائِمٌ وَمِنَ الدِماءِ سُيولُ
13. I did not know before the tumult arose
That beasts and men are alike.
١٣. ما كُنتُ أَعلَمُ قَبلَما حَمِسَ الوَغى
أَنَّ الضَواري وَالأَنامَ شُكولُ
14. O Europe, whose blood is this
That is shed every day, by you or for you?
١٤. يا أَرضَ أورُبّا وَيا أَبنائَها
في عُنقِ مَن هَذا الدَمُ المَطلولُ
15. Each day's news is appalling -
Brought by reporters terrified.
١٥. في كُلِّ يَومٍ مِنكُمُ أَو عَنكُمُ
نَبَأٌ تَجيءُ بِهِ الرُواةُ مَهولُ
16. You have torn up your covenants and pacts
Into pieces as though they were Scripture.
١٦. مَزَّقتُمُ أَقسامَكُم وَعُهودَكُم
وَلَقَد تَكونُ كَأَنَّها التَنزيلُ
17. You have unleashed ambitions, so hosts march
With more hosts and cavalry behind.
١٧. وَبَعَثتُمُ الأَطماعَ فَهيَ جَحافِلٌ
مِن خَلفِهِنَّ جَحافِلٌ وَخُيولُ
18. You have spread hatred, so there are cannon,
Shells, bayonets and lances.
١٨. وَنَشَرتُمُ الأَحقادَ فَهيَ مَدافِعٌ
وَقَذائِفٌ وَأَسِنَّةٌ وَنُصولُ
19. Had your grudges not been your swords,
Their remains would be as those who submit.
١٩. لَو لَم تَكُن أَضغانُكُم أَسيافَكُم
أَمسى بِها مِمّا تُسامُ فُلولُ
20. You have taught Azrael in this tumult
What Azrael did not know before.
٢٠. عَلَّمتُمُ عِزريلَ في هَذي الوَغى
ما كانَ يَجهَلُ عِلمَهُ عِزريلُ
21. If this be what you call science,
Where then are ignorance and perversion?
٢١. إِن كانَ هَذا ما يُسَمّى عِندَكُم
عِلماً فَأَينَ الجَهلُ وَالتَضليلُ
22. If this be what you call religion,
Where then are unbelief and heresy?
٢٢. إِن كانَ هَذا ما يُسَمّى عِندَكُم
ديناً فَأَينَ الكُفرُ وَالتَعطيلُ
23. Return to the age of ignorance - it is
A fine time to be called fine!
٢٣. عَوداً إِلى عَصرِ البَداوَةِ إِنَّهُ
عَصرٌ جَميلٌ أَن يُقالَ جَميلُ
24. Sleep undisturbed, O Qabil the ancestor -
Each man wraps himself in his own tribe.
٢٤. قابيلُ يا جَدَّ الوَرى نَم هانِئً
كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ في ثَوبِهِ قَبيلُ
25. Do not glory in your minds and their products.
You had minds before the fighting began!
٢٥. لا تَفخَروا بِعُقولِكُم وَنِتاجِها
كنَت لَكُم قَبلَ القِتالِ عُقولُ
26. You are not you, nor are your teachers -
Those in whom luxury breeds and rests.
٢٦. لا أَنتُمُ أَنتُم وَلا أَرباضُكُم
تِلكَ الَّتي فيها الهَناءُ يَقيلُ
27. Do not with machines seek your livelihood
Or drive machines in seeking livelihood.
٢٧. لا تَطلُبوا بِالمُرهَفاتِ ذُحولُكُم
في نَيلِها بِالمُرهَفاتِ ذُحولُ
28. Though peoples speak in different tongues
And look different, if you but remember Qabil!
٢٨. إِنَّ الأَنامَ عَلى اِختِلافِ لُغاتِهِم
وَصِفاتِهِم لَو تَذكُرونَ قَبيلُ
29. O our time, is there still some hope
Of peace, or does this misery go on?
٢٩. يا عامَنا هَل فيكَ ثَمَّةَ مَطمَعٌ
بِالسِلمِ أَم هَذا الشَقاءُ يَطولُ
30. Twice seven years have passed
And scenes of woe unfold.
٣٠. مَرَّت عَلَيها حِجَّتانِ وَلَم تَزَل
تَتلو الفُضولَ مَشاهِدٌ وَفُصولُ
31. It is not death that people love, but over minds
And reason, there are blinds.
٣١. لَم يَعشَقِ الناسُ الفَناءَ وَإِنَّما
فَوقَ البَصائِرِ وَالعُقولِ سُدولُ
32. I smiled when I saw you coming,
As the sick man rejoices when his friend returns.
٣٢. أَنا بَسَمتُ وَقَد رَأَيتُكَ مُقبِلاً
فَكَما يَهَشُّ لِعائِديهِ عَليلُ
33. And when I sink into despair, it is as though
The fettered captive is content with his chains.
٣٣. وَإِذا سَكَنتُ إِلى الهُمومِ فَمِثلَما
رَضِيَ القُيودُ الموثَقُ المَكبولُ
34. Two men are not alike: this one's heart is empty,
And that one's heart is ignorant.
٣٤. لا يَستَوي الرَجُلانِ هَذا قَلبُهُ
خالٍ وَهَذا قَلبُهُ الجَهولُ
35. Let not the wise delude themselves -
The self-deceiver's heart itself is ignorant.
٣٥. لا يَخدَعَنَّ العارِفونَ نُفوسَهُم
إِنَّ المَخادِعَ نَفسَهُ لَجَهولُ
36. There are people in the East who have not unsheathed a sword,
Yet the sword hangs over their heads unsheathed.
٣٦. في الشَرقِ قَومٌ لَم يَسَلّوا صارِماً
وَالسَيفُ فَوقَ رُؤوسِهِم مَسلولُ
37. They are ignorant, and their souls know no sorrow -
Most wretched of men is the knowledgeable wretch.
٣٧. وَجَهِلوا وَلَم تَجَهل نُفوسُهُمُ الأَسى
أَشقى الأَنامِ العارِفُ المَجهولُ
38. Their livers are wounded like their eyelids,
And their sighing is joined with their groaning.
٣٨. أَكبادُهُم مَقروحَةٌ كَجُفونِهِم
وَزَفيرُهُم بِأَنينِهِم مَوصولُ
39. As for hope - however long they live by it -
Tears testify that it is murdered.
٣٩. أَمّا الرَجاءُ وَطالَما عاشوا بِهِ
فَالدَمعُ يَشهَدُ أَنَّهُ مَقتولُ
40. Despair is death, except that its corpse
Remains, while despair itself disappears.
٤٠. وَاليَأسُ مَوتٌ غَيرَ أَنَّ صَريعَهُ
يَبقى وَأَمّا نَفسُهُ فَتَزولُ
41. O Lord, misery has reached its climax,
Your mercy, for the merciful are few!
٤١. رُبّاهُ قَد بَلَغَ الشَقاءُ أَشَدَّهُ
رُحماكَ إِنَّ الراحِمينَ قَليلُ
42. A band for God and the precious nation
Has dedicated itself, some being helpers others martyrs.
٤٢. في اللَهِ وَالوَطَنِ العَزيزِ عِصابَةٌ
نَكِبوا فَذا عانٍ وَذاكَ قَتيلُ
43. Were it not for their deaths striking the souls of the living,
Syria and the Nile would have revolted at their deaths.
٤٣. لَو لَم يَمُت شَمَمُ النُفوسِ بِمَوتِهِم
ثارَ الشَآمُ لِمَوتِهِم وَالنيلُ
44. O you who flee from Syria, remember
Those in Syria and around it who have come down.
٤٤. يا نازِحِنَ عَنِ الشَآمِ تَذَكَّروا
مَن في الشَآمِ وَما يَليهِ نُزولُ
45. States are anxious to strive, while you
Are anxious for the cackle of rumors and gossip.
٤٥. هَمُّ المَمالِكِ في الجِهادِ وَهَمُّكُم
قالٌ تَسيرُ بِهِ الطُروسُ وَقيلُ
46. Bestir yourselves and work for your country and your children.
Wretched is the idle and stagnant life!
٤٦. هُبّوا اِعمَلوا لِبِلادِكُم وَلِنَسلِكُم
بِئسَ الحَياةُ سَكينَةٌ وَخُمولُ
47. Do not keep your hands clenched, for this is your day.
The worst of foes is the idle palm.
٤٧. لا تَقبَضوا الأَيدي فَهَذا يَومُكُم
شَرُّ الوَرى جَعدُ البَنانِ بَخيلُ
48. God has promised those who do good with goodness,
And as you know, His promise is not untrue.
٤٨. وَعَدَ الإِلاهُ المُحسِنينَ بِبَرِّهِ
وَكَما عَلِمتُم وَعدُهُ تَنويلُ