
O jug, why so arrogant and proud?

ألا أيها الإبريق ما لك والصلف

1. O jug, why so arrogant and proud?
You are neither crystal, nor made from seashells.

١. أَلا أَيُّها الإِبريقُ ما لَكَ وَالصَلف
فَما أَنتَ بَلّورٌ وَلا أَنتَ مِن صَدَف

2. You are but as jugs, formed from humble clay,
Molded and raised to be an earthenware vessel.

٢. وَما أَنتَ إِلّا كَالأَباريقِ كُلِّها
تُرابٌ مَهينٌ قَد تَرَقّى إِلى خَزَف

3. I see you hold your spout up high.
Yet it is soiled from the dust of the earth, undeserving of such pride.

٣. أَرى لَكَ أَنفاً شامِخاً غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
تَلَفَّعَ أَثوابَ الغُبارِ وَما أَنِف

4. It has been grasped by many lowly hands, but does not complain.
Many unworthy mouths have sipped from it, yet it does not flinch.

٤. وَمَسَّتهُ أَيدي الأَدنِياءِ فَما شَكا
وَمَصَّتهُ أَفواهُ الطَغامِ فَما وَجَف

5. You boast a pride not even matched by the rooster.
Your feathers do not shimmer like those of a peacock.

٥. وَفيكَ اِعتِزازٌ لَيسَ لِلديكِ مِثلَهُ
وَلَستَ بِذي ريشٍ تَضاعَفَ كَالزَغَف

6. You have no voice that cuts through the gloom of night,
Where memories come alive when it calls.

٦. وَلا لَكَ صَوتٌ مِثلَهُ يَصدَعُ الدُجى
وَتَهتِفُ فيهِ الذِكرَياتُ إِذا هَتَف

7. I listen closely to hear what you might say,
As a visitor falls silent before a relic.

٧. وَأَنصَتُّ أَستَوحيهِ شَيئاً يَقولُهُ
كَما يَسكُتُ الزُوّارُ في مَعرِضِ التُحَف

8. Moments pass, and I hear you babbling
Like an old man addled by his age.

٨. وَبَعدَ ثَوانٍ خِلتُ أَنّي سَمِعتُهُ
يُثَرثِرُ مِثلَ الشَيخِ أَدرَكَهُ الخَزَف

9. You say "I gave drink to the people." I say "Yes,
You gave them the water of rainclouds had they caught."

٩. فَقالَ سَقَيتُ الناسَ قُلتُ لَهُ أَجَل
سَقَيتَهُم ماءَ السَحابِ الَّذي يَكَف

10. "I held the tears of streams and springs
That flowed from mountain peaks, fresh and pure."

١٠. وَدَمعَ السَواقي وَالعُيونِ الَّذي جَرى
وَماءَ اليَنابيعِ الَّذي قَس صَفا وَشَف

11. "Let the water mention my great deed,
And exalt me in song for the honor I held," you say.

١١. فَقالَ لِيَذكُر فَضلِيَ الماءُ وَليُشِد
بِمَدحي أَلَم أَحمِلُهُ قُلتَ لَكَ الشَرَف

12. I say "The honor was not yours, but the water's.
You only carried what made you worthy of regard."

١٢. فَقالَ أَلَم أَحفَظهُهُ قُلتُ ظَلَمتَهُ
فَلَولاهُ لَم تُنقَل وَلَولاكَ ما وَقَف