
The East has lost its youth

ثكل الشرق فتاه

1. The East has lost its youth
Would that I had ransomed him

١. ثَكِلَ الشَرقُ فَتاهُ
لَيتَني كُنتُ فِداه

2. Would that I'd been deaf
When the mourner mourned him

٢. لَيتَني كُنتُ أَصَمّاً
عِندَما الناعي نَعاه

3. The mourners have mourned Zaid
A crescent whose brilliance shone to the full moon

٣. قَد نَعى الناعونَ زَي
داناً إِلى البَدرِ سَناه

4. And to history and knowledge
His father and his brother

٤. وَإِلى التاريخِ وَالعِل
مِ أَباهُ وَأَخاه

5. His passing brought tears to every stone
As if people's hearts were behind the rocks

٥. سَرى نَعيُهُ فَالدَمعُ في كُلِّ مِحجَرٍ
كَأَنَّ قُلوبَ الناسِ خَلفَ المَحاجِرِ

6. And the birds in the gardens sang the dirges of a bereaved mother
And the water wept the tears of a lonesome traveler

٦. وَلِلطَيرِ في الجَنّاتِ إِرنانُ ثاكِلٍ
وَلِلماءِ أَنّاتُ الغَريبِ المُسافِرِ

7. The star, as it rose, paused
And the earth, as it was, stopped confused

٧. وَلِلنَجمِ وَهُوَ النَجمُ مِشِيَةُ ظالِعٍ
وَلِلأَرضِ وَهِيَ الأَرضُ وِقفَةُ حائِرِ

8. What was hidden in it was still hidden
What was apparent in it was still apparent

٨. وَما كامِنٌ فيهِ الأَسى غَيرُ كامِنٍ
وَلا ظاهِرٌ فيهِ الأَسى غَيرُ ظاهِرِ

9. Whoever didn't see the weeping in every house
His eyes didn't see the rending of veils

٩. فَمَن لَم يَرَ الباكينَ في كُلِّ مَنزِلٍ
فَما أَبصَرَت عَيناهُ شَقَّ المَرائِرِ

10. It was the lightning from what they carried but couldn't bear
Telling us about him with mere signs

١٠. وَهيَ البَرقُ مِمّا حَمَلوهُ فَلَم يُطِق
يُحَدِّثُنا عَنهُ بِغَيرِ الأَشائِرِ

11. Oh, the news that brought devastation amongst us
Today, you are the most inauspicious of omens

١١. فَيا خَبَراً أَلقى الفَجيعَةَ بَينَنا
لَأَنتَ عَلَينا اليَومَ أَشأَمَ طائِرِ

12. Oh, bearer of news, ignorant of their essence
We've come to hate you even bearing good news

١٢. وَيا ناقِلَ الأَنباءِ يَجهَلُ كُنهَها
كَرِهناكَ حَتّى قادِماً بِالبَشائِرِ

13. Sorrow came between condoling and my mind
And distanced what was between my poem and my thoughts

١٣. أَقامَ الأَسى بَينَ العَزاءِ وَمُهجَتي
وَباعَدَ ما بَينَ القَريضِ وَخاطِري

14. So I don't know, was it the darkness covering the sun
Or did I lose sight of my dark eyes?

١٤. فَأَمسَيتُ لا أَدري أَسِترٌ مِنَ الدُجى
عَلى الشَمسِ أَم ضَيَّعتُ أَسوَدَ ناظِري

15. And my heart began to fear its outbursts
As a sparrow fears the grip of predators

١٥. وَباتَ فُؤادي يَتَّقي نَزَواتِهِ
كما يَتَّقي العُصفورُ بَأسَ الكَواسِرِ

16. It was as if there was a poet in my heart composing sorrow
As if my tears had taken over every sprinkler

١٦. كَأَنَّ بِقَلبي شاعِراً يَنظُمُ الأَسى
كَأَنّي تَوَلّى مَدمَعي كُلَّ ناثِرِ

17. Oh, if only my poetry knew, after the news of his passing flew
If there was anyone in Egypt awake besides him

١٧. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري بَعدَما طارَ نَعيُهُ
أَفي أَرضِ مِصرٍ نائِمٌ غَيرُ ساهِرِ

18. And if the Nile's sky had any but stars
And if the Nile's waters had any but gamblers

١٨. وَهَل في سَماءِ النيلِ غَيرُ دَياجِرٍ
وَهَل في مِياهِ النيلِ غَيرُ مَجامِرِ

19. And if on the banks of the Nile, between its palms
There was a singing bird or companion besides him

١٩. وَهَل في ضِفافِ النيلِ بَينَ نَخيلِهِ
مُغَرِّدَةٌ أَو آنِسٌ غَيرُ نافِرِ

20. With whom will his brethren commune each night?
While their companion is in his grave without fellow

٢٠. بِمَ سَمَرُ الإِخوانِ في كُلِّ لَيلَةٍ
وَصاحِبُهُم في اللَحدِ غَيرُ مُسامِرِ

21. Let the Muslims bewail him, for they
Have lost the orbit of eras in him

٢١. لِيَبكِ عَلَيهِ المُسلِمونَ فَإِنَّهُم
أَضاعوا بِهِ مُحيِ العُصورِ الدَوائِرِ

22. And let the Christians weep; their pride and pillar is gone
After him, none can boast and vie

٢٢. وَتَبكِ النَصارى فَخرَها وَعَميدَها
فَما بَعدَهُ مِن حُجَّةٍ لِمُفاخِرِ

23. The world hasn't been so generous with the like of him
And it's rare that it would with another

٢٣. فَما جادَتِ الدُنيا عَلَيهِم بِمِثلِهِ
وَغَيرُ يَسيرٍ أَن تَجودَ بِئاخَرِ

24. Oh, mountain of knowledge that collapsed and fell
Dear, that you be seen in the pits

٢٤. أَيا جَبَلَ العِلمِ الَّذي مادَ هاوِياً
عَزيزٌ عَلَينا أَن تُرى في الحَفائِرِ

25. The West wishes it were the East just for you
And the living love the inhabitants of graves for you

٢٥. عَلَيكَ يَوَدُّ الغَربُ لَو كانَ مُشرِقاً
وَفيكَ يُحِبُّ الحَيُّ أَهلَ المَقابِرِ

26. The dust of the earth will cover your dust
And the water of tears will envy the flowing of mucus

٢٦. وَيَغُطُ تِبرُ الأَرضِ فيكَ تُرابَها
وَيَحسُدُ ماءَ الجَفنِ ماءُ الخزَريرِ

27. It's not the custom of great men to bow their heads
But you were the treasure of gems in the earth

٢٧. وَما عادَةٌ خَفضُ الرِجالِ رُؤوسَها
وَلَكِنَّما في الأَرضِ كَنزُ الجَواهِرِ

28. To take pride over pebbles and asteroids
For the crescent of knowledge and the sun of lectures were in you

٢٨. لِتَفخَر عَلى الشُهبِ الجَنادِلُ وَالحَصى
فَفيها هِلالُ العِلمِ شَمسُ المَحاضِرِ

29. You excelled in compiling and authoring
And you gained the merit of the final ones

٢٩. شَأَوتَ الأَوالي جامِعاً وَمُؤَلِّفاً
وَزِدتَ بِأَن أَحرَزتَ فَضلَ الأَواخِرِ

30. The nights have chosen our elders
As if death pours its cups with the greatest

٣٠. تَخَيَّرَ أَحداثُ اللَيالي كِبارَنا
كَأَنَّ المَنايا صَبَّةٌ بِالأَكابِرِ

31. We laugh at hopes a mocking laugh
Then time laughs at us a deriding laugh

٣١. وَنَضحَكُ لِلآمالِ ضِحكَةُ وامِقٍ
فَيَضحَكُ مِنّا الدَهرُ ضِحكَةَ ساخِرِ

32. We were content that invaders conquered our lands
While the eyes of the watchful couldn't sleep

٣٢. رَضينا بِأَن تَغشى الغُزاةُ بِلادَنا
وَنِمنا وَما نامَت عُيونُ المَعاثِرِ

33. Every day amongst us there is tyrannical rule
Cowardly stance and defiant killing

٣٣. لَها كُلَّ يَومٍ بينَنا حُكُمُ جائِرٍ
وَإِقدامُ مَوتورٍ وَفَتكَةُ ثائِرِ

34. For it seeks vengeance without a sinner
And grasps the strings without a composer

٣٤. عَلى أَنَّها تَقتَصُّ مِن غَيرِ مُذنِبٍ
وَتَأخُذُ بِالأَوتارِ مِن غَيرِ واتِرِ

35. Oh woe to this East, how blissful it is
While its horizons are like the night of nails

٣٥. فَيا وَيحَ هَذا الشَرقِ كَيفَ اِغتِباطُهُ
وَأَمضى مَواضيهِ كَليلُ الأَظافِرِ

36. There is glory in Egypt but its echo
Is in the two Iraqs when they heard it

٣٦. جَلَلٌ في مِصرَ لَكِن
في العِراقَينِ صَداه

37. Lebanon and Syria leaned
When they heard him, nearly failing every towering mountain

٣٧. مادَ لُبنانُ وَمادَ
الشامُ لَمّا سَمِعاه

38. You who has left us
Sorrow has reached its utmost

٣٨. كادَ أَن يَخذِلَ فيهِ
كُلَّ طَودٍ مَنكِباه

39. The horizon wept you until
It laid you down and tended to you

٣٩. أَيُّها الراحِلُ عَنّا
بَلَغَ الحُزنُ مَداه

40. Oh, beloved of my eyes
Whoever knew you was happy with him

٤٠. قَد بَكاكَ الأُفقُ حَتّى
فَرقَداهُ وَسُهاه

41. The self betrayed its strength
Absence betrayed its strength

٤١. يا خَليلَيَّ أَعينا
مَن عَصاهُ مُسعِداه

42. He who every eye wishes to see
Has passed away

٤٢. خانَتِ النَفسُ قُواها
خانَتِ البَينَ قُواه

43. Every grave wished, when it took him
If only it could contain him

٤٣. قَد مَضى مَن تَتَمَنّى
كُلُّ عَينٍ أَن تَراه

44. Zaidan, father of history, died
So his youth may live

٤٤. فَتَمَنّى كُلُّ قَبرٍ
حينَ أَودى لَو حَواه

٤٥. ماتَ زَيدانُ أَبو التا
ريخِ فَليَحيَ فَتاه