
We bear the Russians no ill will, yet we do not love them,

لا نبغيض الروس لكن لا نحبهم

1. We bear the Russians no ill will, yet we do not love them,
For ours is a war of peers against peers.

١. لا نِبغيضُ الروسَ لَكِن لا نُحِبُّهُمُ
فَحَربُنا حَربُ أَقرانٍ لِأَقرانِ

2. Nor are the French truly hostile to us,
But they are not comrades or brothers.

٢. وَلا الفَرنسيسَ ما هُمَ بِالعُداةِ لَنا
لَكِنَّهُم غَيرُ أَصحابٍ وَإِخوانِ

3. We engage with them blow for blow,
Stab for stab, fire for fire.

٣. إِنّا نُبادِلُهُم وَالنَقعُ مُنسَدِلٌ
طَعناً بِطَعنٍ وَنيراناً بِنيرانِ

4. Our proud banners wave among the regiments,
And our victorious army on every battlefield.

٤. وَذي بَيارِقُنا في الفَوجِ خافِقَةٌ
وَجَيشُنا ظافِرٌ في كُلِّ مَيدانِ

5. Our hearts contain naught but the glowing embers
Of elders and the live coals of youth alike.

٥. قُلوبَنا لَيسَ فيها غَيرُ موجِدَةٍ
ذو الشَيبِ فيها وَفَحمُ الشَزِ سِيّانِ

6. As a mass beyond count we share one passion,
And so we are martyred as one, as men.

٦. نَهوى وَنَحنُ جُموعٌ لا عِدادَ لَها
كَواحِدٍ وَكَذا نُقلى كَإِنسانِ

7. Our sole enemy, whom all recognize,
Is that envious wicked schemer who does ill.

٧. عَدُوُّنا واحِدٌ الكُلُّ يَعرِفُهُ
ذاكَ الحَسودُ الخَبيثُ الماكِرُ الشاني

8. Against him surging breakers are our haven
Of refuge, massive as the barren, scorching dunes.

٨. تَرُدُّنا عَنهُ أَمواجٌ يَلوذُ بِها
سَميكَةٌ كَالنَجيعِ اليابِسِ القَني

9. I see him taking cover amid the deluge,
A flood of wrath concealed behind a flood.

٩. أَرى بِهِ وَهوَ الطوفانِ مُختَبِئٌ
طوفانَ غَيظٍ تَوارى خَلفَ طوفانِ

10. The water now preserves and protects him -
Woe to the water because of us, for it has sided with the foe!

١٠. قَد أَصبَحَ الماءُ يَحميهِ وَيَمنَعُهُ
الوَيلُ لِلماءِ مِنّا إِنَّهُ جانِ

11. Stand, all of you, before the seat of justice
And solemnly swear a harsh unbending oath,

١١. قِفوا أَمامَ القَضاءِ العَدلِ كُلُّكُمُ
وَليَحلِفَنَّ يَميناً كُلُّ أَلماني

12. Rigid as steel, inexorable as death,
To endure for ages and aeons of time:

١٢. غَليظَةً كَالحَديدِ الصَلبِ صارِمَةً
كَالمَوتِ تَبَقّى لِأَدهارٍ وَأَزمانِ

13. That we will harbor a hatred that does not wane,
Immeasurable, beyond reckoning,

١٣. وَأَن نَبغُضَ البُغضَ لا تَبلى مَرائِرُهُ
وَلا يُقاسُ وَلا يُحصى بِميزانِ

14. That we will voice it everywhere,
Repeat it like a refrain,

١٤. وَأَن نُرَدِّدَهُ في كُلِّ ناحِيَةٍ
وَأَن نُكَرِّرَهُ تَكريرَ أَلحانِ

15. And teach it to every heart and mind
To hate these people both secretly and openly,

١٥. وَأَن نُعَلِّمَ مِنّا كُلَّ ذي كَبِدٍ
أَن يَبغُضَ القَومَ في سِرٍّ وَإِعلانِ

16. A hatred handed down to our descendants
And from one generation to the next.

١٦. بُغضاً إِلى نَسلِنا بِالإِرثِ مُنتَقِلاً
إِلى بَينِهِم وَمِن جيلٍ إِلى ثانِ

17. Our sole enemy, whom all recognize,
Is that envious wicked schemer who does ill.

١٧. عَدُوُّنا واحِدٌ الكُلُّ يَعرِفُهُ
ذاكَ الحَسودُ الخَبيثُ الماكِرُ الشاني

18. Hark, O Germans, and understand,
For you are people of intellect and wisdom:

١٨. أَلا اِسمَعوا أَيُّها الأَلمانُ وَاِعتَبِروا
فَأَنتُمُ أَهلُ أَلبابٍ وَأَذهانِ

19. Your commanders all convened as one,
Bound fast like well-knotted rope or mortared brick.

١٩. في مَحفَلٍ جَلَسَ القُوّادُ كُلُّهُمُ
كَمُحكَمِ العِقدِ أَو مَرصوصِ بُنيانِ

20. One of them rose, a cup held in his hand,
As though it were a torch or a wrathful eye.

٢٠. وَقامَ واحِدُهُم وَالكَأسُ في يَدِهِ
كَأَنَّها قَبَسٌ أَو عَينُ غَضبانِ

21. He spoke: "O people, this is the secret of your day.
Come, drink! for the secret of the day is two secrets."

٢١. فَقالَ يا قَومُ هَذا سِرُّ يَومِكُمُ
أَلا اِشرَبوا إِنَّ سِرَّ اليَومَ سِرّانِ

22. His utterance, spoken to the assembly, had its effect,
And they became as though they were one man, not two.

٢٢. مَقالَةُ فَعَلَت في الجَمعِ فِعلَتَها
فَأَصبَحوا وَكَأَنَّ الواحِدَ اِثنانِ

23. No striking sword, no leaping spark of flame,
No speeding ship, no shooting star, no diving lightning bolt,

٢٣. ما ضَربَةُ السَيفِ مِن ذي مُرَّةٍ بَطَلٍ
وَمُستَطيرُ اللَظى مِن قَلبِ صَوّانِ

24. Is swifter or more forceful than it,
Emerging from his mouth like an arrow from the quiver.

٢٤. وَلا السَفينَةُ في التَيّارِ جارِيَةً
وَلا الشِهابُ هَوى في إِثرِ شَيطانِ

25. It illuminated whoever was in the cup that was raised on high
By that speaker who intended and meant it.

٢٥. أَمضى وَأَنفَذَ مِنها وَهيَ خارِجَةٌ
مِن فيهِ كَالسَهمِ مِن أَحشاءِ مِرنانِ

26. O children of Britain, rally your masses
And summon mankind, human or jinn!

٢٦. فَضاءَ مَن كانَ في الكَأسِ الَّتي اِرتَفَعَت
وَمَن يُريدُ وَيَعني القائِلُ العاني

27. Build your fortresses and ramparts with gold
And hire armies of whites and blacks!

٢٧. بَني بَريطانيا نادوا جُموعَكُمُ
وَاِستَصرِخوا الخَلقَ مِنإِنسٍ وَمِن جانِ

28. Patrol your fleets in the sea lying in wait for us,
Churning the waves and tracking the whales!

٢٨. وَاِبنوا المَعاقِلَ وَالأَسوارَ مِن ذَهَبٍ
وَاِستَأجِروا الجُندَ مِن بيضٍ وَعُبدانِ

29. By God! None of this will hinder or turn back
A hand once outstretched in anger to smash and demolish.

٢٩. مُروا أَساطيلَكُم في البَحرِ تَرصُدُنا
وَتَأصُدُ البَحرَ مِن مَوجٍ وَحيتانِ

30. We bear the Russians no ill will, yet we do not love them,
For ours is a war of peers against peers.

٣٠. تَاللَهِ لا ذي وَلا هَذي تَرُدُّ يَداً
إِذا رَمَت دَكَّتِ البُنيانَ وَالباني

31. Nor are the French truly hostile to us,
But they are not comrades or brothers.

٣١. لا نُبغِضُ الروسَ لَكِن لا نُحِبُّهُمُ
فَحَربُنا حَربُ أَقرانٍ لِأَقرانِ

32. We engage with them blow for blow,
Stab for stab, fire for fire.

٣٢. وَلا الفَرَنسيسَ ما هُم بِالعُداةِ لَنا
لَكِنَّهُم غَيرُ أَصحابٍ وَإِخوانِ

33. We attack and are attacked, with hatred ever present
And every vicious, deadly, piercing weapon.

٣٣. إِنّا نُبادِلَهُم وَالنَقعُ مُنسَدِلٌ
طَعناً بِطَعنٍ وَنيراناً بِنيرانِ

34. But what tomorrow will bring is peace
Veiling this tumult, covering them with forgetfulness.

٣٤. نَأتي وَيَأتونَ وَالهَيجاءَ قائِمَةٌ
بِكُلِّ ماضٍ وَفَتّاكٍ وَطَعّانِ

35. Every hatred will be erased but hatred of you,
For it is safe from diminution.

٣٥. لَكِنَّما في غَدٍ يُرخي السَلامُ عَلى
هَذي الوَغى وَعَلَيهِمِ سِترَ نِسيانِ

36. The hearts' loathing of you will never fade, even if
We and you should pass away and the transient world should vanish.

٣٦. وَيَمَّحي كُلُّ بُغضٍ غَيرُ بَغضِكُمُ
فَإِنَّهُ آمِنٌ مِن كُلِّ نُقصانِ

37. Your remoteness on earth and the distance of the stars in heaven
Are alike, and so is hatred in free and bound souls.

٣٧. حِقدُ القُلوبِ عَلَيكُم لا يَزولُ وَإِن
زُلتُم وَزُلنا وَزالَ العالَمُ الفاني

38. The cottage hates you, and the palace hates you,
And every heart and mind among us.

٣٨. في الأَرضِ بُعدُكُمُ وَاماءُ مِثلَهُما
وَالبُغضُ في الحُرِّ مِثلُ البُغضِ في العاني

39. As a mass beyond count we share one passion,
And so we are martyred as one, as men.

٣٩. الكوخُ يَبغِضُكُم وَالقَصرُ يُبغيضُكُم
وَكُلُّ ذي مُهجَةٍ مِنّا وَوُجدانِ

40. Our sole enemy, whom all recognize,
Is that envious wicked schemer who does ill.

٤٠. نَهوى وَنَحنُ جُموعٌ لا عِدادَ لَها
كَواحِدٍ وَكَذا نَقلى كَإِنانِ

٤١. عَدُوُّنا واحِدٌ الكُلُّ يَعرِفُهُ
ذاكَ الحَسودُ الخَبيثُ الماكِرُ الشاني