
Man in his heedlessness and slumber

المرء في غفلاته وسباته

1. Man in his heedlessness and slumber
While time races on in leaps and bounds

١. المَرءُ في غَفَلاتِه وَسُباتِهِ
وَالدَهرُ كَالرِئبالِ في وَثَباتِهِ

2. Life and age conceal themselves
While man asserts himself

٢. وَالعُمر وَالزَمانُ يَجِدُّ في
إِخفائِه وَالمَرءُ في إِثباتِهِ

3. The war between them is endless
And so is man's remorse

٣. وَالحَربُ لا تَنفَكُّ بَينَهُما وَلا
يَنفَكُّ هَذا المَرءُ في حَسَراتِهِ

4. Do not wonder at his ignorance and conceit
But wonder if he changes his ways

٤. لا تَعجَبوا مِن جَهلِه وَغُرورِهِ
وَتَعَجَّبوا إِن حالَ عَن حالاتِهِ

5. He strives though he knows not his end
Like the moth circling the flame that kills it

٥. يَسعى وَلا يَدري إِلى حَيثُ الرَدى
وَكَذا الفَراشُ يَحومُ حَولَ مَماتِهِ

6. His own soul makes the world pleasing to him
So he follows it though it leads him astray

٦. وَتُحَبِّبُ الدُنيا إِلَيهِ نَفسَهُ
فَيُطيعُها وَالنَفسُ مِن آفاتِهِ

7. To be free of its chains brings him bliss
For man's joy lies in this freedom

٧. وَيُضيرُها إِفلاتُهُ مِن قَيدِها
وَسَعادَةُ الإِنسانِ في إِفلاتِهِ

8. He faces misfortunes uncaring
Till they grow strong and assault his power

٨. يَلقى الضَراغِمَ غَيرَ مُكتَرِثٍ بِها
فَإِذا سَطَت ضَرَبَت عَلى سَطَواتِهِ

9. The hero fights no more fierce a foe
Than his own desires that disobey him

٩. وَما قاتَلَ البَطَلَ النَجيدَ غَضَنفَرٌ
إِنَّ الغَضَنفَرَ مَن عَصى شَهَواتِهِ