
The youth greeted the breeze in the meadows of Lebanon

حيا الصبا على ربى لبنان

1. The youth greeted the breeze in the meadows of Lebanon
Where passion dwells, and the haunts of gazelles,

١. حَيّا الصِبا عَلى رُبى لُبنانِ
حَيثُ الهَوى وَمَراتِعُ الغُزلانِ

2. And the Guardian watched over its inhabitants, for they are
In the best of lands, the best of people.

٢. وَرَعى المُهَيمَنُ ساكِنيهِ فَإِنَّهُم
في خَيرِ أَرضٍ خَيرَةِ السُكّانِ

3. A people whose manners and faces have been refined
So that beauty and kindness are joined together.

٣. قَومٌ صَفَت أَخلاقُهُم وَوُجوهُهُم
فَالحُسنُ مَجموعٌ إِلى الإِحسانِ

4. They have white hands and arms, that if depicted
Would be like necklaces of pearls.

٤. لَهُمُ الأَيادي البيضُ وَالبيضُ وَالشِيَمُ
لَو مُثِّلَت كانَت عُقودَ جُمانِ

5. The mark of generosity is scattered poems in the universe
And these marks are the essence of generosity.

٥. شَيَمُ الكِرامِ قَصائِدٌ في الكَونِ غِر
رٌ وَهيَ في شِيَمِ الكِرامِ مَعانِ

6. A people, if a stranger visited their lands,
They would make him one of them in the highest place.

٦. قَومٌ إِذا زارَ الغَريبُ بِلادَهُم
جَعَلوهُ مِنهُم في أَجَلِّ مَكانِ

7. If you fear the evils of fickle events, then
Seek them out, they will protect you from fickle events.

٧. إِن خِفتَ شَرَّ طَوارِقِ الحَدَثانِ فَ
اِقسِدهُم تُخِفكَ طَوارِقُ الحَدَثانِ

8. If the eternal realm held my dwelling place,
I would abandon it for Lebanon.

٨. لَوَ اِنَّ في كيوانَ دارَ إِقامَتي
لَهَجَرتُ كيواناً إِلى لُبنانِ

9. I bound my heart to its passion, so I no longer
Desire anything else, for I do not have two hearts.

٩. قَيَّدتُ قَلبي في هَواهُ فَلَم أَعُد
أَهوى السِوى إِذ لَيسَ لي قَلبانِ

10. And love is beautiful in youth and childhood
Like the beauty of a meadow’s flower in April.

١٠. وَالحُبُّ يَجمُلُ في الشَبيبَةِ وَالصِبى
كَجَمالِ زَهرِ الرَوضِ في نَيسانِ

11. It is the eternal garden hoped for
By the messengers of guidance, the early humans.

١١. هُوَ جَنَّةُ الخُلدِ الَّتي مَنّى بِها
رُسُلُ الهُدى قِدَماً بَني الإِنسانِ

12. Ages have passed, yet it remains as if
It was built yesterday by the hand of the Merciful.

١٢. خِلتِ الدُهورُ وَلا يَزالُ كَأَنَّما
بِأَمسِ شادَتهُ يَدُ الرَحمَنِ

13. O inhabitants, greetings from an émigré,
Though greetings are the utmost one in distress can manage.

١٣. يا ساكِنيهِ تَحِيَّةً مِن نازِحٍ
إِنَّ التَحِيَّةَ لَهيَ جَهدُ العاني

14. You have become, above the kingdoms, a patch
If not for the presence of the rabble of crows.

١٤. أَصبَحتُمُ فَوقَ المَمالِكِ رُقعَةً
لَولا وُجودُ مَعاشِرِ الغُربانِ

15. A people who have made religion among you
A partner for trapping the chinking gold.

١٥. قَومٌ قَدِ اِتَّخَذوا الدِيانَةَ بَينَكُم
شَرَكاً لِصَيدِ الأَصفَرِ الرَنّانِ

16. So they pretended to be ascetic until
Their guile was hidden from the vigilant.

١٦. فَتَظاهَروا بِالزُهدِ حَتّى أَشَكَت
تَخفى دَخائِلُهُم عَلى اليَقظانِ

17. And they were crafty in scheming until they became
More cunning than even the devil.

١٧. وَتَفَنَّنوا بِالمَكرِ حَتّى أَصبَحوا
وَغَبِيُّهُم أَدهى مِنَ الشَيطانِ

18. They imposed taxes out of greed on the people
As if the taxes of the sultan were not enough for the miserable.

١٨. ضَرَبوا عَلى الشَعبِ الرُسومَ شَراهَةً
حَسبُ التَعيسِ ضَرائِبُ السُلطانِ

19. They disbelieved in His blessing which He gave them
And accused Him of heresy and ingratitude.

١٩. كَفَروا بِنِعمَتِهِ الَّتي أَسداهُمُ
وَرَمَوهُ بِالإِلحادِ وَالكُفرانِ

20. And they went to extremes in violating His rights
While He is the Loving One, pleased with their loyalty.

٢٠. وَلَقَد تَفانوا في اِنتِهاكِ حُقوقِهِ
وَهوَ المُحِبُّ رِضاهُمُ المُتَفاني

21. Until we thought He would neglect
Punishment, though He is never one to neglect punishment.

٢١. حَتّى حَسِبنا أَنَّهُ يَنحَطُّ عَن
كَسَلٍ وَلَم يَكُ قَطُّ بِالكَسلانِ

22. But He strives, though His striving
Benefits only the priest, the deacon, and the beadle.

٢٢. لَكِنَّهُ يَسعى وَيَذهَبُ سَعيُهُ
لِلقِسِّ وَالشَمّاسِ وَالموترانِ

23. If I did not respect their well-known doctrine
I would reveal their secrets openly.

٢٣. لَولا اِحتِرامِيَ مَذهَباً عُرِفوا بِهِ
لَكَشَفتُ مَستوراتِهِم بِبَيانِ

24. So beware if you are heedless,
For fate lies in wait for the heedless.

٢٤. فَتَنَبَّهوا إِن كُنتُمُ في غَفلَةٍ
فَالدَهرُ بِالمِرصادِ لِلغَفلانِ

25. Verily, when the devils despaired of your affairs
They came to you in the guise of monks.

٢٥. إِنَّ الأَبالِسَ حينَ أَعيا أَمرُكُم
جاءَتكُمُ في صورَةِ الرُهبانِ

26. Beware of being deceived by their attire
For they are wolves in the clothing of sheep.

٢٦. فَحَذارِ مِن أَن تُخدَعوا بِلِباسِهِم
فَهُمُ الضَواري في لِباسِ الضانِ

27. One who follows the blind out of love for guidance
Will surely stumble with the blind.

٢٧. مَن يَتبَعِ العُميانَ حُبّاً بِالهُدى
لا يَأمَنَّن تَعَثُّرَ العُميانِ

28. If I have a sin and they are its forgiveness
I prefer to remain without forgiveness.

٢٨. إِن كانَ لي ذَنبٌ وَهُم غُفرانُهُ
آثَرتُ أَن أَبقى بِلا غُفرانِ

29. Or if I am in the fires while deliverance from it
Lies with them, I am content with the fires.

٢٩. أَو كُنتُ في النيرانبِ حَيثُ لَدَيهُمُ
مِنها النَجاةُ رَضيطُ بِالنيرانِ

30. More agreeable to my soul than disgraceful submission
Which only cowards can accept.

٣٠. أَشهى إِلى نَفسي مِنَ الذُلِّ الرَدى
لا يَرتَضي بِالذُلِّ غَيرُ جَبانِ