1. O Prophet, if we had stamped the sun one day,
And forged it into a blade of steel,
١. أَلا نَبي لَو طَبَعنا الشَمسَ يَوماً
وَقَلَّدناكَها سَيفاً صَفيحا
2. And studded it with shooting stars,
We would not have added to your glory or praise,
٢. وَرَصَّعناهُ بِالشُهبِ الدَراري
لَما زُدناكَ فَخراً أَو مَديحا
3. For you are the bravest of heroes in battle,
And the greatest conquerors in the world.
٣. لِأَنَّكَ أَشجَعُ الأَبطالِ طُرّاً
وَأَعظَمُ قادَةِ الدُنيا فُتوحا
4. When your name passes among people,
You see the strongest among them vociferously cheer.
٤. إِذا ما مَرَّ ذِكرُكَ بَينَ قَومٍ
رَأَيتَ أَشَدُّهُم عِيّاً فَصيحا
5. How many ailing Syria have you cured,
And how many healthy Turkey have you sickened,
٥. فَكَم داوَيتَ سورِيّاً مَريضاً
وَكَم أَسقَمتَ تُركِيّاً صَحيحا
6. And how much honor have you protected in Beirut,
And how many souls have you secured in the Levant.
٦. وَكَم قَد صُنتَ في بَيروتَ عِرضاً
وَكَم أَمَّنتَ في الشَهباءِ روحا
7. You were angry at the crescent so it cowered in fear,
And you glared at it so it was wary to appear.
٧. غَضِبتَ عَلى الهِلالِ فَخَرَّ ذُعراً
وَلُحتَ لَهُ فَحاذَرَ أَن يَلوحا
8. You stormed them until every fortress
Became an open plain for the horses of victory.
٨. عَصَفتَ بِهِم فَأَمسى كُلُّ حِصنٍ
لِخَيلِ النَصرِ مَيداناً فَسيحا
9. Zeal beyond ambition moved you
So you made the strongholds and palaces quake.
٩. مَشَت بِكَ هِمَّةٌ فَوقَ الثُرَيّا
فَزَلزَلَتِ المَعاقِل وَالصُروحا
10. From the valley to the Sinai desert,
Until you visited that shrine,
١٠. مِنَ الوادي إِلى صَحراءِ سينا
إِلى أَن زُرتَ ذَيّاكَ الضَريحا
11. To the Sea of Galilee, to Damascus,
Chasing the wretched Turks ahead of you.
١١. إِلى بَحرِ الجَليلِ إِلى دِمَشقٍ
تُطارِدُ دونَكَ التُركي القَبيحا
12. And so all the soldiers were fervent
And all of Syria was at peace.
١٢. فَكانَ الجُندُ كُلُّهُمُ يَشوعاً
وَكانَت كُلُّ سورِيّا أَريحا
13. If Christ is the sacrifice for all mankind,
Then you are the one who saved the Christ.
١٣. فَإِن يَكُنِ المَسيحُ فِدى البَرايا
فَإِنَّكَ أَنتَ أَنقَذتَ المَسيحا