
O you who drew near my heart

يا من قربت من الفؤاد

1. O you who drew near my heart
While you remain far from my eyes

١. يا مَن قَرُبتَ مِنَ الفُؤادِ
وَأَنتَ عَن عَيني بَعيد

2. My yearning for you is greater than
The yearning of the thirsty for water

٢. شَوقي إِلَيكَ أَشَدَّ مِن
شَوقِ السَليمِ إِلى الهُجود

3. I crave meeting you as
The brother of thirst craves flowers

٣. أَهوى لِقاءَكَ مِثلَما
يَهوى أَخو الظَمءِ الوُرود

4. Intentions prevent me from you
And I prevent myself from this deterrence

٤. وَتَصُدُّني عَنكَ النَوى
وَأَصُدُّ عَن هَذا الصُدود

5. Your soft voice returned to me
Assembled from precious pearls

٥. وَرَدَت نَميقَتَكَ الَّتي
جُمِعَت مِنَ الدُرِّ النَضيد

6. Your words seem like pearls
As if the paper itself is fine

٦. فَكَأَنَّ لَفظَكَ لُؤلُؤٌ
وَكَأَنَّما القِرطاسُ جيد

7. I complain to you, and blame is not deserved
If the suffering complains of shackles

٧. أَشكو إِلَيك وَلا يُلامُ
إِذا شَكى العاني القُيود

8. An indifferent time that does not give
Its affection except to the indifferent

٨. دَهراً بَليداً ما يُنيلُ
وِدادَهُ إِلّا بَليد

9. And companions among whom
Promises are never fulfilled

٩. وَمَعاشِراً ما فيهُمُ
إِن جِئتَهُم غَيرُ الوُعود

10. Boastful, their boasting is nothing
But falsehood and denial

١٠. مُتَفَرنِجين وَما التَفَرنُجُ
عِندَهُم غَيرُ الجُحود

11. They know nothing of courage
Except what monkeys have known

١١. لا يَعرِفونَ مِنَ الشَجاعَةِ
غَيرَ ما عَرِفَ القُرود

12. It's all the same if they speak
Of contentment with me or anger

١٢. سَيّانِ قالوا بِالرِضى
عَنّي أَوِ السُخطُ الشَديد

13. One who does not honor promises
Will not honor threats

١٣. مَن لَيسَ يَصدُقُ في الوُعودِ
فَلَيسَ يَصدُقُ في الوَعيد

14. Some men, when men are counted
I count them as snakes in the burrows

١٤. نَفَرٌ إِذا عُدَّ الرِجالُ
عَدَدتُهُم طَيَّ اللَحُد

15. Their nature refuses gentleness
Not everyone with wealth is generous

١٥. تَأبى السَماحَ طِباعَهُم
ما كُلُّ ذي مالٍ يَجود

16. The kindest of them with his freshness
Is harder than solid rock

١٦. أَسخاهُمُ بِنُضارِهِ
أَقسى مِنَ الحَجَرِ الصَلود

17. The curly haired with his honor
Would sacrifice refugees for delegations

١٧. جَعدُ البَنانُ بِعِرضِهِ
يَفدي اللُجَينَ مِنَ الوُفود

18. And is afraid of his guests
Like a little child fears Jews

١٨. وَيَخافُ مِن أَضيافِهِ
خَوفَ الصَغيرِ مِنَ اليَهود

19. Wretched is the man who does not benefit
From men nor benefits them

١٩. تَعِسَ اِمرُؤٌ لا يَستَفيدُ
مِنَ الرِجال وَلا يُفيد

20. And I see that one useless
His existence harms existence

٢٠. وَأَرى عَديمَ النَفعِ أَنَّ
وُجودُهُ ضَرَرُ الوُجود