
A song in my conscience, how I conceal it

أنشودة في ضميري كم أواريها

1. A song in my conscience, how I conceal it
And my cure is only to sing it

١. أُنشودَةٌ في ضَميري كَم أُواريها
وَما شِفائِيَ إِلّا أَن أُغَنّيها

2. Winter has passed and my soul in its gloom
Summer has laughed except in its weeping

٢. وَلّى الشِتاءُ وَنَفسي في كَآبَتِها
وَاِستَضحَكَ الصَيفُ إِلّا في نَوحيها

3. It's as if it's a flower in the shade growing
No light inundates it, no water waters it

٣. كَأَنَّها زَهرَةٌ في الظِلِّ نابِتَةٌ
لا نورَ يَغمُرُها لا ماءَ يَسقيها

4. It's as if it's the war in my heart, its quakes
And some of my family are folks who endure it

٤. كَأَنَّها الحَربُ في قَلبي زَلازِلُها
وَبَعضُ أَهلِيَ أَقوامٌ تُعانيها

5. A tale I waver when I hear it
And sorrow eats my heart when I recount it

٥. حِكايَةٌ أَتَقَلّى حينَ أَسمَعُها
وَيَأكُلُ الحُزنُ قَلبي حينَ أَرويها

6. And His compassion to Urubba, it did not destroy
A viper with a viper like its people with its people

٦. وارَحمَتاهُ لِأُرُبّا فَما فَتَكَت
أَفعى بِأَفعى كَأَهليها بِأَهليها

7. Nothing remained but the beasts among its creatures
And of its civilization except its privies

٧. لَم يَبقَ غَيرُ الضَواري في خَلائِقِها
وَمِن حَضارَتِها إِلّا مَخازيها

8. It used to count plots in its factories
For others, so its plots befell it

٨. كانَت تَعُدُّ الدَواهي في مَصانِعِها
لِغَيرِها فَأَصابَتها دَواهيها

9. And every cook of poison will eat it
And every digger of a well will fall in it

٩. وَكُلُّ طابِخِ سُمٍّ سَوفَ يَأكُلُهُ
وَكُلُّ حافِرِ بِئرٍ واقِعٌ فيها

10. Had its faith endured, Hellfire would not have blazed
With its homes and snakes in its burrows

١٠. لَو دامَ إيمانُها لَم تَنطَلِق سَقَرٌ
بِدورِها وَالأَفاعي في مَغانيها

11. But it bent to machines, worshipping them
And seeking help through them besides its Creator

١١. لَكِن أَكَبَّت عَلى الآلاتِ تَعبُدَها
وَتَستَعينُ بِها مِن دونِ باريها

12. So its owner became a slave to its authority
And every weak one became one of its victims

١٢. فَصارَ مالِكُها عَبداً لِسُلطَتِها
وَصارَ كُلُّ ضَعيفٍ مِن أَضاحيها

13. And its human became for milking a bucket
And slaughter like livestock in its pastures

١٣. وَصارَ إِنسانُها لِلحَلبِ آوينَةً
وَالذَبحِ مِثلَ المَواشي في مَراعيها

14. Oh self, walk softly, and oh my song, set forth
Who taught silence? Silence hurts it

١٤. يا نَفسُ سُرّي وَيا أُنشودَتي اِنطَلِقي
مَن عَلَّمَ الصَمتَ إِنَّ الصَمتَ يُؤذيها

15. Does the horizon shine without its planets arising?
And the earth beautify without producing its blooms?

١٥. أَيُشرِقُ الأُفقُ لَم يُطلِع كَواكِبَهُ
وَتَجمُلُ الأَرضُ لَم تُخرِج أَقاحيها

16. Today is the day of rhymes, chanting them
People don't drink wine unless you pour it

١٦. اليَومَ يَومُ القَوافي تَهتُفينَ بِها
لا يَشرَبُ الناسُ خَمراً لَم تَصُبّيها

17. This is the feast, its processions have appeared
Oh heart, rejoice for it, oh poetry, cheer it

١٧. هَذا هُوَ العيدُ قَد لاحَت مَواكِبُهُ
يا قَلبُ هَلِّل لَها يا شِعرُ حَيِّها