
Summer has returned to the earth

عاد للأرض مع الصيف صباها

1. Summer has returned to the earth
Bringing with it youth like a blushing cheek after removing its makeup

١. عادَ لِلأَرضِ مَعَ الصَيفِ صِباها
فَهيَ كَالخَودِ الَّتي تَمَّت حُلاها

2. Scenes of greenness in freshness
That no one who saw it could resist desiring

٢. صُوَرٌ مِن خُضرَةٍ في نَضرَةٍ
ما رَآها أَحَدٌ إِلّا اِشتَهاها

3. The sun sets on its horizons
And the blackness of night is musk scattered in its sand

٣. ذَهَبُ الشَمسِ عَلى آفاقِها
وَسَوادُ اللَيلِ مِسكٌ في ثَراها

4. The breeze of dawn in its trees
And murmurs that stir the melody of the river

٤. وَنَسيمُ الفَجرِ في أَشجارِها
وَشوَشاتٌ يُطرِبُ النَهرَ صَداها

5. The streams are dancing temptations
Their laughter is singing and trilling cries

٥. وَالسَواقي فِتَنٌ راقِصَةٌ
ضِحكَتُها شَدوٌ وَتَهليلٌ بُكاها

6. The meadows are enchanting images
And the birdsong is unmatched poetry

٦. وَالأَقاحي صُوَرٌ خَلّابَةٌ
وَأَغاني الطَيرِ شِعرٌ لا يُضاهى

7. It is paradise, so strange is one
Who is in it yet barely sees it

٧. إِنَّها الجَنَّةُ فَاِعجَب لِاِمرِئٍ
هُوَ فيها وَقَليلاً ما يَراها

8. O you who turn away from its flowers
If only you knew, o this one, its fragrance!

٨. أَيُّها المُعرِضُ عَنأَزهارِها
لَكَ لَو تَعلَمُ يا هَذا شَذاها

9. O you asleep to its stars
God created your eyes just for it

٩. أَيُّها النائِمُ عَن أَنجُمِها
خَلَقَ اللَهُ لِعَينَيكِ سَناها

10. O you who deprive yourself of its pleasures
Your soul - never will it be given anything but them

١٠. أَيُّها الكابِحُ عَن لَذّاتِها
نَفسَهُ هَيهاتِ لَن تُعطى سِواها

11. Do not put off for tomorrow what is not
Other than a day that has passed and wandered

١١. لا تُؤَجِّل لِغَدٍ لَيسَ غَدٌ
غَيرَ يَومٍ كَالَّذي ضاعَ وَتاها

12. And if the soul does not see wishes fulfilled at dawn
How will it see them in the evening?

١٢. وَإِذا لَم تُبصِرِ النَفسُ المُنى
في الضُحى كَيفَ تَراها في مَساها

13. This is paradise, so roam in its expanse
And witness the magic of flowers and water at dawn

١٣. هَذِهِ الجَنَّةُ فَاِسرَح في رُباها
وَاِشهَدِ السِحرَ زُهوراً وَمِياها

14. And listen to the poetry from its nightingale
For it is poetry that cannot be matched

١٤. وَاِستَمِع لِلشِعرِ مِن بُلبُلِها
فَهُوَ الشِعرُ الَّذي لَيسَ يُضاهى

15. How wonderful is summer, how generous
Filled the world with comfort and prosperity

١٥. ما أُحَيلى الصَيفَ ما أَكرَمَهُ
مَلَأَ الدُنيا رَخاءً وَرَفاها

16. When it returned youth to the earth
It returned my dreams that time had erased

١٦. عِندَما رَدَّ إِلى الأَرضِ الصِبا
رَدَّ أَحلامي الَّتي الدَهرُ طَواها

17. I used to complain like those who complain of poverty
So it cured the sorrows of my soul and healed it

١٧. كُنتُ أَشكو مِثلَما تَشكو الضَنى
فَشَفى آلامَ نَفسي وَشَفاها