
I visit, so you shun me, and keep away, so you blame me,

أزور فتقصيني وأنأى فتعتب

1. I visit, so you shun me, and keep away, so you blame me,
And I pretend I’m guilty when you get angry.

١. أَزورُ فَتُقصيني وَأَنأى فَتَعتَبُ
وَأَوهَمُ أَنّي مُذنِبٌ حينَ تَغضَبُذ

2. And I hope we will meet whenever you're miserly with it,
Just as lightning is hoped for, though lightning is deceptive.

٢. وَأَرجو التَلاقي كُلَّما بَخِلَت بِهِ
كَذَلِكَ يُرجى البَرقُ وَالبَرقُ خُلَّبُ

3. And I'm amazed by a critic who prolongs blaming me,
And my censurer is amazed when I am amazed.

٣. وَأَعجَبُ مِن لاحٍ يُطيلُ مَلامَتي
وَيَعجَبُ مِنّي عاذِلي حينَ أَعجِبُ

4. Stinginess is an ingrained habit among men, despicable,
But in a tender one, it's something lovable.

٤. هُوَ البُخلُ طَبعٌ في الرِجالِ مُذَمَّمٌ
وَلَكِنَّهُ في الغيدِ شَيءٌ مُحَبَّبُ

5. I met her, a white sugar, still young,
She hasn't drank wine, nor will she drink it.

٥. كَلَفتُ بِها بَيضاءَ سَكرى مِنَ الصِبا
وَما شَرِبَت خَمراً وَلا هِيَ تَشرَبُ

6. She has pearl teeth and bashful glances,
The sun of morning her mother, the full moon her father.

٦. لَها الدُرُّ ثَغرٌ وَاللُجَينُ تَرائِبٌ
وَشَمسُ الضُحى أُمٌّ وَبَدرُ الدُجى أَبُ

7. My friend, as for her cheek, it's rosy
With shyness, and as for her mouth, it pouts.

٧. خَليلِيَ أَمّا خَدُّها فَمُوَرَّدٌ
حَياءً وَأَمّا ثَغرُها فَهوَ أَشنَبُ

8. If her beauty divides lovers,
Her coquetry will last, vexing the tender one.

٨. لَئِن فَرَّقَت بَينَ الغَواني جَمالَها
لَدامَ لَها ما يَجعَلُ الغيدَ تَغضَبُ

9. If the monks in monasteries saw
Her charms, by God, they would not devote themselves.

٩. وَلَو أَنَّ رُهبانَ الصَوامِعِ أَبصَروا
مَلاحَتَها وَاللَهِ لَم يَتَرَهَّبوا

10. She overburdens me in love beyond my strength,
Then laughs when I come complaining to her.

١٠. تُكَلِّفُني في الحُبِّ ما لا أُطيقُهُ
وَتَضحَكُ إِمّا جِئتُها أَتَعَتَّبُ

11. My temptress, judging by my suspicion, is untroubled,
While for me, guiltless, to be tormented suffices!

١١. أَفاتِنَتي حَسبُ المُتَيَّمِ ما بِهِ
وَحَسبُكِ أَنّي دونَ ذَنبٍ أُعَذَّبُ

12. I love you with the loner's love for his family—
Is there for you a family's love for one far away?

١٢. أُحِبُّكِ حُبَّ النازِحِ الفَردِ أَهلَهُ
فَهَل مِنكِ حُبُّ الأَهلِ مَن يَتَغَرَّبُ

13. I gave you my heart, consoling myself for sorrow,
Gave you something in life that cannot be granted.

١٣. وَهَبتُكِ قَلبي وَاِستَعَضتُ بِهِ الأَسى
وَهَبتُكِ شَيئاً في الوَرى لَيسَ يوهَبُ

14. If there is union, that is what I seek,
If there is distance, death is nearer.

١٤. فَإِن يَكُ وَصلٌ فَهوَ ما أَتَطَلَّبُ
وَإِن يَكُ بُعدٌ فَالمَنِيَّةُ أَقرَبُ