1. The land of peace and the country of bliss
It is hard for God that we grieve
١. دِارُ السَلامِ وَأَرضُ الهَنا
يَشُقُّ عَلى الُلِّ أَن تَحزَنا
2. So the cause of Palestine is a supreme cause
And the provision of the Supreme was not easy
٢. فَخَطبُ فِلِسطينَ خَطبُ العُلى
وَما كانَ رِزءُ العُلى هَيِّنا
3. We stayed up night for it as if swords
Were slicing through our livers here
٣. سَهِرنا لَهُ فَكَأَنَّ السُيوفَ
تَحُزُّ بِأَكبادِنا هَهُنا
4. And how can the planets please eyes
That see around it eyes of misfortune?
٤. وَكَيفَ يَزورُ الكَرى أَعيُناً
تَرى حَولَها لِلرَدى أَعيُنا
5. And how can life be pleasant for people
Whose paths to wishes are blocked?
٥. وَكَيفَ تَطيبُ الحَياةُ لِقومٍ
تُسَدُّ عَلَيهِم دُروبُ المُنى
6. Their country exposed to loss
And their nation exposed to oblivion
٦. بِلادَهُم عُرضَةً لِلضَياعِ
وَأُمَّتُهُم عُرضَةً لِلفَنا
7. The Jews want to crucify it
Yet Palestine refuses to surrender
٧. يُريدُ اليَهودُ بِأَن يَصلُبوها
وَتَأبى فِلِسطينُ أَن تَذعُنا
8. The woman refuses among her folk
The swords refuse and the spears refuse
٨. وَتَأبى المُروأَةُ في أَهلِها
وَتَأبى السُيوفُ وَتَأبى القنا
9. The land of imagination and its signs
And the owner of majesty and glory
٩. أَأَرضُ الخَيالِ وَآياتِهِ
وَذاتُ الجَلالِ وَذاتُ السَنا
10. Does it become for their riffraff a theater
And get for their rabble an ambush?
١٠. تَصيرُ لِغَوغائِهِم مَسرَحاً
وَتَغدو لِشُذّاهِم مَكمَنا
11. By my soul, its Jordan and those who dwelt
That Jordan yesterday defended the sanctuary
١١. بِنَفسِيَ أُردُنِّها السَلسَبيلُ
وَمَن جاوَروا ذَلِكَ الأُردُنا
12. So their wars were a fleeing refuge
And they gave all they had
١٢. لَقَد دافَعوا أَمسِ دونَ الحِمى
فَكانَت حُروبُهُمُ هَربَنا
13. And we will give all we have
So say to the Jews and their dispersal
١٣. وَجادوا بِكُلِّ الَّذي عِندَهُم
وَنَحنُ سَنَبذُلُ ما عِندَنا
14. Verily the flares of glory have fooled you
If only Balfour gave you a country that is not ours
١٤. فَقُل لِليَهودِ وَأَشيَعَهُم
لَقَد خَدَعَتكُم بُروقُ السَنا
15. We are more spacious than our Jerusalem
And you are more beloved to London
١٥. أَلا لَيتَ بِلفورَ أَعطاكُم
بِلاداً لَهُ لا بِلاداً لَنا
16. And gave you a homeland in the stars
No Arab wishes those abodes
١٦. فَلُندُنُ أَرحَبُ مِن قُدسِنا
وَأَنتُم أَحَبُّ إِلى لُندُنا
17. Does your nation rob them of their rationality
And calls them benevolent?
١٧. وَمَنّاكُمُ وَطَناً في النُجومِ
فَلا عَرَبِيَّ بِتِلكَ الدُنى
18. And delivers the innocent to death
And a group counts it as religious?
١٨. أَيَسلُبُ قَومَكُم رُشدَهُم
وَيَدعوهُ قَومِكُم مُحسِنا
19. And wonder at you, charging
The Arabs with inability and stupidity
١٩. وَيَدفَعُ لِلمَوتِ بِالأَبرِياءِ
وَيَحسَبُهُ مَعشَرٌ دَيِّنا
20. Insulting them with ugly speech
When they deserved friendly praise
٢٠. وَيا عَجَباً لَكُم توغِرونَ
عَلى العَرَبِ التامِزَ وَالهَدسَنا
21. And all their sins are that they
Say "Do not violate our home"
٢١. تَرمونَهُم بِقَبيحِ الكَلامِ
وَكانوا أَحَقَّ بِضافي الثَنا
22. For Palestine is not common land
To be given to whoever wants to reside
٢٢. وَكُلُّ خَطيآتِهِم أَنَّهُم
يَقولونَ لا تُسرِفوا بَيتَنا
23. So if you want it with the flames of spears
We will repel you with the lengths of spears
٢٣. فَلَيسَت فِلِسطينُ أَرضاً مَشاعاً
فَتُعطى لِمَن شاءَ أَن يَسكُنا
24. For in the Arab are human traits
Other than fear and cowardice
٢٤. فَإِن تَطلُبوها بِسُمرِ القَنا
نَرُدُّكُم بِطِوالِ القَنا
25. And if you mix deceit between us
You will not deceive a believing man
٢٥. فَفي العَرَبِيِّ صِفاتُ الأَنامِ
سِوى أَن يَخافَ وَأَن يَجبُنا
26. And if you boycott it, that is better
For Palestine is a possession of ours
٢٦. وَإِن تَحجُلوا بَينَنا بِالخِداعِ
فَلَن تَخدَعوا رَجُلاً مُؤمِنا
27. It was for our ancestors before us
And remains for our descendants after us
٢٧. وَإِن تَهجُروها فَذَلِكَ أَولى
فَإِنَّ فِلِسطينَ مُلكٌ لَنا
28. You have without it riches
While we have without it no riches
٢٨. وَكانَت لِأَجدادِنا قَبلَنا
وَتَبقى لِأَحفادِنا بَعدَنا
29. So do not account it as a homeland for you
For it was never a homeland for you
٢٩. وَإِنَّ لَكُم بِسِواها غِنىً
وَلَيسَ لَنا بِسِواها غِنى
30. What we want is not impossible
And what you attempted is not possible
٣٠. فَلا تَحسَبوها لَكُم مَوطِناً
فَلَم تَكُ يَوماً لَكُم مَوطِنا
31. We advised you, so be rational and renounce
Balfour, that pimp of yours
٣١. وَلَيسَ الَّذي نَبتَغيهِ مُحالاً
وَلَيسَ الَّذي رُمتُمُ مُمكِنا
32. Or else I advise you
To carry shrouds with you
٣٢. نَصَحناكُمُ فاِرعَوُّا وَاِنبُذوا
بَليفورَ ذَيّالِكَ الأَرعَنا
33. For we will make of its land
A homeland for us and a grave for you
٣٣. وَإِمّا أَبَيتُم فَأوصيكُمُ
بِأَن تَحمُلو مَعكُمُ الأَكفُنا
٣٤. فَإِنّا سَنَجعَلُ مِن أَرضِها
لَنا وَطَناً وَلَكَم مَدفَنا