1. What is with graves, as if no one lives in them,
Though they contain past ages gone by.
١. ما لِلقُبورِ كَأَنَّما لا ساكِنٌ
فيها وَقَد حَوَتِ العُصورَ الماضِيَه
2. They contained many millions before us,
And they will contain us while remaining empty.
٢. طَوَتِ المَلايِّنِ الكَثيرَةَ قَبلَنا
وَلَسَوفَ تَطوينا وَتَبقى خالِيَه
3. Where are the proud beauties and their charms?
Where are the tyrants and the arrogant kings?
٣. أَينَ المَها وَعُيونُها وَفُتونُها
أَينَ الجَبابِرُ وَالمُلوكُ العاتِيَه
4. They have vanished from the world as if never born,
Crushed by the palm of merciless fate.
٤. زالوا مِنَ الدُنيا كَأَن لَم يولَدوا
سَحَقَتهُمُ كَفُّ القَضاءِ القاسِيَه
5. Indeed life is a poem, our ages
Are its verses, and death its rhyme.
٥. إِنَّ الحَياةَ قَصيدَةٌ أَعمارُنا
أَبياتُها وَالمَوتُ فيها القافِيَه
6. Delight your gaze in the stars and their beauty,
For they will remain when you have passed away.
٦. مَتِّع لِحاظَكَ في النُجومِ وَحُسنِها
فَلَسَوفَ تَمضي وَالكَواكِبُ باقِيَه