1. O father of the people, emerge from your veil
To meet the gaze of the adoring overflowing with love.
١. أَبا الشَعبِ إِطلَع مِن حِجابِكَ يَلتَقي
بِطَرفِكَ مِثلُ العارِضِ المُتَدَفِّقِ
2. Crowds that the eye cannot count in number,
They are the sands except that they are not arranged symmetrically.
٢. جَماهيرُ لا يُحصي اليَراعُ عَديدَها
هِيَ الرَملُ إِلّا أَنَّهُ لَم يُنَسَّقِ
3. They are the people who have come to you numerous like the sea
And like an army regiment following after regiment.
٣. هُوَ الشَعبُ قَد وافاكَ كَالبَحرِ زاخِراً
وَكَالجَيشِ يَقفو فَيلَقٌ إِثرَ فَيلَقِ
4. Look and you will find them standing around your palace
Staring longingly like a lover towards the beloved.
٤. تَطَلَّع تَجِدهُ حَولَ قَصرِكَ واقِفاً
يُحَدِّقُ تَحديقَ المُحِبِّ لِمُوَفَّقِ
5. The earth has adorned them with jewelry as if
Your hands upon it have never ceased to beautify.
٥. لَقَد لَبِسَتهُ الأَرضُ حِلياً كَأَنَّهُما
أَياديكَ فيهِ لَم تَزَل ذاتُ رَونَقِ
6. And the sun has cast upon it a glance of a jealous lover
That it meets with a caring gaze.
٦. وَأَلقَت عَلَيهِ الشَمسُ نَظرَةَ عاشِقٍ
غَيورٍ تَلَقّاها بِنَظرَةِ مُشفِقِ
7. They thrill for the sight of your handsome self, and indeed
They thrill for the sight of the shining star.
٧. يَهَشُّ لِمَرآكَ الوَسيمِ وَإِنَّما
يَهَشُّ لِمَرأى الكَوكَبِ المُتَأَلِّقِ
8. And they love in you valor, forbearance and softness -
Thus is one who looks upon beauty made to love.
٨. وَيَعشَقُ مِنكَ البَأسَ وَالحِلمَ وَالنَدى
كَذَلِكَ مَن يَنظُرُ إِلى الحُسنِ يَعشَقِ
9. Their yearning for you almost causes them to ascend to you -
How amazing, a sea rises towards the moon!
٩. يَكادُ بِهِ يَرقى إِلَيكَ اِشتِياقُهُ
فَيا عَجَباً بَحرٌ إِلى البَدرِ يَرتَقي
10. The mischief-makers have dispersed from you, and for long
They have cast at the people with causing disruption - which disruption!
١٠. تَفَرَّقَ عَنكَ المُفسِدونَ وَطالَما
رَموا الشَعبَ بَِلتَفريقِ مُقلِقٌ أَيُّ مُقلِقِ
11. And how much disruption they have caused in the land, then they retreated
Saying "A disruptive people - which disruption!"
١١. وَكَم أَقلَقوا في الأَرضِ ثُمَّ تَراجَعوا
يَقولونَ شَعبٌ مُقلِقٌ أَيُّ مُقلِقِ
12. And how much slander they have invented about it, and claimed -
And their claim was supported by your ascetic men of piety.
١٢. وَكَم زَوَّروا عَنهُ الأَراجيفَ وَاِدَّعوا
وَأَيّدَهُم ذَيّاكُمُ الزاهِدِ التَقي
13. For whoever raises a complaint, though they lie in wait for him at the door
Ask him, and he will speak out.
١٣. لِمَن يَرفَعُ الشَكوى وَقَد وَقَفوا لَهُ
عَلى البابِ بِالمِرصادِ فَاِسأَلهُ يَنطُقُ
14. As for gossipers and eavesdroppers -
Indeed, there has come one racing swiftly like a daring horse,
١٤. وَأَما وَلا واشٍ وَلا مُتَجَسِّسٌ
فَقَد جاءَ يَسعى سَعيَ جَذلانَ شَيِّقِ
15. Casting upon you the love that you deserve,
And your due from it is unsullied love.
١٥. يُطارِحُكَ الحُبَّ الَّذي أَنتَ أَهلُهُ
وَحَسبُكَ مِنهُ الحُبَّ غَيرَ مُزَوَّقِ
16. And here is your victorious army clamoring
With what they have attained of a covenant with you and pact.
١٦. وَها جَيشُكَ الطامي يَضُجُّ مُكَبِّراً
بِما نالَ مِن عَهدٍ لَدَيكَ وَمَوثِقِ
17. Bowing down in reverence for your person -
Every individual bowing down in reverence.
١٧. يُطَأطِئُ إِجلالاً لِشَخصِكَ أَرأُساً
يُطَأطِئُ إِجلالاً لَها كُلُّ مَفرِقِ
18. For a resolve with which you warn the times causing them to tremble,
And if faced with events, they disperse.
١٨. لِهامٍ مَتى تَنذِر بِهِ الدَهرَ يَصعَقُ
وَإِن يَتَعَرَّض لِلحَوادِثِ تَفَرَّقِ
19. It prides itself before armies in peace, and indeed
It is the most valiant of them in every quandary.
١٩. يُفاخِرُ بِالسِلمِ الجُيوشَ وَإِنَّهُ
لِأَضرِبَها بِالسَيفِ في كُلِّ مَأزَقِ
20. And the most courageous of heart and noblest of hand -
If it speaks it leaves no room for a fool.
٢٠. وَأَشجَعَها قَلباً وَأَكرَمَها يَداً
إِذا قالَ لَم يَترُك مَجالاً لِأَحمَقِ
21. Oh great army, be gentle,
You have won the hearts of people with nobility, so act nobly!
٢١. أَلا أَيُّها الجَيشُ العَظيمُ تَرَفُّقاً
مَلَكتُ قُلوبَ الناسِ بِالعِرفِ فَاِعتِقِ
22. And O king residing in Yıldız,
I see every heart a step for you to ascend.
٢٢. وَيا أَيُّها المَلِكُ المُقيمُ بِيَلدِزٍ
أَرى كُلَّ قَلبٍ سِدَّةً لَكَ فَاِرتِقِ
23. Oh, the armies have sorely needed a helper for one in fear!
And oh, the free have sorely needed a relief for one suffering!
٢٣. أَلا حَبَّذا الأَجنادُ غَوثاً لِخائِفٍ
وَيا حَبَّذا الأَحرارُ وَرداً لِمُستَقِ
24. And oh, the coronation has been good, for it
Is the most glorious of what has passed and the most beautiful of what remains!
٢٤. وَيا حَبَّذا عيدُ الجُلوسِ فَإِنَّهُ
أَجَلُّ الَّذي وَلّى وَأَجمَلُ ما بَقي