1. I am not in a world of fantasy or delusion,
Yet it is as if I am, due to the horror of what I see,
١. أَنا لَستُ في دُنيا الخَيال وَلا الكَرى
وَكَأَنَّني فيها لِرَوعَةِ ما أَرى
2. O people! Is this reality or just a vision I viewed,
While fully awake, or have I been drugged with anesthetics?
٢. يا قَومُ هَل هَذي حَقائِقُ أَم رُأىً
وَأَنا أَصاحٍ أَم شَرِبتُ مُخَدِّرا
3. Do not be shocked at my bewilderment and confusion,
But be shocked if I were not confused,
٣. لا تَعجَبوا مِن دَهشَتي وَتَحَيُّري
وَتَعَجَّبوا إِن لَم أَكُن مُتَحَيِّرا
4. How could I not turn to see the verse of a skilled poet,
Who deliberately excelled in composing to dazzle others?
٤. كَيفَ اِلتَفَتُّ رَأَيتُ آيَةَ شاعِرٍ
لَبِقٍ تَعَمَّدَ أَن يُجيدَ لِيُبهِرا
5. Life gently touched his eyelids,
So he saw the beauties and selectively chose and picked,
٥. مَسَحَت بِإِصبَعِها الحَياةُ جُفونَهُ
فَرأى المَحاسِنَ فَاِنتَقى وَتَخَيَّرا
6. Los Angeles is nothing but a hymn,
God has made it melodious, so the people became crazy about it,
٦. ما لوس أَنجِلوس سِوى أُنشودَةٍ
اللَهُ غَنّاها فَجُنَّ لَها الوَرى
7. Time has shed its youth in its land,
So it is verdant on the slopes and in the groves,
٧. خَلَعَ الزَمانُ شَبابَهُ في أَرضِها
فَهوَ اِشضِرارٌ في السُفوح وَفي الذُرى
8. It has taken the glory and majesty of great cities,
And it contains the sweetness of villages,
٨. أَخَذَت مِنَ المُدُنِ العَواصِمِ مَجدَها
وَجَلالَها وَحَوَت حَلاواتِ القُرى
9. It is rest for the weary, a paradise for lovers,
And a playground for the wealthy,
٩. هِيَ راحَةٌ لِلمُتعَبين وَجَنَّةٌ
لِلعاشِقين وَمَلعَبٌ لِذَوي الثَرا
10. I buried my childhood dreams in New York,
Folded them up and thought they would never bloom,
١٠. كَفَّنتُ في نيويوركَ أَحلامَ الصِبا
وَطَوَيتُها وَحَسَبتُها لَن تُنشَرا
11. But when I caught a glimpse of its flowers,
I saw my dreams sprouting from the soil,
١١. لَكِنَّني لَمّا لَمَحتُ زُهورَها
شاهَدتُ أَحلامي تَطُلُّ مِنَ الثَرى
12. The slopes breathe myrrh in the radiance of dawn,
And ambergris in the thickets,
١٢. تَتَنَفَّسُ الهَضَباتُ في رَأدِ الضُحى
تِبرا وَفي الآصالِ مِسكاً أَذفَرا
13. So magic sparkles in the smile of the dew,
Like the magic in the dance of perfumed light,
١٣. فَالسِحرُ في ضَحِكِ النَدى مُتَرَقرِقاً
كَالسِحرِ في رَقصِ الضِياءِ مُعَطَّرا
14. Tell those who described the gardens and exaggerated,
The gardens of eternity are not more wondrous in appearance,
١٤. قُل لِلأُلى وَصَفوا الجِنان وَأَطنَبوا
لَيسَت جِنانُ الخُلدِ أَعجَبَ مَنظَرا
15. So if you see one month, you have seen all months,
If you do not know the tales of passion,
١٥. كُلُّ الفُصولِ هُنا رَبيعٌ ضاحِكٌ
فَإِذا تَرى شَهراً رَأَيتَ الأَشهُرا
16. Then listen to the murmur of the breeze when it stirs,
And watch the dunes sprout lilies,
١٦. إِن كُنتَ تَجهَلُ ما حِكاياتُ الهَوى
فَاِنصُت لِوَشوَشَةَ النَسيمِ إِذا سَرى
17. And observe the streams flowing copiously,
And drink in the beauty with your eyes, for it is
١٧. وَاِنظُر إِلى الغَبراءِ تُنبِتُ سُندُساً
وَتَأَمَّلِ الغُدرانَ تَجري كَوثَرا
18. Wine that the hand of passion alone can press,
I tried to describe its beauty, but it was as if
١٨. وَاِشرَب بِعَينَيكَ الجَمالَ فَإِنَّهُ
خَمرٌ بِغَيرِ يَدِ الهَوى لَن تُعصَرا
19. A newborn babe with his fingers searches the oceans,
And my soul sought the aid of imagination, but it failed me,
١٩. حاوَلتُ وَصفَ جَمالِها فَكَأَنَّني
وَلَدٌ بِأُنمُلِهِ يَحوشُ الأَبحُرا
20. And the steed of my eloquence collapsed and stumbled,
I realized my shortcoming and weakness when
٢٠. وَاِستَنجَدَت روحي الخَيالَ فَخانَني
وَكَبا جَوادُ فَصاحَتي وَتَعَثَّرا
21. I saw what God has created and fashioned,
Indeed, I witnessed genuine, unadulterated beauty,
٢١. أَدرَكتُ تَقصيري وَضَعفِيَ عِندَما
أَبصَرتُ ما صَنَعَ الإِلاه وَصَوَّرا
22. Wretched is the artificial, fabricated beauty,
I loved even the thorns in its desert,
٢٢. إِنّي شَهِدتُ الحُسنَ غَيرَ مُزَيَّفٍ
بِئسَ الجَمالُ مُزَيَّفا وَمُزَوَّرا
23. And was enamored even with its arrogant palm trees,
The one wearing dry leaves in piety,
٢٣. أَحبَبتُ حَتّى الشَوكَ في صَحرائِها
وَعَشِقتُ حَتّى نَخلَها المُتَكَبِّرا
24. And the one reaching to the sky in arrogance,
He is the Adam of the trees, who donned clothes
٢٤. اللابِسَ الوَرَقَ اليَبيسَ تَنَسُّكاً
وَالمُشمَخِرَّ إِلى السَماءِ تَجَبُّرا
25. When his nakedness appeared, so he covered himself,
The son of the deserts has become civilized and refined,
٢٥. هُوَ آدَمُ الأَشجارِ أَدرَكَهُ الحَيا
لَمّا تَبدّى عُريُهُ فَتَسَتَّرا
26. What a beautiful beginning to becoming cultured!
The orange groves appeared, resembling
٢٦. إِبنُ الصَحارى قَد تَحَضَّر وَاِرتَقى
يا حُسنَهُ مُبتَدِياً مُتَحَضِّرا
27. The gown of a rosy cheeked beloved adorned with jewels,
Above it the light has spread illuminating,
٢٧. وَبَدَت غِياضُ البُرتُقالِ فَأَشبَهَت
جِلبابَ خَودٍ بِالنُضارِ مُزَرَّرا
28. With a clear sky above it crystallizing,
As if those villas on the hilltops are
٢٨. مِن فَوقِها اِنتَشَرَ الضِياءُ مَلاءَةً
مِن فَوقِهِ جَوٌّ صَفا وَتَبَلوَرا
29. A necklace for a love-struck singer scattered about,
When viewed from afar, its barrenness
٢٩. وَكَأَنَّما تِلكَ القُصورِ عَلى الرُبى
عَقدٌ لِغانِيَةٍ هَوى وَتَبَعثَّرا
30. Made the land appear like a green sea,
Dawn shed its radiance on its walls,
٣٠. لَمّا تَراءَت مِن بَعيدٍ خِلتُها
سُفُنا وَخِلتُ الأَرضَ بَحراً أَخضَرا
31. And dusk came to see the remnants of my joy,
Glittering like smiles of contentment,
٣١. نَفَضَ الصَباحُ سَناهُ في جُدرانِها
وَأَتى الدُجى فَرأى مَناثِرَ لِسَرى
32. Their vision makes you forget the hard times,
I am a poet who saw no trace of beauty,
٣٢. مُتَأَلِّقاتٍ كَاِبتِساماتِ الرِضى
تُنسيكَ رُؤيَتُها الزَمانَ الأَعسَرا
33. Without exclaiming praise and declaring God’s greatness,
I have spread love for myself in souls,
٣٣. أَنا شاعِرٌ ما لاحَ طَيفُ مَلاحَةٍ
إِلّا وَهَلَّلَ لِلجَمال وَكَبَّرا
34. Neither complaining of pain, nor disgruntled,
And I walked in this world with a barren heart,
٣٤. وَزَّعتُ نَفسي في النُفوسِ مَحبَّةً
لا شاكِياً أَلَما وَلا مُتَضَجِّرا
35. Until I met my loved ones, so it turned green,
I used to think I was a lost entity,
٣٥. وَمَشَيتُ في الدُنيا بقَلبٍ يابِسٍ
حَتّى لَقيتُ أَحِبَّتي فَاِخضَوضَرا
36. But instead I am a person living repeatedly,
So I am like rainwater when it seeps
٣٦. قَد كُنتُ أَحسَبُني كَياناً ضائِعاً
فَإِذا أَنا شَخصٌ يَعيشُ مُكَرَّرا
37. Into the earth, it returns it to fertile produce,
How generous are the trees in this sanctuary!
٣٧. فَكَأَنَّني ماءُ الغَمامِ إِذا اِنطَوى
في الأَرضِ رَدَّتهُ نَباتاً مُثمِرا
38. In them are hospitality and shelter for visitors,
They host the poor despite his needy state,
٣٨. ما أَكرَمَ الأَشجارِ في هَذا الحِمى
فيها لِقاصِدِها البَشاشَة وَالقِرى
39. Generously, just as they host the wealthy affluent,
Charity is their custom, whether you come to them
٣٩. تُقري الفَقيرَ عَلى خَصاصَةِ حالِهِ
كَرَماً كَما تُقري الغَنِيَّ الموسَرا
40. Early or late,
It is as if they have learned generosity from you
٤٠. البَذلُ دَيدَنُها سَواءٌ جِئتَها
مُتَقَدِّماً أَم جِئتَها مُتَأَخِّرا
41. In order to help people should calamities befall,
٤١. فَكَأَنَّها مِنكُم تَعَلَّمَتِ النَدى
كَيما تُغيثُ الناسَ إِن خَطبٌ عَرا