1. People went out to buy gifts
For Eid, for friends and loved ones
١. خَرَجَ الناسُ يَشتَرونَ هَدايا
العيدِ لِلأَصدِقاءِ وَالأَحبابِ
2. I wished that life would help me
To fulfill some of my wishes during Eid
٢. فَتَمَنَّيتُ لَو تُساعِفُني الدُنيا
فَأَقضي في العيدِ بَعضَ رِغابي
3. I would have gifted some patience
To writers and poets
٣. كُنتُ أُهدي إِذَن مِنَ الصَبرِ أَرطا
لاً إِلى المُنشِئينَ وَالكُتّابِ
4. And to every genius nation
A people of great minds
٤. وَإِلى كُلِّ نابِغٍ عَبقَرِيٍّ
أُمَّةً أَهلُها ذَوو أَلبابِ
5. And to every Arab poet
A basket of honorary titles
٥. وَإِلى كُلِّ شاعِرٍ عَرَبِيٍّ
سَلَّةً مِن فَواكِهِ الأَلقابِ
6. And to every tradesman deprived of integrity
A pair of glasses to see the truth of things
٦. وَإِلى كُلِّ تاجِرٍ حُرِمَ التَو
فيقَ زِقَّينِ مِن عَصيرِ الكُذابِ
7. And to every lover a handkerchief
To wipe away the bitterness in the dust
٧. وَإِلى كُلِّ عاشِقٍ مُقلَةً تُب
صِرُ كَم مِن مَلاحَةٍ في التُرابِ
8. And to every beautiful maiden a mirror
To show her the hearts of bachelors
٨. وَإِلى الغادَةِ الجَميلَةِ مِرآ
ةً تُريها ضَمائِرَ العُزّابِ
9. And to every cocky youth some discipline
And to every old man some youthful vigor
٩. وَإِلى الناشِىءِ الغَريرِ مِراناً
وَإِلى الشَيخِ عَزمَةً في الشَبابِ
10. And to every group of lazy bums, palaces
In the clouds made of imagination and fantasy
١٠. وَإِلى مَعشَرِ الكَسالى قُصوراً
مِن لُجَينٍ وَعَسجَدٍ في السَحابِ
11. Just to get them off my back, for they've become
Like my shadow, wherever I come and go
١١. عَلَّني أَستَريحُ مِنهُم فَقَد صا
روا كَظِلّي في جَيئَتي وَذَهابي
12. And to the wealthy one who fears
Poverty, more of what makes him suffer
١٢. وَإِلى ذي الغِنى الَّذي يَرهَبُ
الفَقرَ اِزدِيادَ الَّذي بِهِ مِن عَذابِ
13. Every time he counts his money feeling reassured
He sees poverty waiting outside his door
١٣. كُلَّما عَدَّ مالَهُ مُطمَئِنّاً
أَبصَرَ الفَقرَ واقِفاً بِالبابِ
14. And to the hypocritical friend, a blackened
Face, gloomy as the face of a raven
١٤. وَإِلى الصاحِبِ المُراوِغِ وَجهاً
أَسوَداً حالِكاً كَوَجهِ الغُرابِ
15. So when he appears, people flee in terror
From the path of the deceitful hypocrite
١٥. فَإِذا لاحَ فَرَّتِ الناسُ ذُعراً
مِن طَريقِ المُنافِقِ الكَذّابِ
16. And to the believers, some doubt
And a little faith for the skeptical ones
١٦. وَإِلى المُؤمِنينَ شَيئاً مِنَ الشَكِّ
وَبَعضَ الإيمانِ لِلمُرتابِ
17. And to those who insult me behind my back
Some dignity so they abstain from insulting me
١٧. وَإِلى مَن يَسُبُّني في غِيابي
شَرَفاً كَي يَصونُهُ مِن سِبابي
18. And to my envious ones, a long life
So anguish for me persists in them
١٨. وَإِلى حاسِدِيَّ عُمراً طَويلاً
لِيَدومَ الأَسى بِهِم مِمّا بي
19. And to the field, its flowers and adornments
Of shining dew and grass
١٩. وَإِلى الحَقلِ زَهرُهُ وَحُلاهُ
مِن نَدىً لامِعٍ وَمِن أَعشابِ
20. It's ugly that we wear fancy clothes
While the countryside remains naked
٢٠. فَقَبيحٌ أَن نَرتَدي الحُلَلَ القُش
بَ وَتَبقى الرُبى بِغَيرِ ثِيابِ
21. I didn't get what I wanted, but it's enough
That with my wishes I filled my time
٢١. لَم يَكُن لي الَّذي أَرَدتُ فَحَسبي
أَنَّني بِالمُنى مَلَأتُ وِطابي
22. If only time had any wisdom
I'd gift it my complaints
٢٢. وَلَوَ اَنَّ الزَمانَ صاحِبَ عَقلٍ
كُنتُ أُهدي إِلى الزَمانِ عِتابي