
A woman reproached me, saying I had abandoned poetry

وقائلة هجرت الشعر حتى

1. A woman reproached me, saying I had abandoned poetry
Until buffoons sang silly songs.

١. وَقائِلَةٍ هَجَرتَ الشِعرَ حَتّى
تَغَنّى بِالسَخافاتِ المُغَنّي

2. Springtime came while I was heedless,
And it departed though I sang no melody.

٢. أَتى زَمَنُ الرَبيعِ وَأَنتَ لاهٍ
وَقَد وَلّى وَلَم تَهتِف بِلَحنِ

3. My soul is like an echo in a deep well,
Or like the dawn wrapped in its shroud.

٣. وَنَفسُكَ كَالصَدى في قاعِ بِئرٍ
وَمِثلِ الفَجرِ مُلتَحِفاً بِدَجنِ

4. What beauty cannot allure you
When you are one who loves all beauty?

٤. فَما لَكَ لَيسَ يَستَهويكَ حُسنٌ
وَأَنتَ المَرءُ تَعشَقُ كُلَّ حُسنِ

5. Will you be silent while youth still clings to you
And love's gardens surround you in this paradise?

٥. أَتَسكُتُ وَالشَبابُ عَلَيكَ ضافٍ
وَحَولَكَ لِلهَوى جَنّاتُ عَدنِ

6. Stagnant water breeds only decay.
So I said to her, "Calm me and give me peace."

٦. رُكودُ الماءِ يورِثُهُ فَساداً
فَقُلتُ لَها اِستَكيني وَاِطمَإِنّي

7. The hands of time have not broken my spirit,
Though they've shattered my jugs and pots.

٧. فَما حَطَّمَت يَدُ الأَيّامِ روحي
وَإِن حَطَّمَت أَباريقي وَدَنّي

8. I have not bridled my tongue in fear,
Nor mourned the loss of worldly goods.

٨. وَلَم أَعقِد عَلى خَوفٍ لِساني
وَلا ضَنّاً عَلى الدُنيا بِفَنّي

9. Rather I am one whose laughter lights people's faces,
While only to myself belong my sighs and sorrows.

٩. وَلَكِنّي إِمرُؤٌ لِلناسِ ضِحكي
وَلي وَحدي تَباريحي وَحُزني

10. When I complain of my troubles to a confidant,
Silence is best - I have wronged my confidant.

١٠. إِذا أَشكو إِلى خِدنٍ هُمومي
وَفي وُسعي السُكوتُ ظُلِمتُ خِدني

11. My pride refuses to let anyone see
My eyes overflowing with tears like a lovesick boy's.

١١. وَتَأبى كِبرِيائي أَن يَراني
فَتىً مُغرَورِقاً بِالدَمعِ جَفني

12. So I hide my tears from him, though they burn me,
Lest he feel distressed, though he does not accuse me.

١٢. فَأَستُرُ عَبرَتي عَنهُ لِأَلّا
يَضيقُ بِها وَإِن هيَ أَحرَقَتني

13. I wipe away a tear from his eyelid
Though the flames lick and consume me,

١٣. وَيَبكي صاحِبي فَإِخالُ أَنّي
أَنا الجاني وَإِن لَم يَتَّهِمني

14. Because whenever I comfort him,
I am troubled, as if I had comforted myself.

١٤. فَأَمسَحُ أَدمُعاً في مُقلَتَيهِ
وَإِن حَكَتِ اللَهيبَ وَإِن كَوَتني

١٥. لِأَنّي كُلَّما رَفَّهتُ عَنهُ
طَرِبتُ كَأَنَّني رَفَّهتُ عَنّي