
My heart has turned from its misguidance to righteousness

تبدل قلبي من ضلالته رشدا

1. My heart has turned from its misguidance to righteousness
So there is no doubt in it for India or Sa'adi

١. تَبَدَّلَ قَلبي مِن ضَلالَتِهِ رُشدا
فَلا أَرِبٌ فيهِ لِهِند وَلا سَعدى

2. And the fire of passion has not hidden in it nor subsided
But my love has become, with prosperity, the best purpose

٢. وَلَم تَخبُ نارُ الوَجدِ فيه وَلا اِنطَوَت
وَلَكِن هِيامي صارَ بِالأَنفَعِ الأَجدى

3. And asceticism is nothing but love of other than it
The most devout of people are the most passionate

٣. وَما الزُهدُ في شَيءٍ سِوى حُبِّ غَيرِهِ
أَشَدُّ الوَرى نُسكاً أَشَدُّهُم وَجدا

4. I loved worldly life for vanity and comfort
And I denied it vanity so I loved it as toil

٤. أَحَبَّ سِوايَ العَيشَ لَهوا وَراحَةً
وَأَنكَرتُهُ لَهواً فَأَحبَبتُهُ كَدّا

5. And as long as elevation and nobility exist in the world
I am not one who accepts and is content with the lowly

٥. وَما دامَ في الدُنيا سُمُو وَرِفعَةٌ
فَما أَنا مَن يَرضى وَيَقنَعُ بِالأَردا

6. It is death for us to live peacefully and submissively
While all the people around us have become lions

٦. هُوَ المَوتُ أَن نَحيا شِياها وَديعَةً
وَقَد صارَ كُلُّ الناسِ مِن حَولِنا أُسدا

7. And for us to be satisfied with the earth we roam upon
When they have conquered the lightning and thunder above us

٧. وَأَن نَكتَفي بِالأَرضِ نَسرَحُ فَوقَها
وَقَد مَلَكوا مِن فَوقِنا البَرق وَالرَعدا

8. And they spread their flags in every horizon
While we do not see above the sky for us any banner

٨. وَأَن يَنشُروا في كُلِّ أُفقٍ بُنودَهُم
وَأَن لا نَرى فَوقَ السِماكِ لَنا بَندا

9. I contemplated our glorious past which has passed
So it shook my soul that it collapsed and crumbled

٩. تَأَمَّلتُ ماضينا المَجيدَ الَّذي اِنقَضى
فَزَلزَلَ نَفسي أَنَّهُ اِنهار وَاِنهَدّا

10. And how those civilizations have all vanished
And the countries that cultivated them became for them graves

١٠. وَكَيفَ اِمَّحَت تِلكَ الحَضاراتِ كُلُّها
وَصارَت بِلادٌ أَنبَتَتها لَها لَحدا

11. And we became dependents of the world, and for long
Its people learned from us generosity and aid

١١. وَصُرنا عَلى الدُنيا عِيالا وَطالَما
تَعَلَّمَ مِنّا أَهلُها البَذل وَالرَفدا

12. While we were the first silk was their attire
At a time when people's garb was leather

١٢. وَنَحنُ الأُلى كانَ الحَريرُ بُرودَهُم
عَلى حينِ كانَ الناسُ مَلبَسُهُم جِلدا

13. If yesterday does not return, then we have a tomorrow
With which we will illuminate the world and fill it with praise

١٣. إِذا الأَمسُ لَم يَرجِع فَإِنَّ لَنا غَداً
نُضيءُ بِهِ الدُنيا وَنَملَءُها حَمدا

14. And its horizons clothe us at night with glory
And its breezes spread us at dawn with dew

١٤. وَتُلبِسُنا في اللَيلِ آفاقُهُ سَناً
وَتَنشُرُنا في الفَجرِ أَنسامُهُ نَدّا

15. For the souls of the Arabs are like meteors
They hide and disappear but do not wear out or dissipate

١٥. فَإِنَّ نُفوسَ العُربِ كَالشُهبِ تَنطَوي
وَتَخفى وَلَكِن لَيسَ تَبلى وَلا تَصدا

16. And the beauty of pearls does not diminish
Even if they are not threaded or strung into a necklace

١٦. وَمِثلُ اللَآلي لا يَخيسُ جَمالُها
وَإِن هِيَ لَم تُرصَف وَلَم تَنتَظِم عَقدا

17. If they differ in opinion, they do not differ in passion
Or if they undertake endeavor, they do not split in purpose

١٧. إِذا اِختَلَفَت رَأياً فَما اِختَلَفَت هَوىً
أَوِ اِقتَرَفَت سَعياً فَما اِفتَرَقَت قَصدا