
I have known mankind as never before,

إني عرفت من الإنسان ما كانا

1. I have known mankind as never before,
So I shall not again think well of man.

١. إِنّي عَرَفتُ مِنَ الإِنسانِ ما كانا
فَلَستُ أَحمَدُ بَعدَ اليَومِ إِنسانا

2. I tested him when he was mighty and a lion,
Difficult to handle and a serpent when weak.

٢. بَلَوتُهُ وَهوَ مُشتَدُّ القِوى أَسَداً
صَعبِ المِراسِ وَعِندَ الضَعفِ ثُعبانا

3. He grew accustomed to evil till, if he did
Good by chance, he repented having done so.

٣. تَعَوَّدَ الشَرَّ حَتّى لَو نَبَت يَدُهُ
عَنهُ إِلى الخَيرِ سَهواً باتَ حَسرانا

4. I feared him when able and despised him when helpless,
So wrong and treachery were his valor or shame.

٤. خِفهُ قَديراً وَخَفهُ لا اِقتِدارَ لَهُ
فَالظُلمُ وَالغَدرُ إِمّا عَزَّ أَو هانا

5. Killing is a heinous sin beyond forgiveness,
Yet killing man forgives at times.

٥. القَتلُ ذَنبٌ شَنيعٌ غَيرُ مُغتَفَرٍ
وَالقَتلُ يَغفُرَهُ الإِنسانُ أَحيانا

6. He made lawful the slaughter of blameless souls,
While killing birds or beasts is killing anywhere.

٦. أَحَلَّ قَتلَ نُفوسِ السائِماتِ لَهُ
وَالطَيرُ وَالقَتلُ قَتلٌ حَيثَما كانا

7. He made the wolf taste his guile and treachery
So that he remains sleepless all his days.

٧. أَذاقَ ذِئبَ الفَلا مِن غَدرِهِ طُرُفاً
فَلا يَزالُ مَدى الأَيّامِ يَقظانا

8. He frightened the birds that they never alight
Save as customary in dreams and sleep.

٨. وَنَفَّرَ الطَيرَ حَتّى ما تُلِمُّ بِهِ
إِلّا كَما اِعتادَتِ الأَحلامُ وَسنانا

9. His joy is in the weeping of the majority,
And his grief that his eyes see no abjectness.

٩. سُرورُهُ في بُكاءِ الأَكثَرينَ لَهُ
وَحُزنُهُ أَن تَرى عَيناهُ جَذلانا

10. As if glory is a Lord appeased only
By offering souls and lives as sacrifice.

١٠. كَأَنَّما المَجدُ رَبٌّ لَيسَ يَعطِفُهُ
إِلّا إِذا قَدَّمَ الأَرواحَ قُربانا

11. He who robbed the world of happiness
And filled it with anxiety and sorrow.

١١. هُوَ الَّذي سَلَبَ الدُنيا بَشاشَتَها
وَراحَ يَملَءُها هَمّاً وَأَحزانا

12. Do not choose him even if he loads you with favours,
He will trespass against you though you thank him.

١٢. لا تَصطَفيهِ وَإِن أَثقَلَتهُ مِنَناً
يَعدو عَلَيكَ وَإِن أَولاكَ شُكرانا

13. They said man had progressed, I told them
The misfortune of the world was now complete.

١٣. قالوا تَرقّى سَليلُ الطينِ قُلتُ لَهُم
الآنَ تَمَّ شَقاءُ العالَمِ الآنا

14. When iron becomes pliant it yields,
So beware of it when it yields.

١٤. إِنَّ الحَديدَ إِذا ما لانَ صارَ مُدىً
فَكُن عَلى حَذَرٍ مِنهُ إِذا لانا

15. Man is a wild beast though his shapely form
Makes forget his afflictions those who name him man.

١٥. وَالمَرءُ وَحشٌ وَلَكِن حُسنُ صورَتِهِ
أَنسى بَلاياهُ مَن سَمّاهُ إِنسانا

16. He fought religion fearing its restrictions
As if religion and world were in conflict.

١٦. قَد حارَبَ الدينَ خَوفاً مِن زَواجِرِهِ
كَأَنَّ بَينَ الوَرى وَالدينِ عُدوانا

17. He wanted to destroy what Ar-Rahman had erected
Though nothing Ar-Rahman erects can be destroyed.

١٧. وَرامَ يَهدِمُ ما الرَحمَنُ شَيَّدَهُ
وَلَيسَ ما شَيَّدَ الرَحمَنُ بُنيانا

18. I am filled with wonder at his way;
The more his knowledge, the more his unbelief grew.

١٨. إِنّي لَيَأخُذُني مِن أَمرِهِ عَجَبٌ
أَكُلَّما زادَ عِلماً زادَ كُفرانا

19. The more the world submitted to him
And he held its reins, the more tyrannical he grew.

١٩. وَكُلَّما اِنقادَتِ الدُنيا وَصارَ لَهُ
زِمامُها اِنقادَ لِلآثامِ طُغيانا

20. He hopes for perfection from the world, but how
Can he attain perfection from it, base as it is?

٢٠. يَرجو الكَمالَ مِنَ الدُنيا وَكَيفَ لَهُ
نَيلُ الكَمالِ مِنَ الدُنيا وَما دانا

21. If a man puts on all the wool in the world,
Yet abandons religion's raiment, he is naked.

٢١. إِذا اِرتَدى المَرءُ ما في الأَرضِ مِن بُرُدٍ
وَعافَ لِلدينِ بُرداً عادَ عُريانا

22. It is the life which, when it leaves a body,
Allows the living to plunder the dead.

٢٢. هُوَ الحَياةُ الَّتي ما غادَرَت جَسداً
إِلّا اِغتَدى امَيتُ أَحيا مِنهُ وِجدانا

23. It is the light wiping out darkness, so he who
Is not guided by its splendor remains in maze.

٢٣. وَهوَ الضِياءُ الَّذي يَمحو الظَلامَ فَمَن
لا يَهتَدي بِسَناهُ ظَلَّ حَيرانا

24. The fresh, sweet spring from which to drink,
So he who draws not from it lives thirsty forever.

٢٤. وَالمَنهَلُ الرائِقُ العَذبُ الوُرودِ فَمَن
لا يَستَقي مِنهُ دامَ الدَهرَ عَطشانا

25. Not he who spends his coins is a squanderer,
But he who gives no heed to Faith squanders.

٢٥. لَيسَ المُبَذِّرُ مَن يَقلي دَراهِمَهُ
إِنَّ المُبَذِّرَ مَن لِلدينِ ما صانا

26. Not he who lost his sight is the blind,
For I see among those with sight many blind.

٢٦. لَيسَ الكَفيفُ الَّذي أَمسى بِلا بَصَرٍ
إِنّي أَرى مِن ذَوي الأَبصارِ عُميانا