
I went around asking what is the best thing

ذهبت مسائلا عن خير شيء

1. I went around asking what is the best thing
To know the nature of mankind's morals

١. ذَهَبتُ مُسائِلاً عَن خَيرِ شَيءٍ
لِأَعرِفَ كُنهَ أَخلاقِ البَرِيَّه

2. The church told me the best thing
Is asceticism that blots out sins

٢. فَقالَت لِيَ الكَنيسَةُ خَيرُ شَيءٍ
هُوَ الزُهدُ الَّذي يَمحو الخَطِيَّه

3. The law told me the best thing
Is justice encompassing the commoners

٣. وَقالَت لِيَ الشَريعَةُ خَيرُ شَيءٍ
شُمولُ العَدلِ أَبناءَ الرَعِيَّه

4. The famous soldier said the best
Even if it leads only to perdition

٤. وَقالَ الشُهرَةُ الجُندِيُّ خَيرٌ
وَإِن كانَت تَقودُ إِلا المَنِيَّه

5. The brother of wisdom said the best thing
Is the clear truth without doubt

٥. وَقالَ أَخو الحَصافَةِ خَيرُ شَيءٍ
هُوَ الحَقُّ المُبينُ بِلا مَرِيَّه

6. The brother of ignorance said the best thing
Is the pleasure of the soul in this lowly world

٦. وَقالَ أَخو الجَهالَةِ خَيرُ شَيءٍ
سُرورُ النَفسِ في الدُنيا الدَنِيَِه

7. The youth told me intimacy with maidens
And passion told me the young girl

٧. وَقالَ لِيَ الفَتى وَصلُ الصَبايا
وَقالَت لِيَ الهَوى البِنتُ الصَبِيَّه

8. When I was alone I asked myself
To know its opinion on this issue

٨. وَلَمّا أَن خَلَوتُ سَأَلتُ نَفسي
لِأَعرِفَ رَأيَها في ذي القَضِيَّه

9. It said I see no better and more lasting
Than being kind to the wretched soul

٩. فَقالَت لا أَرى خَيراً وَأَبقى
مِنَ الإِحسانِ لِلنَفسِ الشَقِيَّه