
Like this star in its setting

مثلي هذا النجم في سهده

1. Like this star in its setting
And like the beloved in his absence

١. مِثلِيَ هَذا النَجمُ في سُهدِهِ
وَمِثلُهُ المَحبوبُ في بُعدِهِ

2. Strutting across the expanse of the sky, wandering
As though he struts in his coldness

٢. يَختالُ في عَرضِ السَما تائِهاً
كَأَنَّما يَختالُ في بُردِهِ

3. If you wish, he is the king on his throne
Or if you wish, he is the babe in his cradle

٣. إِن شِئتَ فَهوَ المَلِكُ في عَرشِهِ
أَو شِئتَ فَهوَ الطِفلُ في مَهدِهِ

4. He glances at me as though I covet
His glory, while he deems me greedy

٤. يَرمَقُنو شَذَراً كَأَنّي بِهِ
يَحسَبُني أَطمَعُ في مَجدِهِ

5. He hustles but hustles not toward an end
Like one who finds purpose in his seriousness

٥. يَسعى وَلا يَسعى إِلى غايَةٍ
كَمَن يَرى الغايَةَ في جَدِّهِ

6. It's as though he seeks something lost
Unable to endure the separation

٦. كَأَنَّما يَبحَثُ عَن ضائِعٍ
لا يَستَطيعُ الصَبرَ مِن بَعدِهِ

7. Long has his vigil been, lost in confusion
Like the grieved one in his torment

٧. طالَ سُراه وَهوَ في حَيرَةٍ
كَأَنَّهُ المَحزونُ في وَجدِهِ

8. On the wings of a grim, blazing night
As though my lot had fled its skin

٨. في جُنحِ لَيلٍ حالِكٍ فاحِمٍ
كَأَنَّ حَظِيَ قُدَّ مِن جِلدِهِ

9. The blind envy him not, beholding
Both have strayed from the path

٩. لا يَحسُدُ الأَعمى بِهِ مُبصِراً
كِلاهُما قَد ضَلَّ عَن قَصدِهِ

10. Worry beset me and I beset it
How feeble is man against diverting it

١٠. ساوَرَني الهَم وَساوَرتُهُ
ما أَعجَزَ الإِنسانَ عَن رَدِّهِ

11. How wondrous is fate and its cycles
In the eye of one who examines its critique

١١. ما أَعجَبَ الدَهر وَأَطوارَهُ
في عَينِ مَن يُمعِنُ في نَقدِهِ

12. You tried it an age, and nothing pleased me
Of its jest, nor its seriousness

١٢. جَرَّبتَهُ دَهراً فَما راقَني
مِن هَزلِهِ شَيء وَلا جَدِّهِ

13. Greater than it, that I renounce
Never did the ascetic in his asceticism renounce

١٣. أَكبَرَ مِنهُ أَنَّني زاهِدٌ
ما زَهِدَ الزاهِدُ في زُهدِهِ

14. Greater than me, this, and I am greater
That I aspire to aspire to its bestowal

١٤. أَكبَرَ مِنّي ذا وَأَكبَرتُ أَن
يَطمَعَ أَن أَطمَعَ في رَفدِهِ

15. It promised me wonders in the world
Ever since I left, I marvel at its spite

١٥. وَعَدَّني أُعجوبَةً في الوَرى
مُذ رُحتُ لا أَعجَبُ مِن حِقدِهِ

16. Oh Lord, make below me a deterrent
I marveled at my luck and its joy

١٦. يا رُبَّ خَلِّ كانَ دوني نُهىً
عَجِبتُ مِن نَهسي وَمِن سَعدِهِ

17. And one who struts atop the dust
Better than him is the dead in his grave

١٧. وَعائِشٍ يَخطُرُ فَوقَ الثَرى
أَفضَلُ مِنهُ المَيتُ في لَحدِهِ

18. He plucks roses from their thorns
While I pluck thorns from their roses

١٨. أَصبَحَ يَجني الوَردَ مِن شَوكِهِ
وَبِتُّ أَجني الشَوكَ مِن وَردِهِ

19. I lie if I believe him after
Learning his lies in his vows

١٩. أَكذِبُ إِن صَدَّقتُهُ بَعدَما
عَرَفتُ مِنهُ الكَذِبَ في وَعدِهِ

20. I complain not of harm when it comes
From him, nor rejoice in his plenty

٢٠. لا أَشتَكي الضَرَّ إِذا مَسَّني
مِنه وَلا أَطرُبُ مِن رَغدِهِ

21. I know misery is guaranteed
And plenty is sure to vanish

٢١. أَعلَمُ أَنَّ البُؤسَ مُستَنفَذٌ
وَالرَغدُ ما لا بُدَّ مِن فَقدِهِ

22. When nights draw near a departure
And you yearn for their sweetness

٢٢. إِذا اللَيالي قَرَّبَت نازِحاً
وَكُنتَ مُشتاقاً إِلى شَهدِهِ

23. I divert myself from it in its nearness
Fearing the loneliness of its distance

٢٣. أُمَلِّكُ عَنهُ النَفسَ في قُربِهِ
خَوفاً مِنَ الوَحشَةِ في صَدِّهِ

24. And if I see sorrow for one gone
Sorrow harmed me, not finding him

٢٤. وَإِن أَرَ الحُزنَ عَلى فائِتٍ
أَضَرَّ بِيَ الحُزن وَلَم يُجدِهِ