1. Free is the creed of every free man
I was neither a transgressor nor a bigot
١. حُرٌّ وَمَذهَبُ كُلِّ حُرٍّ مَذهَبي
ما كُنتُ بِالغاوي وَلا المُتَعَصِّبِ
2. I get angry for the noble one who suffers injustice
From other than him, and I blame those who don't get angry
٢. إِنّي لَأَغضَبُ لِلكَريمِ يَنوشُهُ
مَن دونَهُ وَأَلومُ مَن لَم يَغضَبِ
3. And I love every polite person even if he is
My opponent, and I pity every rude person
٣. وَأُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُهَذَّبٍ وَلَو اَنَّهُ
خَصمي وَأَرحَمُ كُلَّ غَيرِ مُهَذَّبِ
4. My heart refuses to incline towards harm
For harming is the nature of beasts
٤. يَأبى فُؤادي أَن يَميلَ إِلى الأَذى
حُبُّ الأَذِيَّةِ مِن طِباعِ العَقرَبِ
5. I do not have it in me to return harm with harm
Even if I was content with fleeting lightning
٥. لي أَن أَرُدَّ مَساءَةً بِمَساءَةٍ
لَو أَنَّني أَرضى بِبَرقٍ خُلَّبِ
6. The realization of the wrongdoer is enough
In his conscience "I wish I had not sinned"
٦. حَسبُ المُسيءِ شُعورُهُ وَمَقالُهُ
في سِرِّهِ يا لَيتَني لَم أُذنِبِ
7. Do not let clothes and adornments fool me
How many in fine clothes are miserable wretches
٧. أَنا لا تَغُشُّنِيَ الطَيالِسُ وَالحُلى
كَم في الطَيالِسِ مِن سَقيمٍ أَجرَبِ
8. Your eyes see him in heavenly clothes
Yet your hand feels the coarseness of his character
٨. عَيناكَ مِن أَثوابِهِ في جَنَّةٍ
وَيَداكَ مِن أَخلاقِهِ في سَبسَبِ
9. When you look at him, you look at a grim face
When you talk to him, a foolish boy is revealed
٩. وَإِذا بَصَرتَ بِهِ بَصَرتَ بِأَشمَطٍ
وَإِذا تُحَدِّثُهُ تَكَشَّفَ عَن صَبي
10. When misfortune befalls my friend
I defend him with my claws and fangs
١٠. إِنّي إِذا نَزَلَ البَلاءُ بِصاحِبي
دافَعتُ عَنهُ بِناجِذي وَبِمِخلَبي
11. I strengthen his weak arm with my arm
And cover his bare shoulder with my shoulder
١١. وَشَدَدتُ ساعِدَهُ الضَعيفُ بِساعِدي
وَسَتَرتُ مَنكِبَهُ العَرِيَّ بِمَنكِبي
12. And I see his flaws as though I don't see
And his virtues even if they aren't written
١٢. وَأَرى مَساوِءَهُ كَأَنِّيَ لا أَر
وَأَرى مَحاسِنَهُ وَإِن لَم تُكتَبِ
13. And I blame myself before him if I make a mistake
And if he wrongs me I do not hold a grudge
١٣. وَأَلومُ نَفسي قَبلَهُ إِن أَخطَأَت
وَإِذا أَساءَ إِلَيَّ لَم أَتَعَتَّبِ
14. I get close to my friend but if
Extremism creeps into his kindness, I don't get close
١٤. مُتَقَرِّبٌ مِن صاحِبي فَإِذا مَشَت
في عَطفِهِ الغَلواءُ لَم أَتَقَرَّبِ
15. I live peacefully in the fortress of my conscience
I walk proudly in the procession of my morals
١٥. أَنا مِن ضَميري ساكِنٌ في مَعقِلٍ
أَنا مِن خِلالي سائِرٌ في مَوكِبِ
16. So when the ignorant see me lower than them
It's like seeing the reflection of a planet in water
١٦. فَإِذا رَآني ذو الغَباوَةِ دونَهُ
فَكَما تَرى في المَاءِ ظِلَّ الكَوكَبِ