
The ships sailed as darkness let down its veil,

دبت وقد أرخى الظلام ستارا

1. The ships sailed as darkness let down its veil,
And night has long concealed secrets.

١. دَبَّت وَقَد أَرخى الظَلامُ سِتارا
وَلَطالَما كَتَمَ الدُجى الأَسرارا

2. Ships are mounts, if not for their course,
Would you know a mountain to walk or travel?

٢. سُفُنٌ هِيَ الأَطوادُ لَولا سَيرَها
أَعَهِدتُمُ جَبَلاً مَشى أَو سارا

3. Like flocks of birds, but if they return
The winds blow and the birds fly faster.

٣. كَالطَيرِ أَسرابا وَلَكِن إِن عَدَت
تَنَتِ الرِياح وَتَسبَقُ الأَطيارا

4. Like planets in their system, and they
Are like planets emitting light.

٤. مِثلُ الكَواكِبِ في النِظام وَإِنَّها
لَكَما الكَواكِبُ تَبعَثُ الأَنوارا

5. They are like cities, but their dweller
Never expects dangers in them.

٥. هِيَ كَالمَدائِنِ غَيرَ أَن نُزيلَها
أَبَداً بِها يَتَوَقَّعُ الأَخطارا

6. I think it lost a loved one or brother,
So it donned the black attire.

٦. وَأَظُنُّها فَقَدَت حَبيباً أَو أَخاً
وَلِذَلِكَ اِرتَدَتِ السَوادَ شِعارا

7. It covers the waters, perhaps what is in its heart
Will be extinguished, so the ribs become more apparent.

٧. تَغشى المِياهَ لَعَلَّ ما في قَلبِها
يُطفى فَتَزدادُ الضُلوعُ أَوارا

8. It sways until there is no doubt that it is
Intoxicated, and the ship never tasted wine.

٨. وَتَميدُ حَتّى لا يُشَكُّ بِأَنَّها
سَكرى وَلَم تَذُقِ السَفينُ عَقارا

9. It rejoices when it sees the ports as if it is
A starved man who finally sees fire.

٩. وَتُسَرُّ إِن رَأَتِ الثُغورَ كَأَنَّها
المَقرورُ أَبصَرَ بَعدَ جُهدٍ نارا

10. And battleships were sailed like an army
Of giants carrying a giant load.

١٠. وَبَوارِجٌ قَد سُيِّرَت كَالجَحفَلِ
الجَرّارِ تَحمِلُ جَحفَلاً جَرّارا

11. They carried people with yellow faces
The color of which tells of gold coins.

١١. حَمَلَت أُناساً كَالقُرودِ وُجوهُهُم
صَفراءُ يَحكي لَونَها الدينارا

12. Flat noses, short stature,
Alas, they do not exceed cubits.

١٢. فُطسُ الأُنوفِ قَصيرَةٌ قاماتُهُم
هَيهاتِ لا تَتَجاوَزُ الأَشبارا

13. A warlord led them, leading the submissive
Who love difficulties and passionate about travel.

١٣. قَد قادَها طوغو فَقادَ ذُلولَةً
تَهوى الصِعاب وَتَعشَقُ الأَسفارا

14. In his heart is fire, and in its belly is
The same as the one in his soul arose.

١٤. في قَلبِهِ نار وَفي أَحشائِها
مِثلُ الَّذي في نَفسِهِ قَد ثارا

15. The steam keeps pushing it to plunge
Like an arrow released in space and traveled.

١٥. ما زالَ يَدفَعُها البُخارُ فَتَرتَمي
كَالسَهمِ أُطلِقَ في الفَضاءِ فَسارا

16. At times you see it in the clouds, at others
At the bottom, its body about to disappear.

١٦. طَوراً تَراها في السَحاب وَتارَةً
في القاعِ يوشِكُ جُرمُها يَتَوارى

17. Until it came near the mouth of Schimolbu which
Gathered the brave who know what happened.

١٧. حَتّى دَنَت مِن ثَغرِ شِمولبو الَّذي
جَمَعَ الأُلى يَعرِفوا ما صارا

18. Some of the chiefs whom I heard
Stories of their deeds in the past.

١٨. نَفَرٌ مِنَ الرُؤوسِ الَّذينَ سَمِعتُ عَن
أَفعالِهِم فيما مَضى الأَخبارا

19. From every den of vice, whenever havoc came
The pigeons visited the valiant horseman.

١٩. مِن كُلِّ مِغوارٍ إِذا زارَ الوَغى
زارَ الحِمامُ الفارِسَ المُغوارا

20. They had nothing but boats, and another lighter boat.
The enemy said to them and had approached them:

٢٠. ما كانَ غَيرَ الفارِياجِ لَدَيهِم
وَسَفينَةً أُخرى أَخَفُّ دِثارا

21. It is enough what I came with as a warning.
Either you join those who passed away

٢١. قالَ العَدُوُّ لَهُم وَقَد داناهُمُ
وَكَفى بِما وافى بِهِ إِنذارا

22. Or you surrender and be taken as captives.
The answer was fiery bombs

٢٢. أَمّا القِتالُ فَتَلحَقونَ بِمَن مَضَوا
أَو تُحسِنونَ فَتُؤخَذونَ أُسارى

23. Falling on flowers and hating blossoms.
Like stoned, but they

٢٣. كانَ الجَوابُ قَذائِفاً نارِيَّةً
تَهوى الوُرود وَتَكرَهُ الإِصدارا

24. Do not know the good and the bad.
The lighter of them, so what of the harsher?

٢٤. مِثلُ الرُجومِ إِذا هَوَت لَكِنَّها
لا تَعرِفُ الأَخيار وَالأَشرارا

25. If it hit the solid mountain, it would make rivers flow.
The enemy ships surrounded them and stared closely

٢٥. وَأَقَلُّها خَطباً فَكيفَ أَشَدُّها
لَو نالَتِ الجَبَلَ الأَشَمَّ أَنهارا

26. Until they all deemed it walls.
From battleship to warship to

٢٦. حَفَّت بِهِم سُفُنُ العُداة وَأَحدَقَت
حَتّى وَالكُلُّ إِخالَها أَسوارا

27. Corvette, all bombarding.
Their smoke filled the sky, and the light

٢٧. ما بَينَ بارِجَة وَطَرّادٍ إِلى
نَسّافَة وَالكُلُّ يَقذِفُ نارا

28. Was obscured, yet daylight remained daylight.
The weather darkened, and its horizon frowned

٢٨. مَلَأَ الفَضاءَ دُخانُها وَذَكاءُ
اِحتَجَبَت وَما بَرَحَ النَهارُ نَهارا

29. As if there was a veil upon the sky.
And the sea was dyed with blood, and its

٢٩. وَالجَوُّ أَظلَم وَاِكفَهَرَّ أَديمُهُ
حَتّى كَأَنَّ عَلى السَماءِ سِتارا

30. Waves became brilliant red.
And the bombs kept pouring

٣٠. وَالبَحرُ خُضِّبَ بِالدِماء وَأَصبَحَت
أَمواجُه وَهيَ اللُجَينُ نُضارا

31. Some mimicking constant rain.
And the two ships, the leading one and its sister

٣١. ذا وَالقَنابِلُ لَم تَزَل مُنهَلَّةً
مِنها تُحاكي الصَيبَ المِدرارا

32. Showing courage, not knowing rest.
One was hit by a projectile

٣٢. وَالمَركِبانُ الفارِياج وَأُختُها
في ابوَةٍ لا يَعرِفانِ قَرارا

33. As if lightning struck a house.
It fell with all its passengers, and the

٣٣. إِحداهُما ظَفِرَت بِها مَقذوفَةٌ
فَكَأَنَّ صاعِقَةً أَصابَت دارا

34. Waves opened a chest that hides secrets.
It fell while the collision increased insistence

٣٤. فَهَوَت بِمَن فيها وَقَد فَتَحَت لَا
الأَمواجُ صَدراً يَكتُمُ الأَسرارا

35. On continuing the fight.
But the other was damaged

٣٥. هَبَطَت وَزادَ هُبوطَها المُتَقاتِ
لينَ عَلى مُداوَمَةِ الوَغى إِصرارا

36. Until it lost control of sailing.
So the young captain saw to redeem

٣٦. لَكِنَّما الأُخرى أُصيبَت بِالأَذى
حَتّى غَدَت لا تَملِكُ التَسيارا

37. The brave soldiers from death's escape.
Some of them fled, but most

٣٧. فَرَأى الفَتى رُبّانُها أَن يَفتَدي
الجُندَ الكِرامَ مِنَ المَماتِ فِرارا

38. Sought escape from escape, preferring the good.
They blew her up and died by her

٣٨. قَد فَرَّ بَعضُهُم وَلَكِن جُلَّهُم
طَلَبوا الفِرارَ مِنَ الفِرارِ خَيارا

39. Drowning, while the valiant refuse disgrace.
This is their story I relate to you

٣٩. أَودوا بِها نَسفا وَماتوا عِندَها
غَرَقا وَيَأبى الباسِلونَ العارا

40. Not seeking a dirham or dinar.
If it benefits you, good came from

٤٠. هَذي حِكايَتُهُم أُسَطِّرُها لَكُم
لا دِرهَماً أَبغي وَلا دينارا

41. Evil, otherwise let it be a reminder.

٤١. فَلَئِن أَفادَتكُم فَخَيرٌ اءَ مَن
شَر وَإِلّا فَلتَكُن تَذكارا