1. Spring has departed, leaving the meadows desolate
Like the melancholy of being apart from you
١. ذَهَبَ الرَبيعُ فَفي الخَمائِلِ وَحشَةٌ
مِثلُ الكَآبَةِ مِن فِراقِكَ فينا
2. Had you stayed, our hearts would not have grieved
Although we lost the roses and jasmine
٢. لَو دُمتَ لَم تَحزَن عَلَيهِ قُلوبُنا
وَلَئِن أَضَعنا الوَردَ وَالنَسرينا
3. For we found in you blossoms
Of joy and water to quench our thirst
٣. فَلَقَد وَجَدنا في خِلالِكَ زَهرَهُ
المُفتَرَّ وَبِالماءِ الَّذي يَروينا
4. Your gentle breeze like breaths of contentment
Your light enveloping the meadows, alluring us
٤. وَنَسيمَهُ الساري كَأَنفاسِ الرِضى
وَشُعاعَهُ يَغشى المُروجَ فُتونا
5. The beauties of spring paled next to your grace
For you have no thorns to prick us
٥. جَزَتِ المَحاسِنَ في الرَبيعِ وَفُقتَهُ
إِذ لَيسَ عِندَكَ عَوسَجٌ يُدمينا
6. Oh months that sped by so swiftly like wishes
If only I could make you into years
٦. يا أَشهُراً مَرَّت سِراعاً كَالمُنى
لَو أَستَطيعُ جَعَلتُكُنَّ سِنينا
7. And stop time in its tracks
Lest we pass an hour that makes us weep
٧. وَأَمَرتُ أَن يَقِفَ الزَمانُ عَنِ السُرى
كَيلا نَمُرَّ بِساعَةٍ تُبكينا
8. And reach out our hands, only to have them return
Placed again over our hearts
٨. وَنَمُدُّ أَيدِيَنا فَتَرجِعُ لَم تُصبِ
وَتَعودَ فَوقَ قُلوبِنا أَيدينا
9. Fearing they may fall in sorrow
Or overflow with anguish and grief
٩. خَوفاً عَلَيها أَن تَساقَطَ حَسرَةً
أَو أَن تَفيضَ لَواعِجاً وَشُجونا
10. You had been the antidote in life that broke its bow
Until we saw its arrows pierce us
١٠. قَد كُنتِ خِلتُ الدَهرَ حَطَّمَ قَوسَهُ
حَتّى رَأَيتُ سِهامَهُ تُصمينا
11. It's as if it regained its strength and sharpness
When your company was ours for a while
١١. فَكَأَنَّما قَد سائَهُ وَأَمَضَّهُ
أَنّا تَمَتَّعنا بِقُربِكِ حينا