
Let us praise the Council of Ministers

هلم بنا نثني على مجلس الشورى

1. Let us praise the Council of Ministers
Nothing was mentioned before Abbas

١. هلم بنا نثني على مجلس الشورى
ولم يك شيئاً قبل عباس مذكورا

2. And it was not due to weak minds its sluggishness
But because opinion was restricted under pressure

٢. وما كان عن ضعف العقول خموله
ولكن لضغط اصبح الراي محجورا

3. When freedom appeared for its men
And Abbas enlightened them with the light of his thought

٣. فلما بدت حرية لرجاله
واهداهم العباس من فكره نورا

4. They sought the path of wisdom, so their value increased
And truly we found that effort commendable

٤. سعوا في طريق الحزم فازداد قدرهم
وحقاً و جدنا ذلك السعي مشكورا