1. Had I prayed to my Lord with yearning
My sins before God would have been forgiven
١. برغبةٍ لو إلى ربي دعوت بها
لكان ذنبي عند اللَه مغفورا
2. And had I prayed for the lion of nobility
Its harm confined from all the people
٢. ولو دعوت بها أسد الفلا لغدا
اضرارها عن جميع الناس مقصورا
3. So it was generous with sweetness after denying it from me
Thus my burning anguish which was not extinguished boiled over
٣. فجاد باللثم لي من بعد منعته
فاهتاج من لوعتي ما كان مغمورا
4. Like one who drinks water to quench his thirst with it
But choked and spilled forth buried in intestines
٤. كشارب الماء كي يطفي الغليل به
فغص فانصاع في الأجداث مقبورا