
A brother to me whose efforts are appreciated and a lord

أخ لي مشكور المساعي وسيد

1. A brother to me whose efforts are appreciated and a lord
Whose valleys delight when companionship becomes unbearable

١. أخٌ لِيَ مَشكُورُ المَسَاعِي وَسَيِّدٌ
تَسُرُّ بَوَادِيهِ إذَا سَاءَكَ الصَّحبُ

2. Has he not made me face the testing of an experienced person
On the basis that he is truly the kindest person to me

٢. ألَمَّ يُجَالِينِي جَلاَءَ مُجَرّبٍ
عَلَى أنَّهُ حَقَّا بِيَ العَالِمُ الطَّبُّ

3. He examines my style of eloquence
Can grief and joy be the same to me?

٣. يُطَالِعُ فِي سُبلِ البَلاَغَةِ مَذهَبِي
وَهَل يَستَوِي مَنهَا لِيَ الحَزنُ وَالسُّهبُ

4. And how can I be patient when it branches out
And the vast path becomes narrow for its seekers

٤. وَكَيفَ أنَا فِيهَأ إذَا مَا تَشَعَّبَت
وَضَاقَ عَلَى طُلاَّبِهَا المَنهَجُ الرَّحبُ

5. I shone to him, I ruined the negligence and ignorance
In which the star and the shooting star go astray

٥. فَلُحتُ لَهُ خربت غفل وَمَجهَلٍ
يَضَلَّ لَدَيهِ النَّجمُ وَالقَشَمُ النَّكبُ

6. So O esteemed judge, you who
Draw water from the fresh, cool springs

٦. فَيَا أيُّهَا القَأضِي المُبَجَّلُ وَالَّذِي
مَوَارِدُهُ من سري البَاردِ العَذبُ

7. And those whom the masters of science yield to altogether
Plainly and humbly, and He is their Lord

٧. وَمَن دَان أربَابُ العُلُومِ بأسرِهِم
لَهُ بِصَرِيحِ الرّقّوَهوَ لَهُم رَبُّ

8. I seek refuge in you from doubting that I am the one
Who came first while all else lags behind or crawls

٨. أعِيذُكَ أن تَرتَابَ أنَّنِيَ الذِي
أتَى سَابِقاً وَالكُلُّ يَنجُرُ أو يحبُو

9. And the likes of me, when men strive and weary
Their souls striving and their circumstances become difficult

٩. وَمِثلَي إذَا جَدَّ الرّجَالُ وَاتعَبُوا
نُفُوسَهُم سَعياً وَكَدَّهُمُ الخطبُ

10. I advance, coming second in the lead
And leave behind those who raced me in their exhaustion

١٠. تَقَدَّمَ سَبقاً ثَانِياً مِن عِنَانِهِ
وَغَادَرَ مَن جَارَاهُ فِي رَهجِهِ يَكبُو

11. Do I live oblivious to my standing and boast
That I am from the celestial realm of the highest order

١١. أمِثلُكَ يَعشُو عَن مَكَانِي وَيَمتَرِي
بِأنِّيَ مِن أفلاَكِ ذَا الأدَبِ القُطبِ

12. Can the full moon on the night of its fullness
Be hidden from you, and the meteors and comets concealed?

١٢. أيَخفَى عَلَيكَ البَدرُ لَيلَةَ تَمِّهِ
وَلَم يَستَتِر عَنكَ البَيَازِكُ وَالشُّهبُ

13. You before whom the unseen becomes manifest
With your insight that no veils can withstand

١٣. وَأنتَ الذِي يَلقَى الخَفِيَّاتِ ظَاهِراً
بِعَينش نُهًى لَم تُرجَ مِن دُونِهَا الحُجبُ

14. So how can that which competes with ignorance in stability
While those of knowledge equal the white and the black in it

١٤. فَكَيفَ بَمَا وَازَى الجَهُولَ تَمَكُّناً
ذُوُو العِلمِ فِيهِ وَاستَوَى السّودُ وَالصُّهبُ

15. And far be it from me that vain glory should extend through my speech
And that calm should be provoked by my words of pride

١٥. وَحَاشَايَ أن يَمتَدَّ زَهوٌ بِمَنطِقِي
وَأن يَستَفِزَّ الحِلمَ فِي قَولِيَ العُجبُ

16. Rather I have in Joseph the best example
And no fault lies with one who emulates the Prophet

١٦. وَلَكِنَّ لِي فِي يُوسُفَ خَيرَ أسوَةٍ
وَلَيسَ عَلَى مَن بَالنَّبِيّ ائتَسَى ذَنبُ

17. He says, and truth and honesty said, that I
Am a guardian, knowing - no truthful one is blamed

١٧. يَقُولُ وَقَالَ الحَقُّ وَالصّدقُ إنَّنِي
حَفِيظٌ عَلِيمٌ مَا عَلَى صَادِقٍ عَتبُ

18. If steel were to acquire the sharpness of my thoughts
Flesh and solid stone would be equal before it

١٨. فَلَو كُسِيَ الفُولاَذُ حِدَّةَ خَاظِرِي
تَسَاوَى لَدَيهِ اللَّحمُ وَالحَجَرُ الصُّلبُ

19. And if fire had any of its intelligence
And the sea's fury overflowed onto it, it would not be extinguished

١٩. وَلَو كَانَ لِلنِّيرَانِ بَعضُ ذَكَائِهِ
وَفَاضَت عَلَيهِ لُجَّة البَحرِ لَم يَخبُ

20. No branch of knowledge is specialized with my disposition
Rather my domain in all is vast and fertile

٢٠. وَمَا اختَصَّ عِلمٌ دُونَ عِلمٍ بِوِجهَتِي
بَلَى مَسرَحِي فِي كُلِّهَا الوَاسِعُ الخَصب

21. The disciplines of knowledge begin to shine when they fall
Into the hands of men, and had been seized wrongfully

٢١. تَظَلُّ فُنُونُ العِلمِ تَجلَى إذَا غَدَت
بِأيدِي رِجالٍ وَهيَ مَنجُولَةٌ غَصبُ

22. I have not been saddened - praise be to God - by any
Quest for knowledge that the non-Arabs and Arabs left

٢٢. وَمَا عَزَّنِي وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ مَطلَبٌ
مِنَ العِلمِ مِمَّا أبقَتِ العُجمُ وَالعُربُ

23. My ally, reviver of my zeal and its illuminator
And lifter of my mention wherever the caravan traveled

٢٣. حَلِيفِي وَمُحيِي هِمَّتِي وَمُنِيرُهَا
وَرَافِعُ ذِكرِي حَيثُمَا اتَّصَلَ الرَّكبُ

24. And my companion since twenty five pilgrimages
I go and return while it is my drawn sword

٢٤. وَأنسِيَ مُذ خَمسٍ وَعِشرِينَ حِجَّةً
أرُوحُ وَأغدُو وَهوَ صَارِمِيَ الغَصبُ

25. And my lofty approach which I do not fear for my life
To abandon - what harm did isolation bring?

٢٥. وَخِطَّتِيَ العُليَا الَّتِي لَستُ أتَّقِي
حَيَاتِيَ مِنهَأ العَزلُ مَا رَتَعَ الضَّبُ

26. And an abundant wealth I do not fear its depletion
By spending it - rather it increases and flows

٢٦. وَمَالٌ عَمِيمٌ لَستُ أخشَى نَفَادَهُ
بِإنفَاقِهِ لاَ بَل يَزيدُ وَيَنصَبُّ

27. I transcended myself, not with glory which
The hostile time targeted with its instruments

٢٧. سَمَوتُ بِنَفسِي لاَ بِمَجد هَوَت بِه
مِنَ الزَّمَنِ العَدَّاءِ آلاَتُهُ الحُدبُ

28. Though I could have said, claiming so, and the ugliest saying
Is that which is touched by lies

٢٨. عَلَى أنَّنِي لَو شِئتُ قُلتُ مُصَدَّقاً
وَأقبَحُ قَولٍ مَا ألَمَّ بِهِ الكَذبُ

29. But one who does not fortify what befalls him
Babbles in his structures and weakness shakes them

٢٩. وَلَكِنَّهُ مَن لَم يُشِد مَا حَلاَ لَهُ
رَغَا فِي مَبَانِيهِ وَضعضَعَهَا السَّقبُ

30. So if you wish, question me about religious knowledge
An aperture that has not been hidden from me, it has a hole

٣٠. فَإن شِئتَ فِي عِلمِ الدّيَانَةِ تَلقَنِي
نِقَاباً لَهُ لَم يَخفَ عَنِّي لَهُ نَقبُ

31. As for the springs of hadeeth, I
Am their turbulent sea and their pouring well

٣١. وَأمَّا أفَانِينُ الحَدِيثِ فَإنَّنِي
أنَا بَحرُهَا الطَّامِي وَيُنبُوعُهَا السَّكبُ

32. And I compiled from the jurists' opinions a framework
By my memory, of what eons had elapsed with it

٣٢. وَقَيَّدت مِن فُتيَا ذَوي الفِقهِ ضَابِطاً
بِحِفظِيَ مَا طَالَت بِهِ قَبلَهَا الحِقبُ

33. And if students of dialectics stand by my side
Then I am their drink and all of them imbibe

٣٣. وَإن لاَذَ طُلاَّبُ الكَلاَمِ بِجَانِبِي
فَإنَّيَ سَاقِيهِم وَكُلُّهُمُ شَربُ

34. And my knowledge of what is in secret with my opponent is like his knowledge
So nothing, difficult or easy, was hidden from me

٣٤. وَعِلمِي بِمَا فِي سِرّ خَصمِي كَعِلمِه
فَمَا غَأبَ عَنِّي مِنهُ سَهلٌ وَلاَ صَعبُ

35. And if poetry is mentioned, Jarir would not be
Ahead of me in wagering, nor Ka'b

٣٥. وَإن تُذكَرِ الأشعَأرُ لَم يَكُ خَارِجاً
أمَامِي جَريرٌ فِي الرّهَانِ وَلاَ كَعبُ

36. And my poetry was not harmed that it grew popular while
Tameem and Kalb did not gain knowledge of me

٣٦. وَمَا ضَرَّ شِعرِي ان منو شهر والذي
وَلَم يَحظَ بِي عِلماً تَمِيمٌ وَلاَ كَلبُ

37. And if you ask about languages and grammar
Nothing, difficult or easy, was hidden from me

٣٧. وأمّا تُسَائِل بِاللُّغَات وَنَحوهَا
فَمَا غَابَ عَنِّي مِنهُ سَهلٌ وَلاَ صَعبُ

38. And my position in that is not preceding
Despite that fatigue and affliction did not tempt me

٣٨. وَمَا إنَّ شَأنِي عِندَ ذَلِكَ سَابِقٌ
عَلَى أنَّنِي لَم يُغرنِي التَّعبُ وَالوَطبُ

39. It is enough that in rhythmic composition I forbid
When strings are counted, and refrain, and tempo

٣٩. وَحَسبُكَ بِي فِي ذي الأعَارِيضِ مَمنَعاً
إذَا عُدَّتِ الأوتَادُ وَالشَّطرُ وَالضَّربُ

40. And if you mention history, then I
Am its collector since the hillocks sprouted

٤٠. وَإن شِئتَ أخبَارَ الدهُورِ فَإِنَّنِي
أنَا جَامِعُ التَّارِيخ مُذ نَبَتَ الهُضبُ

41. No command of a ruled king was hidden from me
Nor was any matter of Sulaym or war concealed from me

٤١. فَمَا غَابَ عَنِّي أمرُ مَلكٍ مسونه
وَلاَ شَدَّ دُونِي أمرُ سِلمٍ وَلاَ حَربُ

42. Equal to my mention are the near and the remote
And those whom earth carried and those dust covered

٤٢. سَوَاءٌ عَلَى ذِكرِي قَرِيبٌ وَنَازِحٌ
وَمَن حَمَلَت أرضٌ وَمَن ضَمَّهُ التُّربُ

43. And if genealogies are mentioned, I was their investigator
And no living soul or branch was hidden from my mention

٤٣. وَإن تُذكَرِ الأنسَابُ كُنتُ نَقِيبَهَا
وَلم يَخفَ عَن ذِكرَايَ حَيٌّ وَلاَ شِعبُ

44. Had Aristotle been alive I would have refuted him
He did not live except that he was for me like ashes

٤٤. وَلَو أنَّ رُسطَالِيسَ حَي بَدَدتُّهُ
وَمَا عَاشَ إلاَّ وَهوَ لِي بِالحَرَى تِربُ

45. My knowledge travels wherever I traveled, wandering about
And accompanies me wherever the caravan lightened its load

٤٥. يُسَافِرُ عِلمِي حَيثُ سَافضرتُ ظَاعِناً
وَيَصحَبُنِي حَيثُ استَقَلَّت بِيَ الرَّكبُ

46. Its place is my chest and the dwelling of its life
Where my sides meet from me, and the dust

٤٦. مَحَلَّتُهُ صَدرِي وَمَسكَنُ عُمرِهِ
بِحَيثُ التَقَى مِنِّي التَّرَائِبُ وَالتِّربُ

47. When slumber settles into its bed
It alerts about my bedding - I turn my side from it

٤٧. إذَا مَا الجَنوبُ استَوطَأت فِي ضِجَاعِهَا
فَعَنهُ نَبَا عَن مَضجَعِي مِنِّيَ الجَنبُ

48. I am the sun in the atmosphere of sciences, illuminating
But my defect is that my rise is the west

٤٨. أنَا الشَّمسُ فِي جَوّ العُلُومِ مُنِيرَةٌ
وَلَكِنَّ عَيبِي أنَّ مَطلَعِيَ الغَربُ

49. If it were rising from the east
It would find what was lost of my mention returned

٤٩. وَلَو أنَّهُ مِن جَانِبِ الشَّرقِ طَالِعٌ
لَجَدَّ عَلَى مَا ضَاعَ من ذِكرِيَ النَّهبُ

50. And I have some yearning towards the sides of Iraq
No wonder the frigid longs for the morning warmth

٥٠. وَلِي نَحوَ أكنَافِ العِرَاقِ صَبَابَةٌ
وَلاَ غَروَ أن يَستَوحِشَ الكَلِفُ الصَّبُّ

51. If the Merciful should settle my belongings among them
Then sorrow and anguish would pass

٥١. فَإن يُنزِلِ الرَّحمَانُ رَحلِيَ دُونَهُم
فَحِينَئِذٍ يَمضِي التَّأسُّفُ وَالكَربُ

52. How many have I neglected while present
And I seek what reports would bring about books

٥٢. فَكَم قَائِلٍ أغفَلتُهُ وَهوَ حَاضِرٌ
وَأطلُبُ مَا عَنهُ تَجِيءُ بِهِ الكُتبُ

53. There it will be realized that distance has a story
And that the corruption of knowledge has proximity as its detriment

٥٣. هُنَالِكَ يُدرَى أنَّ لِلبُعدِ قِصَّةً
وَأنَّ فَسَادَ العِلمِ آفَتُهُ القُربُ

54. So strange are those who when absent, they yearned
For him, and drew near to the sinner with coins of sin

٥٤. فَيَا عَجَباً مَن غَابَ عَنهُم تَشَوَّقُوا
لَهُ وَدَنَوا لِمُزمِنِ دَرَاهِم ذَنبُ

55. A place too narrow for me is constricting
Though its horizons are spacious and its directions vast

٥٥. وَإنَّ مَكَاناً ضَاقَ عَنِّي لَضَيِّقٌ
عَلَى أنَّهُ فَيحٌ مَذَاهِبُهُ سُهبُ

56. And men who lost me are lost
And a time whose fertility I did not attain is barren

٥٦. وَإنَّ رِجَالاً ضَيَّعُونِي لَضُيَّعٌ
وَإنَّ زَمَاناً لَم أنَل خِصبَهُ جَدبُ

57. If I had addressed the people ignorantly
It would be said, "This claim stands on no sand dune"

٥٧. وَلَو إنَّنِي خضاطَبتُ فَي النَّاسِ جَاهِلاً
لَقِيلَ دَعَأوٍ لاَ يَقُوم لَهَا طُنبُ

58. But I addressed the most knowledgeable of those who walked
For whom all knowledge, we have enough of it

٥٨. وَلَكِنَّنِي خَاطَبتُ أعلَمَ مَن مَشَى
وَمَن كُلُّ عِلمٍ فَهوَ فِيهِ لَنَا حَسبُ

59. Every listener believes me in describing him
With certainty, no tongue or heart refuses

٥٩. يُصَدّقُنِي فِي وَصفِهِ كُلُّ سَامِعٍ
يَقِيناً وَلاَ يَأبَى لِسَانٌ وَلاَ قَلبُ