
A scene filled with captivating meaning does not sleep

مشوق معنى ما ينام مشهد

1. A scene filled with captivating meaning does not sleep
Roaring with the wine of passion, it does not stop raging

١. مشوق معنى ما ينام مشهدٌ
بخمر التجني ما يزال يعربد

2. In an hour it shows you wonders
It passes by, becomes beautiful, comes near and goes far

٢. ففي ساعة يبدي إليك عجائباً
يمر ويستحلي ويدني ويبعد

3. As if fate, blame, sea, and acceptance
Were soulmates, counterparts, ill luck, and great fortune

٣. كأن النوى والعتب والبحر والرضى
قران وأندادٌ ونحس واسعد

4. She pitied my love after long aloofness
And I became envied when once I was the envious one

٤. رثى لغرامي بعد طول تمنع
وأصبحت محسوداً وقد كنت أحسد

5. We were blessed with light from a blooming garden
Watered by valleys, so it praises and extols

٥. نعمنا على نور من الروض زاهر
سقته الغوادي فهو يثني ويحمد

6. As if snakes, beauty, and the fragrant garden
Were tears, eyelids, and a reddened cheek

٦. كأن الحيا والمزن والروض عاطراً
ودموع وأجفانٌ وخدٌ مورد