
I tend the stars as though I were charged

أرعى النجوم كأنني كلفت أن

1. I tend the stars as though I were charged
To tend their fixity and their eclipse

١. أرعى النجوم كأنني كلفت أن
أرعى جميع ثبوتها والخنس

2. As though they and the night were fiery flowers
That in my thoughts were kindled out of craze

٢. فكأنها والليل نيران الجوى
قد أضرمت في فكرتي من حندس

3. And as though I in the evening were become
The keeper of a green garden hung with narcissus

٣. وكأنني أمسيت حارس روضةٍ
خضراء وشح نبتها بالنرجس

4. If Ptolemy still lived he would be sure
That I am mightiest in star-lore and the solve

٤. لو عاش بطليموس أيقن أنني
أقوى الورى في رصد جري الكنس